White privilege is a concept created in the mind of an anti-white woman named Peggy McIntosh. Basically she extrapolated her own experiences in life and put them on to all white people. One of her examples is "I'm white so I can get this article published". Have you ever had an article published, if not, you have never been a beneficiary of white privilege. Oh wait...that's incorrect, because you see if a magazine has white models in the articles and advertisements that is "white privilege, as we take it for granted that the models are white because that is how society was "set up" to benefit white people. If you go to Japan the majority of magazines will feature Asian models (in particular Japanese) this is NOT an example of Asian privilege because races other than white are completely immune to preference or privilege for reasons nobody can answer. Basically what the concept of "white privilege" is, is an attempt to sully any achievement any white person has ever made because they didn't do it fairly, they structured society to make it beneficial to them. In white privilege curriculum the teachers as well as students of color are supposed to brow beat the white students into submission and admit all of their achievements and that of their parents is a fluke, wholly built upon society's structuring to keep people of color down and to artificially inflate the successes of white people. They aren't talking about real systems like Jim Crow or slavery, they're talking about things that all societies do, like have magazines made by people who use pictures that best represent the majority of their readership. GQ has a lot of white readers, the majority of their subscribers are white males, so the majority of pictures are of white females. You could argue GQ is misogynistic by the way they portray women, but they aren't using white women because they are seeking to hold anyone down or because they refuse to represent people of color. It's a market they are pandering to. Just like you're not going to go to India and see a great deal of white people, black people or Japanese represented in their magazines, popular TV shows or mainstream news broadcasts. The majority will be Indian. The creator of white privilege, Peggy McIntosh is an extremely far left anti-white activist. She calls herself anti-racist, but that's a joke, as her entire activism is based solely on attacking white people, no other race is ever critiqued by her (I guess because she's white she doesn't want to be seen as saying anything critical about a member of a different race). Nearly all of the "evidence" for white privilege is completely subjective and arbitrary, like the examples in the answers above mine. All of them are anecdotal and situational or simply completely biased and absurd like commenter "sbbb's" example. Most of the proponents of "white privilege" that are people of color are extremely racist, you will rarely see a proponent of white privilege that has even a modicum of respect for white people, but in their minds this is justified because they know of white privilege and the only way to combat it is with the reduction of white influence and the supremacy of their (whatever race they happen to be) influence. In courses on white privilege if the class is multi-racial and includes blacks, Asians, latinos, whites and arabs the non-whites will all agree that white people are the problem, but they will not agree on which of their groups should have more power, they argue amongst themselves about that. I have a degree in communications, we had to take a language and diversity class that incorporated the critical race theory of "white privilege". I can tell you that the end result of the class was as intended, to create animosity towards white people in general. I think it's secondary purpose was to create solidarity between all non-white groups but that didn't happen in my class, they fought among each other as to which of their races deserves to hold more power.