do you feel BLACKS ARE AN ASSET to usa economy & development. or a liability and barrier to such?
2015-05-29 09:42:15 UTC
do you feel BLACKS ARE AN ASSET to usa economy & development. or a liability and barrier to such?
72 answers:
2015-05-29 10:36:20 UTC
This is a fantastic question. Thank you for asking. I hope you take my answer into consideration.

By asking this question I must assume that you are either knowledgeable about American history or at least have an interest in it. Having said that, I'm sure you know the critical role slaves played in the economic success of the south. But once the slaves were freed, no one wanted to employ them and for many whites, like yourself, the negative attitude and resentment still exists toward blacks today!

Plus, as your question points out, what people "FEEL" is actually more important than what they "KNOW" because people act, speak, and VOTE according to what they feel. You obviously FEEL that blacks are a liability and a barrier to the USA economy and want others to share or validate your feelings otherwise you would not have asked this question.

What you forget is that blacks did not invite themselves to this country. Nor did the choose to be surrounded by people who hate, dispise, and see them as inferior. So any ROLE that blacks play in the USA economy whether LIABILITY or ASSET has been ASSIGNED to them much like any FEELINGS you have toward them hostile or friendly is of your own choosing! Think about it.

Social programs were set up under the guise of helping the unfortunate, but were actually designed to keep certain groups in the ghettos to further racial and economic segregation. Are the billions of dollars middle class tax payers give away every year really worth it just so you don't have to work or live around certain groups? You can get upset about "giving out handouts" or you can help break down the ignorance and hatred that makes them necessary. YOUR CHOICE!

Hope that helps! Good luck!
2015-05-31 15:51:28 UTC
I think they are an asset. Although they are small minority of public, many have done outstanding deeds and are notable but how people forget the reason there are not many is because of the percentage of their population! And math is math, ever person, black or white, whatever they do: work, buy a house, buy a car and drive out, buy clothes snd other goods and services they are taxed equally. Thus ANYONE in this economy that does these things is valuable! And so are their voices..if you put racism on a shelf as a liberal arts kind of issue, economics is straight line business...our true concern should be over coming debt snd liabilities and for every young black person who gets a scholarship do you care 'how' he/she got it? Or is it wonderful that someday, after school that person will be a taxpayer and maybe a home owner! It builds our economy, not drag it down..but that's me.
2015-05-31 07:52:52 UTC
Your question is about ALL blacks, but your update is about a certain group of blacks, so which do you want us to answer?

Blacks are and have been in the military, they're lawyers, doctors, politicians, preachers, realtors, etc. so some have managed to get educated and are bringing their children up educated so some have attempted to and succeeded at meshing in nicely.

I'd say a lot of everyone's kids are falling behind in the schools. One of the problems in the schools is bullying, another is technology, and another is kids having sex way too early in life, and another problem is the law, and another problem is security/safety. Way too many things to address for a large population that continues to grow, and with lack of money at the government level (we can't continue printing our own money). A new and worrisome problem is that a lot of the jails are now owned publicly rather than the government, and there are contracts and quotas to be met for profit sake and that's not right. Another is that the illegal drugs get more and worse by the day. And people get caught up in the law. New banking interest and collection laws are keeping people poor as well as obamacare which doesn't work. We've all got a lot of work to do to help each other. So in answer to your question, yes they are (just not all, but that's people in general).
2015-05-30 06:55:45 UTC
It depend s on what you call a liability. A person does not have to a professional. Crime is among all national group. There white collar crime. Embezzlement is on the increases. Government official have been convicted of unlawful uses of funds. Who really is the liability. It is not a black or white thing. It is pure corruption. New World Translation Re 11:18 But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”
2015-06-01 11:37:34 UTC
My answer is not about blacks and whites, it is about economics.

Your economic policy and central bank are targeting a level of unemployment which is considered fine (the so-called natural rate of unemployment).

This implies that it is PLANNED that a 5-6% of people (black and white) will be unemployed, with all the consequences in terms of low self-esteem, destructive or self-destructive behaviours, criminality, alchoolism and so on.

If you don't want to give people public assistance there is only one way:

- target zero unemployment.

- raise the minimum wage at a level which allows a decent life.

It is unjust to blame the poor because they are poor, when their poverty is planned by the fiscal and monetary policy.

Of course an individual can be very good or lucky and improve his life, but at an aggregate level the level of unemployment doesn't change unless there is a change of policy.

Benefits are a very poor compensation for depriving human beings of the dignity of a proper job. The % is much higher of 5%, considering that long term unemployed disappear from the statistics and considering that many million workers are underemployed.
2015-05-30 07:17:12 UTC
Black Americans are just like white, latino, or whatever Americans. Some are an asset to society, others a liability. Only morons categorize people solely on the basis of their ethenicity or the color of their skins.
2015-05-31 05:53:16 UTC
Don't judge a race by a select few. If you did, EVERY race would be a burden/liability. Some are assets, and some are burdens/liabilities. Some blacks commit crime, others are doctors, lawyers, even a president! Some whites commit genocide, crime, terrorist attacks, some have been president and very quality individuals. Same with every other race.
2015-06-01 15:40:51 UTC
They are an asset because the ENTIRE population of the country is a minor chain of command. A chain is only as good as it's weakest link.

Only a total retard would see them self as an island and not acknowledge the chain that makes a group function.

That's why fastfood is bombing and falling fast. Because the higher ups don't see the chain, thus they have no chain of command. The highest ups just freely hand out raises and fat pay checks and they don't do jack for the beginning employee. A broken chain, that's all it is.
2015-05-29 17:30:17 UTC
To put it very simply, the colour of someone's skin is not even a consideration. How much of an asset or value they are should be based on their worth as a human being.
2015-05-29 09:46:50 UTC
I can speak for blacks because I am quad racial. I find this question insulting and here is why.

Do blacks and Latinos ask whites whether they feel they are an asset to the United States? No. They don't.

Here is a thought. Let's just say everyone who is a citizen of the United States is American despite color.
Grace Under Fire
2015-05-29 10:27:41 UTC
These kinds of determinations are based on individuals, not race. Some people are an asset to society, some are a detriment. And both sides of the coin come in all skin colors.
2015-05-31 20:27:07 UTC
I take it that the OP knows absolutely zero about economics. Apparently he doesn't realize that 45-50 million Black people buy houses, cars, clothes, food, insurance, medicine, utilities. They use public transportation hire doctors, lawyers, accountants; they have pensions and they pay taxes like all other citizens. There are about 2-3 million that get some form of public assistance, but the other 47 million get nothing but the shaft.

There are some really dumb people in this Country not to understand economics.
2015-05-30 09:37:03 UTC
This has nothing to do with this topic but I just hate racist people! A old white lady was sitting on her steps this morning while I was going for a run I told her good morning and smiled and she put her shades on, didn't even make eye contact and had a straight witch face on the entire time.. I laughed about it but it pissed me off! and to answer your question we've always been that's why theirs so many wealthy racist whites that probably sit on the couch in one of their mansions while money rolls in their back account.
2015-05-31 13:14:41 UTC
Found the following on the web, racist but funny sh*t :

How the black folk built this country....

When blacks moved into the white areas in the 60's they acted like fools with their jiving and jacking around and the whites didn't want to live around that crap, so they worked two jobs and sold their houses and moved away to the suburbs, and built new houses and the forest and lumber industries grew and the hardware stores grew and millions of dollars surged into the economy building roads so the whites could get to and from work.

Then the blacks started robbing and stealing because they were uneducated and unqualified for jobs because they jived around at school instead of learning and the whites had to buy replacement stuff and the economy grew even stronger.

Since the blacks were unemployed they started hanging around drinking malt liquor and the malt liquor makers had to expand and add more workers so the economy grew stronger again.

The blacks started shooting people and the hospitals grew and new ones were built and more cops, nurses and doctors were required.

People had to buy guard dogs and security alarm companies grew stronger.

Pet stores then sprung up everywhere to sell stuff for the guard dogs.

Then the blacks were thrown into jail and new jails had to be built and more guards were hired and the economy grew even stronger than before.

Then the liberals created welfare, so all the blacks went on welfare, bred like flies and the whites had to work harder to support them, and the economy grew stronger.

Then the blacks bought fancy cars and the auto industry grew.

And TV makers were thrilled cause they could produce shows like Cops and Most Wanted and whites bought more guns and lots and lots of ammunition to keep the blacks out of their stuff, so gun manufacturing jobs grew.

So you see, we owe a lot to the black folk, so stop being such a RACIST!
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-05-31 06:05:56 UTC
I feel blacks are people, to talk of them as an 'asset' makes me think uncomfortably of slavery and all people can be a liability.
2015-05-30 16:09:15 UTC
Honestly, they're an economic liability. Obviously exceptions can be found in people who break the mold, but generally---and this is confirmed by their voting record--African Ameicans favor the centralized policies of the Democratic Party to the free market ones of the GOP.

This entails high taxes and a Byzantine regulatory code that hinders job creation and growth. Such policies drives enterprise away and creates poverty.
2015-05-29 10:51:31 UTC
I feel generalizing an entire race is stupid. I feel blacks are a group of individuals, some good and some bad, just like every other race and gender on this planet.
2015-05-31 20:05:25 UTC
I agree with Kate. The color of someone's skin shouldnt be a consideration. They are as much of an asset as Asians, Whites, Latino's etc are
2015-05-30 12:25:08 UTC
Depends on the individual not skin color.

Anyone could EASIY look at the trailer parks and Appalachia and ask the same about poor whites, right?

Further, Why do I get the funny feeling you weren't whining about us being a "liability" when we were doing your free labor for you?

Or the thousands of Black celebrities, entertainers, and yes, Presidents who got where they are today due you WHITES fanhhood of them?
2015-05-30 18:17:41 UTC
When you start thinking in terms of human life being primarily valuable because of their productivity and not because of the moral sanctity of life, then you start to go down the ugly road Hitler and the Nazis went down.

Are disabled people a liability?

What about retired people over the age of 70?

Women and men who don't reproduce - or over-reproduce?
2015-05-29 16:19:10 UTC
I thinks blacks are as useful and detrimental to the economy as white people, Asians, Mexicans, and any other type of human out there... we're all equal. people of all colors climb the ladder as well as mooch off the government.
2015-05-30 08:10:21 UTC
Seeing as how so-called black people pretty much built the country (or, at least, made it wealthy due to decades if not centuries of free labor), I would say that is quite an "asset"... would you not?
2015-05-29 09:51:05 UTC
I'd say yes and no. The ones who work hard, and get an education aren't, as the one who sit around and cause trouble hurt the economy. But it's the same way for all races.
2015-05-29 09:54:28 UTC
When you say "blacks" you mean poor people, right?

Without the poor, the rich would seize to exist. Just think, there would be no one to exploit.

The economy of the US trickle up, not down.

Who do you think buys your old car when you are ready for a new one? Poor people.

Who rents your old, dilapidated rental property? Poor people

Fortunes are made off of the poor, low wages, predetory lending practices, private for profit prisons, etc., are all things that make the rich richer.
2015-05-30 18:17:01 UTC
2015-05-30 09:04:08 UTC
Listen here..."Blacks" are no different than any other race. They have those that make bad choices and so does every other race. Believe it or race is superior (*GASP* I KNOW!! SHOCKING!). How about we as a whole stop comparing HUMANS by an irrelevant "CLASS" such as "RACE".
2015-05-30 17:19:57 UTC
I recently read a article written by a legislator who was deeply concerned over the black mans seemingly inability to pull himself out of poverty. there was also exhibited a lack of initiative to further his education. Growth and prosperity seemed uninteresting and beyond the ability of the people to grasp. the legislator sincerely hoped that the condition was temporary and the black condition would evolve for the best in the future. the article was written in 1860. !!!!
2015-05-29 09:47:24 UTC
Why is everything a skin tone color when it concerns the US economy and social mobility?

Would you say that about any other ethnic or religious group that lives in the US?

I thought it ended with segregation, but I guess not.
2015-05-29 19:33:18 UTC
You and others would not be able to enjoy your current lifestyle without the centuries of free Black labor and the scientific contributions of Blacks...this question should be applied to folks are always worried about Black people...damn if we disappeared you all would kill yourself at even higher rates..I mean who would the Kardashians marry?
2015-05-30 02:45:47 UTC
asset no they are burden of U.S economics sucking the goverment and taxpayers money dry by using welfare and having too many kids they can't financially support. They are useless unproductive citizens who commit lots of crimes and make property value go down in any neighborhood they settle in!
2015-05-29 17:47:37 UTC
I don't think you can speak about them as all or nothing. Like white people, some pull their weight and some are just weights to be pulled. Its all humanity, dividing people by skin pigment is just silly.
2015-05-29 14:13:33 UTC
Blacks would be much more of an asset if whites would let blacks be an asset.
2015-05-29 15:00:10 UTC
If it wasn't for black people, America would be the dullest country on earth. Whites have stolen every bit of the afro American culture and claimed it theirs. Stolen, ripped off.
Michael Corleone
2015-05-29 10:08:09 UTC
Another racist question reguarding blacks and wether we contribute to society or not. Like our freedom some how has to be earned but others do not. When a white person gets arrested or causes trouble they just single that individual out but when a black person does it, hes part of a larger issue. Its 2015 and the media still has white people controlled over this. And then you bring up racism its "when can we get past color". The minute you quite grouping us as thugs when a black person commits a crime. I don't see everytime when a white girl gets sloppy wasted and ends up on the news people saying "damn white girls are not pulling their part in this community" Nope we give them a pass and just blame it on the alcohol

Or when a young white suburban kids shoots up the school cause his parents didn't pack his lunch right and his girlfriend broke up with him. He was bullied it must be some other excuse why he would go crazy. Its unbelievable.

edit: of course all the racist comments have no identity to them. i mean why say something racist and put your name on
2015-05-29 11:15:12 UTC
behind according to who?

redefine black.

everybody has a right to be here apart from the devil.

respect privacy. respect epistemology. soul is two, not one.

"why you going around judging it all to hell and leaving a daughter in the house by herself, judging it, but protecting your family went off the scale, b.c you weren't there." "#1900TheOneHandedJudge" I'm putting this is quotation marks because I don't want to dig up the past, I'm merely reminding you of it.
2015-05-29 20:49:12 UTC
2015-05-31 09:02:46 UTC
I feel Blacks are humans like any other culture. We are not separated by colour at all. What separates us is our attitudes...... if we all are on the same page to progress to better our world....then why would any colour of humanity make any difference... it is all in the mindframe, attitudes.
2015-06-01 15:38:17 UTC
there are many blacks who live and help to achieve the American dream for themselves as well as for those around them

Not all blacks sell drugs, get social security disability checks at the age of 35, or just watch television and drink and smoke and use drugs all day?
Latin Techie
2015-05-31 21:03:52 UTC
A. study by Kellogs.had jusr confirmed what..I.have. thought..and YA .a couple.of years ago. ad it is. that..racism costs.the . USA much. as 2 .Trillion.dollars now.that money. acculmulated through.the.intrinsic value of lost production welfare programs.come on people..wakey.wakey racism .blows stacks of cash.
2015-05-30 19:26:17 UTC
the idea of equal rights was allowed into law by a majority of the people.

yet, today ,many have lost sight of the original dream. they attack the other ethnic groups and yell racism at every opportunity; yet, they always take the time to give intrusive and insulting comments.

if you think that the current political unrest of the black community is based on the roots of the original dream, it is not.

current black politics is through use of natural abilities to manipulate other humans, and therefore circumstances, by wile and guile. At the forefront of this effort, according to have knowledge of how to employ appearances to one's advantage.

Social Darwinism is a modern name given to various theories of society that emerged in the United Kingdom, North America, and Western Europe in the 1870s, and which are claimed to have applied biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology and politics. Social Darwinists generally argue that the strong should see their wealth and power increase while the weak should see their wealth and power decrease.

Different social Darwinists have different views about which groups of people are the strong and the weak, and they also hold different opinions about the precise mechanism that should be used to promote strength and punish weakness.

Many such views stress competition between individuals in laissez-faire capitalism, while others motivated ideas of eugenics, racism, imperialism, fascism, Nazism, and struggle between national or racial groups.

if you are looking for a racist answer about the nature of differences in our society; there are many groups who pour venom into the natural seams, the differences in peoples in our society, in order to divide us and to profit from it. they distort the natural relationships between us to suit their own profit-motive. when the differences become big enough there is dissent, then disdain, then prejudice, then fanaticism, and finally a social insanity like wars between peoples.

psychological models of cross-cultural communications suggest that we will differ in some things, but will have many things in common. when you blowup the smaller differences into super-natural proportions, then it distorts the real picture of our society. this is also a way of social manipulation and political manipulation. it is sharpening and leveling points in order to provide a profit for oneself. the real meaning of these cross-cultural models are to bring unity and peace to all of the society.
2015-05-29 19:06:14 UTC
Honestly, think its all smoke and mirrors. People just like to make different looking people a problem.
2015-05-30 06:51:04 UTC
black people are disgusting, horrific BLIGHT to every single society they infect... rich or poor it doesnt matter.

they are completely disgusting, destructive, malicious racist hypocrites who bring nothing but hatred and HARM to socieites, they support, condone and rationalize the WORST kind of racist hate and violence the animals of their communities perpetuate... and it cuts across EVERY single strata of life, black people are a blight socially, culturally, economically, politically and criminally.

where you find hate and harm and social people will be right there.
2015-05-29 09:44:26 UTC
the health of this type of economy is measured by the amount of money that is being transferred

blacks spend all their money on garbage like shoes, so they help the economy, i on the other hand save all my money and only buy essentials, which doesn't help the economy
2015-06-01 15:59:09 UTC
I'm not going to dignify this question with a proper response. You're an idiot.
2015-05-29 17:40:04 UTC
Depends on the black.I do not throw the baby out with the bath water.I have seen more whites in the welfare office than blacks in my day.
2015-05-29 19:46:32 UTC
I'm an asset. My booty on fleek!
2015-05-29 09:52:59 UTC
blacks possess only a small percent of all usa wealth and assets. their only contribute 7-8% of usa GDP. very small player. some value but not much
2015-05-29 09:48:43 UTC
an asset to usa. they are becoming more skilled, educated, and gaining rights. they are moving up. they lack businesses and infrastructure. but are integrating more into the usa economy.
Tad Dubious
2015-05-29 13:33:01 UTC
2015-05-30 17:38:24 UTC
Blacks have been great for the country, especially spiritually. There are many wonderful African American Christians who take the faith seriously.
2015-05-30 12:12:52 UTC
African Americans have given our country SO MANY WONDERFUL THINGS. The culture, the strength, the determination is so amazing. I really admire black people and I am so sad that we treat them so bad here.
2015-05-29 22:11:42 UTC
im my personal opinion ALL blacks are a bad and should travel on a boat back to AFRICA RIGHT AWAY!
2015-05-30 19:05:18 UTC
A liability obviously. Look at Detroit, Ferguson, or anywhere else they reside. They already won civil rights, but yet are trying to start the same thing again bc they are dramatic and are greedy. Everything they get for free isn't good enough they will never be happy bc they can't let go of the hate they have for other races
2015-05-31 04:57:05 UTC
this is such a rascist question and needs to be reported.
2015-05-29 14:07:10 UTC
I don't care about black people's rights, sorry.
2015-05-29 13:25:56 UTC
2015-05-29 21:47:26 UTC
does not matter what you are, we all here together, still killin this planet it all just an experiment, see how long it takes us to **** it up again
2015-05-30 06:44:26 UTC
2015-05-31 05:03:13 UTC
If we have to ask then we have a problem. All humans are important
2015-05-29 09:48:33 UTC
There are couple of black people who are asset and really good for economy; but there you have majority of black people who are counting on welfare and crime for their support.
2015-05-30 15:28:12 UTC
they waist man hours by being yelled at from all the racists that should get back to work.
2015-05-31 17:18:44 UTC
Them Sub Humans belong in Africa
2015-05-29 23:36:09 UTC
NATIVE AMERICAN ARE THE REAL AMERICANS!! Im not even american or black and i know this. Sit back down
Patrick Casey
2015-05-30 21:46:20 UTC
I would say that most black try hard to do well.
2015-05-31 10:07:46 UTC
are you dumb? black people basically did all the work when they were enslaved by you white people while you drink your tea in the house and they do hard work. i think you failed U.S history you dumb ***
2015-05-31 13:02:04 UTC
2015-05-29 09:44:29 UTC
Mostly an anchor or dead wood
2015-05-30 00:20:24 UTC
Please, amongst rich people, there's a really large number of famous black geniuses.
2015-05-29 20:02:30 UTC
2015-05-29 19:45:34 UTC
I agree with >
2015-05-29 10:10:24 UTC
racist lol
2015-05-30 09:30:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.