2009-05-19 00:29:26 UTC
Anyway, he died and my wife was the eldest living relative so we had to arrange the funeral. My wife was contacted almost immediately by a friend of her father, whom we assumed to have been another freemason. He requested she hand over the books, which she was more than happy to do, because she knew the guy well.
Here's where it gets interesting though. My father in law's body was at the undertaker's , awaiting the funeral. The undertaker contacted my wife and asked her permission for a group of freemasons to attend the undertaker's premises and conduct some sort of rite or ritual over the open coffin. When I asked the undertaker about this, he said it doesn't happen often, but he had encountered such requests before. My wife gave her permission.
So,......... what where they up to? Can anyone shed light on this mystery?