After being on Yahoo! Answers for a couple of minutes you start to realize who the real racists are in this country. Sure there are many white people that make it their life to hate blacks, jews, asians, etc. However, it seems like every race finds it necessary to point the finger at whites. I just read a question that asked "why do whites think that asians eat dogs". I'm sorry but I was under the impression that was a idea that might be held by more people than just whites. I think now-a-days white people are one big scapegoat for other races. Maybe white people should start complaining about 'social injustices' as much as other races do. We get turned down for jobs and colleges just as much as blacks do, but instead it's because we are white and the spot needed to go to a black person to fill a quota. My wife is from another country and when applying to schools would constantly be told to put down that she was 'ethnic' because it would better her chances. That's racist isn't it.