Doyou think Africans deserve an apology for slavery and racial discrimmination?
2007-12-06 08:11:32 UTC
Yes,lemme ask a really sensitive question and get you all hot and bothered! I don't believe an apology would really change much but it would show that Western governments really are sorry for the atrocities of the past.No to mention that the 'slave mentality' still affects a lot of black people today.Ideally this apology should be done by the UK,America,Portugal,France,Germany,Holland and all the other European countries that divided up Africa like a turkey and carted it's people away.And if you call me a racist,you are a....
44 answers:
2007-12-06 08:26:15 UTC
Africans deserve an apology as much as the thousands of other ethnicities which have been slaves to others. I really wouldn't care though. I'm afro-brazilian and first of all it didn't happen to me, if the apology was directed to the specific victims of slavery then that be fine. Second of all blacks in Brazil have forgiven the whites it seems only the US blacks like to dwell on the past.
Welcome, to the real world!
2007-12-06 08:43:58 UTC
Well I'll put it to you like this. We deserve an apology for the discrimination that we are receiving now in 2007. I can't believe some of these answers with "get over it" and "it was a long time ago" blah blah blah. Just shows you how screwed up some people are. Granted it may have been over a century ago(for African Americans) but racism still exists for blacks. If you say differently than you are naive with your head in the sand. To be honest, though I don't think an apology would matter. The damage has already been done. And to the chick that said "get over it Affimative action is your apology is" is ignorant. AA exists because of racism. AA is only a band aid to the problem. Basically, somebody had to force this government to do right by its own citizens. How sad. And yes an apology is owed to other countries that have suffered at the hands of slavery and racism.


And stop using the excuse that the Africans enslaved each other. Anybody that can read a book knows that slavery in Africa and slavery in the western world differed greatly. American slavery was more barbaric. Also stop using the excuse that Africans sold their own kind. Yes this did happen but it does not rid America and other European nations from their hand in the slave trade.


You can thumb me down all you want. I can't help it if you don't like the truth. Sorry, but sometimes the truth hurts.


To AFDEE- What a great way to talk around what I initially stated and put words into my mouth. That I did not say. If you actually read my statement you would have noticed that I said “we need an apology for the discrimination that is still going on today (in 2007.) And believe me real racism does exist whether you want to believe it or not. Nowhere in my statement did I say I was AN ACTUAL SLAVE... You cannot really come up with a real counter argument to what I said so you just throw in that downright ludicrous statement. You have some kind of comprehension problem that you need to deal with. Also I never said African slavery was any less slavery that American or European slavery. I was saying the conditions of the slavery were worse. But yet again, you put words into my mouth.

Before you try to make an attack on me, you need to know how to atleast spell the word RACISM. Furthermore, you still have not stated how the fact that Africans sold their own into bondage somehow justifies America and other European nations for their part in the slave trade. Nowhere in my statement did I say the Africans were exempt from the slave trade. either. So Sir/ Madam it seems to me that you are the one ranting and not making too much sense

Its also quite laughable that you would say I hate whites just because I am stating the truth. Like I said the truth hurts. Instead of trying to justify past and present atrocities, you need to make sure. that you don’t hold the same sentiments as your forefathers did.
2007-12-07 03:07:52 UTC
I'm not sure an apology would really do that much since most of the slaves and slavers are long since dead but if the US/UK/The West really want to make amends for the past they can make sure that slavery never happens again.

The reality is the slavery still exists and in fact it has made a come back in places like Darfur, and Africa, and Eastern Europe. FYI, Saudi Arabia & many gulf states just banned slavery in the 1960's. The reality is that the trafficing of men, women, and children still goes on and there's no excuse for it.

There's no way to change the past but ensuring that people remain free is a good way to start making up for the past.
Dee G
2007-12-06 08:49:50 UTC
I do feel bad when I see discrimination, but discrimination is not limited to ethnicity or race. Even if you look at strictly at racial discrimination, it goes in all directions, including people of African descent who judge each other on the lightness or darkness of their skin.

And slavery has been around since before recorded history. Native Americans (especially those from Alaska and Canada) regularly enslaved the tribes they conquered. Some of the first Irish settlers in America were sent here as slaves, as well.

As for the need to apologize, I'd be more inclined to apologize to the people who actually were/are slaves (check out the current situations in Africa regarding the following industries: gold, diamonds and chocolate). I rarely agree with the views of my parents or brother, so I can't understand why I'm expected to answer for people two hundred years ago, that I never even met! (I had ancestors from both sides of the issue.)

Here's a question that troubles me: my grandmother was born without the right to vote. Women were "chattel" or "property" of their fathers or husbands. Does that mean I expect every man in the world to apologize for how my foremothers were treated? No, I don't hold you responsible.

My response to the sad history of slavery and other discrimination is GRATITUDE for ALL the people, of every color and gender, who took a stand and said "This is WRONG." There were consequences for all of them to be outspoken or to help an escaped slave, but they did what was right. I want to express my gratitude by telling the stories of people who do the right thing regardless of the cost.
2007-12-06 11:50:52 UTC
I used this A. earlier for a similar Q. Same applies here.

I think that Governments like US, UK, Spain and France might be worried that by apologizing they admit guilt which may make them open to compensation claims through the courts,

This would bankrupt them...

While no individual is alive who was a slave keeper.....

There are many large companies and Banks around today that profited from slavery...They should still be held accountable

Also the Irish might expect an apology and compensation from the UK..

I heard that the Native Maori of New Zealand have got some kind of compensation and privileges..

More money should be invested to help the families/descendants of Slaves and Exploited people.

The Jews were handed Palestine on a silver plate.

Also what about compensation for the Palestinians?
2007-12-06 09:08:35 UTC
Slavery was a way of life for every nation since man first appeared on earth including all these African countries some were just better than others, the Europeans could not have done it without the help of Africans, then we the good old Brits. had the courage to put a stop to it at the cost of many lives and a lot of money. now do we get any thanks no, just the same old winging black Africans who's only real interest is to try and screw as much money as possible from us, and divert the attention away from there own failures as leaders and put the blame on the past. They should be thanking us for what we did for them cut out the corruptions in there own countries start by giving their people freedom and food not guns, but they won't because they would loose there own comfortable life. I as a British subject am not going to apologise for something my ancestors did in the long ago past i am not proud of it but i am proud that we as a nation put a stop to it and if the black Africans don't like it they know what they can do! then let them show us what contributions they have made to freedom and human rites?
2007-12-07 11:58:02 UTC
The short answer is no.To ms-chito I would question a lot of what you argued.First you admit slavery was practiced by the African nations but it was different to the slavery practiced by other nations.HOW, slavery is slavery whoever practices it.You say your own people sold the slaves to the white man and this is fact yet I dont hear you ranting for your own people to appologise for their involvment only the white man.You say in your rant WE DESERVE AN APOLOGY when were you a slave and who enslaved you as I for one will do everything in my power to have you freed.I would also ask which part of Africa you are residing at the moment as I again will press my government to put pressure on your government to stop the racizm which still exists there.I think it is you who needs to get your head out of the sand and concentrate on issues like modern day slavery of young girls being brought over to western countries and sold as sex slaves and at the risk of sounding racist a lot are being run by Black and Asian gangs but I suppose like everything else this will go by the way and you will continue fostering your own hatred of everything white

To qwerty great answer hope it gets top answer it is the only reasoned argument I have seen on this topic for a long time.I for one would love to see racizm and bigotry wiped off the face of the earth although it's going to take a long time and we probably wont be here to see it happen.
2007-12-06 10:00:29 UTC
I apologize for any wrong any white person has ever done, is doing and will do. For white on white crimes, I do not apologize because I am sure some where down the line they deserved it.

Do you see how ridiculous that is? Are you placated with words?

Nothing that has been done can ever be healed with an apology, only with action. I can apologize up and down, but I think it would make more sense to acknowledge past wrongs and find ways to not repeat them. I have had black ancestors as well. Aren't I really just apologizing to myself?

I think Africans deserve to be treated with equality, not merely apologized to.
2007-12-06 10:29:43 UTC
I personally don't think an apology would do anything but make race relations worse.

As you can see from the answers here, whites don't think that they were responsible for slavery, which is true, but neither do they see that its effects still hinder many blacks from succeeding economically.

I'm not making excuses, by all means, I'm just trying to get people to stop it with the defensive attitude and just think for a minute.

If your great-great-great-great grandfather was a slave and was set free with no money in his pockets, laws making it okay to discriminate against him in housing, job opportunities, and most importantly, education and the children that he had were forced to deal with the same thing, do you think it would be easy for this man's family to get out of poverty? I think that slavery and the legal discrimination that followed stuck blacks into a hole, and I will tell you, that hole is difficiult to get out of.

We're a lot better off now than our ancestors were, but we still have a long way to go. I don't think we need an apology.

All I ask for is that they understand.
2007-12-06 08:21:02 UTC
Yeah, I know it's a hot-button issue. I think they do deserve an apology, at least an apologetic attitude at the atrocities that happened whether your ancestors had something to do with it or not.

I'm comparing this in my mind to my trip to Germany. The German people are very apologetic about the Nazi period. They say "it happened, we don't deny it, and we're very sorry. We're going to remember so it never happens again." That's basically the national attitude. They don't tell Jewish people to "get over it." It doesn't matter whether they were alive during that time or not.

I think that's the attitude that all Europeans should have about colonization and slavery. "We're sorry it happened, we don't deny it, we won't do it again because we recognize the horrible repercussions."

I don't understand the hostility in above answers, but I guess you predicted that, huh?
2007-12-07 13:57:22 UTC
I have a question for the OP: why do you want an apology? What's your honest answer to that? Once you answer that, ask yourself if there is more satisfaction in someone verbally "making nice", or by rising above the babble around the issue?

Personally, I have more respect for people who make things happen despite their circumstances, than for those who sit on their a$$et$, waiting for others to acknowledge that "life is hard". Sorry, friends, that's just too needy.
2007-12-06 08:16:35 UTC
Well it is a good question. We should not be held by the chains of our forefathers. Do the Jews get apologies, or the American Indian for the white man taking their land. It is a double edge sword. We should stop living in the past, and take the present to live in harmony, peace, and love to make a better future.
2007-12-06 08:40:15 UTC
This is one of those P. C things The Africans were enslaving other tribes long before the white men. seems to have been the done thing years ago and perhaps now. The Indians of States used to enslave other tribes women be called rape now. Serfdom almost the same as slavery Don't forget the freed slaves went from being fed to starvation as free men
2007-12-06 12:42:15 UTC
First thing first A big thank you for happy-2 we are much a oblige. unfortunately I'm not the one you need to tell this too I would think. But what I would hope is that you show it in your action's that your sorry about a inhuman act or that you even care. And don't do it just because you want to get in bed with a black women (sexually racist act) or for just for the slavery, but do it for more recent events that black and white poor people have been left in a long with a lot on other people from a different race who may look down on being black or black people. I'm not blackmailing you into apology. Yes there are poor white people in a bad way too. We offen say black people are misunderstood.. but I can see why some white people get frustrated on this topic because some of them feel deep inside bad about their past and all though history thats all they hear, just like what black hear about them. As people we have done a lot of good in different culture and we should look forward but never forget the past mistake you, we, family, enemy, and friends have done to us. We are not fools why should we let another mistake happen. (you will get caught out sooner or later) White people are the one's seen (most'd) on the media and any event taken place the media would look like it's more on their side. There is so much going on right now about black people being a problem or should I say more is high lighted on black's especially when there is a war on. It's not like we don't see blacks doing good on T.V. it's just there are so many white's on T.V. of all kinds, that when we do see a black person it's normally part of a sugercandy clip for the rating (action/sex you know) unfortunately this is how the media work's, but you know this already and still get fooled, even by your tricks media worker's. Someone have beaten me to what I wanted to say here. But for all you people the Jews did get apology, the nazis where changed and some even put too dead and for you people changed means they paid a big bill... The Jew people don't make that much of a fuss unless you say what happen to them didn't. In fact they are in that means just like blacks always showing their history, and not forgetting their past. besides not anyone can join the Jews race. And for the American Indian well most of them are mix with white. Thats if they would call themselve's American Indians, so fat chance to hear them say a word about cowboys or England. When they do it's rare.

Back to the question: Not to me, but i'll take apology and a one time big pay off like the Jews did and I paid my tax's I work for my money and if I didn't and you use that again me I would say probably if this slavery didn't happen I would had been walking down a hill over some gold or diamond mine with out a care or a dispute and satisfy with the little I had or maybe I would had seven wife's and seven goat's, or even rule a kingdom like your's bad or better, maybe I wouldn't of even been born, well what I would had done I'll never really know. That was taken from me. Let say I when back in time and took your family's chance to make million's how would you feel? should I say sorry or at least help you out of your bad time's. I not saying the help you do just because I a fellow human, (good and bad is always going to be around) but the help that show's you want to fix a wrong that was play out. It like stealing from a old person who can't see well what she is writing, then a year later you feel bad and call to own up like most people ask you to do when you done wrong or someone you know has done a wrong, but the day you own up you find out that they are dead but still want to help the family. Both black, white and other race's do it.
2007-12-06 09:17:08 UTC
Don't be silly, where would it end?? The Italian government would have to apologize for the Roman invasion, the Scandinavian governments would have to apologize for the raping and pillaging committed by the Vikings.

You should only apologize if you are in the wrong, you can't apologize for the actions of your forefathers...
2007-12-09 09:43:52 UTC
its a little late for an apology dont you think?it should have never happened in the first place!honestly,its not the fault of all the white people,its their ancestors'!Im not actually disagreeing with you im just saying you cant apoligize for something you didnt do.On the other hand if you are a white person and still have a very strong hate for black people,then they are are just ignorant and should bow down and kiss our FEET!lol.
2007-12-07 17:15:00 UTC
No.Whites don't expect apologies for past wrongs done to their ancestors.That Marxist nonsense doesn't wash clean.
2007-12-06 09:33:10 UTC
No I don't. I can't apologise for what someone else did and don't intend to. I think slavery was wrong but it happened and that is in the past.
Cesaria Barbarossa
2007-12-06 08:19:58 UTC
Apology, smology. I just want people to treat people with respect. No apology needed. After all, these people weren't the culprits.
2007-12-06 08:17:42 UTC
Uh, it's 2007, and I don't think any slaves are curently alive. Many people of ALL COLORS have been used through-out history. BTW, most of the slaves that came from Africa were sold by their own tribe leaders. So I guess the answer to your question is no...
2007-12-06 11:56:03 UTC
Absolutely. But after all that, would an apology be enough? I doubt it very much.
Bharat P
2007-12-06 09:01:07 UTC
no why should they what about the Indians they were slaves for the Brithish as well they were taken to west indies to do farming whilst they were ruling India ?
2007-12-06 08:17:57 UTC
How about an open apology to the true Native Americans that we slaughterd, sniped, and killed off to accquire their land? Than we herded them into reservations where casinos and handmade goods are their main source of income?

Get over it!
2007-12-06 11:54:53 UTC
if I'm not mistaken, the Africans sold their people to the white people. yeah, it's a shame they were abused and mistreated, but Africa deserves no apology. they sold them, we didn't kidnap them.
2007-12-06 10:21:11 UTC
I'm ambivalent... being that my country never was invovled... and that my ancestors were in fact serfs at the time :)
2007-12-06 08:17:34 UTC
how can u say that?

god is it my fault that my countries did that??


i should mean nothing to you if the governement makes a public apology.

anyway it wont change the mentality. that will only happen through time.
2007-12-06 08:15:33 UTC
Slavery and racial discrimination has existed for over 2000 years and no race or people should be singled out as more special than any others.
penelope pitstop
2007-12-06 08:17:40 UTC
Why should people today apologise for things done so long ago. Do you think the British will ever apologise to Ireland for causing the famine and leaving so many to die?

I am so sick of hearing about how black people were treated in the past. STOP LIVING IN THE PAST and you'll have a decent future.
2007-12-06 08:14:13 UTC
Its worth it for the good it would do. But it is the GOVERNMENT apologising not the common folk. I have nothing to apologise for my ancestors were abused in different horrible ways by the same people.
Pirate AM™
2007-12-06 08:16:16 UTC
Why would I or the US government owe an apology for the past that we were not involved in? Do Africans owe others an apology for selling them into slavery or for slaughtering missionaries or explorers?

The past is past, learn from it and work in the present for a better tomorrow.
Marvin H
2007-12-09 07:50:24 UTC
whites are evil why even bring the question I'm from the U.S damn the whites in U.K are worst than the ones in my country
2007-12-06 08:16:15 UTC
Yes and the English want apologies from Denmark for the Vikings and Italy for the Romans! IT would mean NOTHING!
2007-12-06 08:18:30 UTC
No, you should be rejoicing about the situation you are in in 2007 instead of harping on about the past.
2007-12-06 08:17:31 UTC
No not really all races were enslaved at one time or another. Anyway all the former slaves are dead.
Kara J
2007-12-06 08:16:20 UTC

I think the stumbling block is the perception that slavery was over and dome with 150 years ago, and the injustices and hinderances that have occurred since then are to easily ignored and dismissed.

By drawing the line in the mid-late 1800s, it's too easy to say, "well, you people have had 150 years to make a go of it." But when one looks at all the barriers erected since then, only then does one understand why progress has inched forward, not sprinted.
2007-12-06 08:16:23 UTC
well, I think Africans then need to apologize to Africans. For your info, their own people sold others into slavery. So why don't we start there?
2007-12-06 08:16:21 UTC
I'd be upset if they apologized just for that....theres so much more they should be sorry for. And anyway actions are much louder than words....
2007-12-06 08:23:27 UTC
I think people should just move on. Jews have moved on from the holocaust why can't you?
liv3wire ~
2007-12-06 08:17:56 UTC
For real get over it.

Not to mention if the African-American people still wanted to be mad at someone they should include their own people, the African goverment who sold them!

Who opressed who?
2007-12-06 08:15:40 UTC
Going in this direction, english can ask romans some rembursements, israleis can ask egiptians the same, and egiptians can ask iraquies teh same..... could be a never ending story....
2007-12-06 08:18:56 UTC
Who should apologise, and to whom should they apologise to?

I didn't do it, you didn't suffer it.

Get over it.
Heather B
2007-12-06 08:16:53 UTC
Take affirmative action as your apology and get over it.
2007-12-06 08:15:51 UTC
no because we did not do it it was our ansisters that done it so why is that still a problem we did not do it so why should we apologie
2007-12-06 08:17:34 UTC
From this white guy to you, please accept my sincere apology.

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