my friend and i were on omegle the other day, and we found 5-6 british guys. we started talking and exchanged skypes, phone numbers, and facebooks, but one of them kept asking to see our boobs. i was shocked, honestly, because i had always thought brits were gentlemen and polite. one of them was very nice and polite, but that one guy confused me. i thought british guys were extremely sweet and charming. not blunt and flirty. then i thought that he might think that because we're american, we must be easy. i wanted to know whether this was true or not. i'm asian, and my friend is white. i'm asking this to anyone who might be from england, and can give me a full on perspective and portrayal of american girls.
i, in my opinion, think i'm not easy at all. i get hit on a lot, but i never date anyone. i hate relationships. but i never thought american girls would actually be considered whores or an easy catch to any other countries.