Talk to your Uncle. You can find out information about NC Freemasonry here:
You can find out actual information about the fraternity in the following books:
Freemasons for Dummies
The Complete Idiots Guide to Freemasonry
- Anyone who says that Freemasonry is 'occult' or who points you to YouTube videos isn't a Freemason, has never been to a Masonic Lodge, and knows nothing about the fraternity. It is a really bad idea to listen to the stupidity spewed by the ignorant and think that you're going to get any real or intelligent information. Stupid is as stupid does.
- Freemasonry isn't occult. More importantly, though, the person who used the word 'occult' is clearly not aware of it's definition.
- The fraternity reveals pretty much anything anyone ever asks.
- Freemasons aren't superheroes, they have no need to disguise they're "true identity." That's nonsense.
- One of the requirements of membership is that the man believe in a Supreme Being. Satan isn't a Supreme Being. More importantly, though, Freemasonry is a fraternity not a religion. Duh.
- There's no such thing as 'great demonic mystical power.' Duh.
- Watching YouTube videos is - while entertaining - certainly not a place to get any real information. If someone asks you if you've "even watched the video" when discussing Freemasonry, they're full of crap; they know nothing about the fraternity.
- There are no 'dark secrets' in Freemasonry.
- None of the so-called "former Freemasons" who 'reveal' anything on the internet were ever Freemasons.