the main point of the turbans. the answer is simple, it was proved scientifically years ago (or at least i seem to recal seeing something on TV about it) that said turbans can provide better protection than a standard shop bought motor cycle helmet.
as for hoodies, the only reason to ban them is because they make the wearer look stupid and up to no good. may be a stereo type but first impressions count, and if you look like you have something to hide or look like a crook then people will treat you like one.
as for head scalfs and turbans for that matter it is a religious choice. and everyone has the right to follow what religion they choose.
personally i do not follow any organised form of religion. but to ban or try and stop people from wearing clothes on religious grounds should be outlawed.
by that i mean everyone has the right to wear what they like when they like; even those who want to wear hoodies and look like criminals. they have the right to wear what they like.
the problems arise when people try to force their will on others. banning hoodies from clubs and pubs wi9thout good reason besides the way they are dressed should again be outlawed. however any business has the right to stop persons entering there premises for any reason they choose, however in the cse of hoodies they are only in many cases banned because the owner has CCTV in their building and they want to be able to see everyones face to try to minimise the public liability insurance they have to pay. or so i'm told. likewise for anything that covers the face, a building owner could request that someone remove anything that covers the face, but that is as far as i think it should go. if someone refuse on religious grounds then they should be offered the choice to enter anyway but agree to be monitored more closely by such means as to take a photo and finger prints, before the person enters the building. this could be put on a member card so that the person only need to show the card eachg time they enter a building and show that the face matches the picture on the card. (just my opinion) infact why discriminate in that manner, probvide everyone with photo ID and then they can come and go as they please. if you take a biometric reading such as a fingerprint or retina scan then anyone who feels discriminated against by having to show their face when they may not want to for what ever reason, could easily log in to the building (pub, club wherever) without having to show the face at all. it is just modern life. if there were no thieves about then hoodies need not be band by companies, individuals etc. nor would we have this discussion on identity points raised in my answer.
these are strictly my point of view and are limited to the scoope of the question.
but anyone with nothing to fear would have nothing to fear from a biometric Identity card. only thieves etc would be complaining. in my opinion. and it is not a breach of your human rights to carry an ID card. it is or would be if you were asked to show it to anyone who wanted to see it such as law enforcement for no good reason. but what about the rights of others who may own or run businesses and who may want to safeguard the propertiy and safety of there clients/ customers, they have the right to do what ever it takes to achieve that goal (in my opinion).
anyone who had a problem with not showing an ID to an organisation or business would have the option not to enter that building or show the id. no middle ground.