what is it about black women that leaves black men running away from them?
2010-07-28 11:43:00 UTC
Most black children donot have their dads in the picture and many black ladies are single.
What is wrong with black women that black men cannot stand to stay around?
29 answers:
2010-07-28 11:55:46 UTC
Nearly every black man in my family including the ones in their twenties and thirties are dating or married to black women. My boyfriend is with me and has seriously asked me to marrying him several times but we're too young and I'm not done with school we're still together though.

Anyone who think she looks like a man is obviously either blind or gay
2010-07-28 11:48:38 UTC
If something were truly wrong there would NEVER be any Black marriages or couples and there never would have been.

Male/female dynamics have changed more recently and that and population differences explain a lot of the problem. Many women are lonely and they have children as an accomplishment and to compensate.

There has also been a problem with broken families since slavery. It set the precedent.

Most Black men now take care of their children in some way, even if they don't become HUSBANDS.

Let us worry about the problems.

If you truly want to help, go volunteer to be a BIG BROTHER or to Boys or Girls Inc and mentor and help some kids.
2010-07-28 11:51:26 UTC
Some bm are self hating, some black men like chasing big booty hoes and then get more bitter when big booty hoes don't treat them right. These Black men who chased big booty hoes end up thinking all black women are big booty hoes because all they were into were big booty hoes. Lots of black men claim they want a "good" black woman but I don't see that in their actions. These black men are not ready to be serious and therefore they play around with many types of women while possibly having a big booty hoe on the side. They still want to play around with big booty hoes until they are ready for a level headed black woman.

Basically, Good black people look over one another. They really don't look for the good qualities in a person all that much. Certain "good" black people hold so much high standards for their gender counterparts. But when it comes to other races of people, they will just take anyone and make it seem like their lives are going great. Some black women look over good black men because good black men may not seem as exciting as the man with the "swag".
2010-07-28 11:57:44 UTC
See you were to quick to put the blame on BLACK women. When it's not us women. Most black women want ONE guy to love them. And that's it. We don't give a flying eff about how many guys we can screw in one month. But if a girl IS like that that means she has lost hope in thinking good men exist or she doesn't know what a good man is. So she's gonna do what she think she has to do. Black guys on the other hand want EVERYBODY! They wanna try asian, white, hispanic, indian, biracial, penguin** they want it all!! ... They can easily get a black girl but they love challenges. So they are UP for a challenge of trying to get someone completely not their race. Black men will always love they black women curves and rhythm full lips etc.....but black men don't want a loud a girl. They want a girl to shut up and a girl that can stay put in they place.

Anyways, speaking on why black men don't stay is because they just can't make up their minds. It's too many girls they wanna screw to settle down. Commitment looks GAY to black men and u know how black men are all about NOT looking gay, they just gotta be TOO COOL all the time. And if they find a women that is the settle down type, maybe just MAYBE if she's beautiful enough they will settle down with her. But eventually cheat and lie about it.

But i'm speaking only for the black men who care what people think and they reputation. Other GOOD black men aren't like this. but they are RAAAAARE to find. Like a ruby.
2010-07-28 14:54:38 UTC
Tsk, tsk tsk. To the animal seeking kindness. As I told you before, we were all animals seeking kindness in the Caucasus Mountain caves until Black people rode in and gave us that kindness. They brought us books and language, music and rhythm, agriculture and cattle raising, architecture and art, metal working, and schools. I think White people are the earth's babies/teenagers. So I have to apologize for the trouble we give. Like a giant baby knocking things over because of curiousity we bumble around and destroy people's cultures and rewrite them to match our juvenile tendencies. We destroy the ozone, we pollute the air and water, we cause climate change, and have little regard for long term effects. We are narcissists. This is the narcissism you see in this guy trying to demonize a race of Black men in the eyes of Black women and Black women in the eyes of Black men simply to sleep with a few of them when his mom and pop is not looking or if he is really a big shot he does it when they are looking to make them mad. Is that really worth demonizing a whole race over? Well, it is if you are a white narcissist like some of my people. Justify the extermination of a whole group of men just to take their women and resources has always been our way of life even with each other (Greeks, Romans, British, etc.). It was used at its worst when wielded against Black people.

Anyway, he is a waiter who is angry that Black people are getting better jobs than him even though he thinks he is entitled to it because of his color. Never picked up a book in his life. I told him in another question that if he wants to stick it to Black people, give back everything they contributed and become a caveman again. Give up fire for cooking, give up metal, give up architecture, schools, trains, A.C., soap, clothing, and even life because we got that from you guys too. Wow. Now you know that every day really should be Black history. Any history you study goes back to you guys. A lot of us would treat you all less ignorantly if history in school were taught the right way.
2010-07-28 11:54:45 UTC
I will give you stats as an answer. Only 9% of black men date inter racially. Most date and marry within their own race. Counting children 42% of black women will remain single and 38% of white women. Not of the population but of women of pinpointed race demographics. 40% of American women will remain single. As far as fathers not being in the home 25% of American women, mainly because of the high divorce rate. Black women/white men couples have grown 200% in the last ten years. It remains the fastest growing of All interracial groups. Of the 9% of black men that date interracial only 3% marry inter racially. Black women with hispanic men make up 3% of interracial couples. Black women/ other races make up 1%. Before you say how current these stats are and where I got them....

Surprise, surprise I got them from the two most unlikely places..the KKK and New Black Panther sites...and of course the essence website because they have less than .03% margin of error. All from the last 9 months

2010-07-28 12:28:16 UTC
Well I'm wondering whats wrong with black men that they can't man up and take care of there responsibilities instead of running to white women so they care leech off them. I don't think black women will put up with their bullsh*t. Therefore, they go with women who are easy and won't stand up to their shenanigans.

If black men want to date out of there race then that's their business. I find it a bit ridiculous for them to bash black women as an excuse.

Personally I think black men degrade black women to take the heat off of them. Look at how many of them are in prison, drug addicts, have babies by several different women or unemployed.
2010-07-28 14:07:57 UTC
You can like totally tell when a white boy is sniffing for a woman in another group. He like totally talks in code. He thinks he is too good to say "I want a Black woman or Latina." Instead he like starts like trashing the men in that group and then he like tries to make the women in the group feel worthless enough to look at him as a possibility like this dude is doing. While white boys have us on treadmills running our a$$es off trying to lose weight and look like twigs, they are sleeping around with asian women, black women, and latino women. I am surprised that people still fall for this trick. The baddest boy on the block gets the most toys. White boys won't be satisfied until all the women in the world believe their lies like some of you are doing and they have their harem collection of women from every race in the world tearing down the door trying to get in there. People think because it is a White male dominated system, other males have power too. That's not true. White boys are like school yard bullies trying to beat up everyone else, humilitate them, take their lunch money and get all the girls. They are targeting black people now because they are the ones that have not bowed and they show a standard of beauty that like destroys the white standard.

So I want to ask the White boys, what is it about us that you guys are always screwing everyone or everything you see even when you are married to us? We like botox, tan, get surgery, and try to be as curvy as black women and you guys are still trying to go out there. Then you whup our a$$es and tell us to go out there and support you in public and lynch any guys of other races we try to be with. Total double standard.
2010-07-28 11:46:16 UTC
Depends on the type of black man. Are you talking about one with a job or a wanna-be Pimp?

You can't say what most blacks don't have because the only time people talk about blacks not having fathers is in extreme cases.
2010-07-28 14:35:20 UTC
Notice his name is "animal seeking kindness" and he is doing all he can to have all of the black women think the black men are running from them just so they give them the "kindness" he wants. White men see the world as something to conquer, so when they have sex with women, especially of another race, it feels like they are conquering. This is what makes them hard. This is why they chain and beat women they have sex with in bondage gear just like they do to the nations of people they conquer. This is also why if they conquer a nation, they rape their women or take them as mistresses. Right now he sees fit to demonize a whole race of people just to get laid. If you look at his question history, you will see that he would never ask anything out concern for Black people so I think all of you who exposed your jugular and started lashing out at the men in your community were duped.

White men used women in Vietnam for comfort women. They still order Asian brides who can't speak English and who don't know their way around and keep them in their basements as slaves or use them at home as sex slaves and to clean their houses. They also sleep with their maids and housekeepers just like they used to force themselves on the enslaved people mainly because these maids are immigrants who don't know the law or language too well or are illegal. They still force themselves on their secretaries and workers and on their children. I was a higher up worker at a high profile company and as I told you all before a white guy with some clout raped me right on a table. I went from being high class to being notorious because White men can't lose their reputation. Ironically, a more qualified Black man who has been kept in a low position in the company because of a negative reputation attached to his race came to my aid. Similarly, as a White woman, I can strip and go naked and run all around the U.S. and still get treated with more respect than society gives to a Black woman who is labeled negatively simply because of her race.

I think you all should examine how easy it is to fall for this blanket labelling when it applies to other groups of people. Why aren't there any blanket labels that people associate with Whites that produce a programmed hostility despite all the things we did and still do to other groups? Why is it that only when a White person asks a question about Black people that we don't question his motives?
2010-07-28 11:57:38 UTC
yeah that's why only less than 7% of black men date outside of their race huh? STFU with your ugly as*, I know you wanna f*ck a black chick, but talking sh*t about her just because she rejected you is not going to solve anything.
cOoKiEs N cReAm
2010-07-28 11:47:39 UTC
what are you talking about?

black men love black women
2010-07-28 11:53:08 UTC
If black dudes run from black girls, then that leaves more black girls for me (: A lot of black girls are sexy with bangin bodies, don't be mad cuz your not gettin none.
2016-09-14 05:27:07 UTC
A lot of great answers here
2010-07-28 15:40:55 UTC
As an animal, I know you are not capable of reason. You don't reason with a dog who is trying to tear you apart, you kick it. So to others, this obvious ploy has already been exposed by many conscious people before me who have shown that the only one who can't stay around is him. He can't stay around with his own wife. In fact, he finds it so unpleasant that he goes into other peoples' communities and seeks out theirs and tries to make mistresses out of them. Every movie White supremacists make about their interaction with Asian, Native American, Black, and other cultures fit this model. The reason bestiality was introduced was because they could not stay with their wives and she slept with the dog in the cave while he roamed and conked other women on the head who he wanted to be with. The reason Black people survived their animal interference into our community is because of our unity. Those who took the bait and fell for this juvenile ploy of an obvious troll represent the mind numbing effect that goes on when we buy into the mythmaking of White supremacy (his story) and use it to replace "ourstory" because we have been hurt. Satan in the Bible and the Quran come to you when you are at your weakest, to tempt you. This is such a moment. White supremacy has molded condititons in such a way to compound our hurt so that hurt people penned up together would feed on each other. This is what happens in the ghettoes and colonies they created for our people. All of us who have been robbed of resource are penned up together and hit with sanctions because we are made dependent on their stolen wealth for employment, development, goods and services and they can cut the supply line. (They obviously control some peoples' thinking as well.) Besides institutionalzed racism, these affects are also found to be linked to high concentrations of poverty. The White poor are usually do not lived as concentrated together as the Black poor do because of residential segregation.

The only nonanimal traces in their culture is due to our interference. Every form of brutality and abandonment of women began with White supremacy and its system. Those who behave that way have been nurtured in its system. If we conformed naturally to the stereotypes they are trying to impose on us, why would they have needed chains and whips to separate families and force us into a low and degraded condition, and to rape women, men, and children. Slavery failed because it was trying to dehumanize a group that was too humanized and knew its worth. Why would they need imposed conditions including financial sanctions (underemployment, underfunding) and ACS to break up and strain families? The Willy Lynch letter explains the calculated psychological effects meant to be ingrained by the conditions deliberately introduced into our community during slavery, the Jim Crow crop lien era, the eugenics movement era, and the neocolonism era of today. The letter, which I recommend everyone pull up, explains that the effects were meant to go on years after slavery. After you study our history from our perspective to purge myths out of your thinking, study our psychology in Frantz Fanon's books, Joy Leary's books, and others. This way you can know the effects of our conditions on our patterns of thought and ways to fix this.

I don't want people to feel that you can't challenge the behavior of people within our group who do wrong. There is a place and time for it, but it is not under a troll's question meant for a racist attack and to promote divide and conquer. It is in a question you may ask that explains that some Black people behave in a certain way because of the negative effects of White supremacy and asks about solutions. This is constructive criticism. It gives context, and keeps history in mind and not myth and stereotype and superficial logic that looks at symptoms without examining the root of the problem. In doing so, however, remember that the problem is systematized and institutionalized. So the solution must also be system and institution, and must remedy the parts of our development interfered with by White supremacy.
Amy Lynn Rose
2010-07-28 11:49:39 UTC
nice STOLEN pic dude. You had another pic up last week.

weird people.

You might even be a white woman. I wouldn't be surprised.
Just Brandon
2010-07-28 11:48:19 UTC
Wow nothing new here just another troll using typical stereotypes.
2010-07-28 11:46:24 UTC
Only 4.6% do.

So that's not alot of black men.
2014-07-25 23:22:01 UTC
complicated stuff browse onto yahoo or google it can assist
Snookie C
2010-07-28 11:45:17 UTC
this concerns you why

if you want black men you have em
2010-07-28 11:44:56 UTC
Race mixing propaganda...It's pretty obvious.
2010-07-29 11:29:17 UTC
self-hate and mind manipulation
2010-07-28 12:57:52 UTC
Boy, please. Most black men marry / date or are searching for black women...and that includes me. Only 10% are dating interracially. I have no idea what you're talking about when you say the dads are not in the picture. There are more divorces in the white community and more white men cheat on their wives than anyone else:

1. Arnold Schwarzeneggar was caught unaware on a microphone talking about how beautiful black women's bodies are. He also fondled women all over America when he has a white wife (Maria Shriver) and child at home.

2. Jesse James cheated on his wife Sandra Bullock with a tattooed prostitute.

3. Governor Mark Sanford cheated on his white wife with a woman from Argentina. He called his mistress "my soulmate." Though he also had a child at home. He is white.

4. Kevin Federline cheated on his black wife Shar Jackson (who he had 4 kids with and she was pregnant with a fifth) with the loony Britney Spears in order to get her money. He is white.

5. David Letterman cheated on his wife with dozens of interns. He is white.

6. Senator Larry Craig tapped his foot underneath the men's bathroom stall to pick up men when he had a wife and child at home. He is white.

7. White men go on business trips to Asia and sleep with innocent Asian girls. They get these girls pregnant, then run home to America and fall into the arms of their unsuspecting white wives. The kids never see their fathers again and the Asian women don't see a dime in child support payments.

8. White boys go on Spring Break to Aruba, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc. and sleep with innocent Hispanic girls. They get these girls pregnant, then run home to America and fall into the arms of their unsuspecting white girlfriends. The kids never see their fathers again and the Hispanic women don't see a dime in child support payments.

9. White men put drugs in white girls' drinks in bars and sleep with them and get them pregnant. Then they deny that the child is theirs.


As for black men running away from black women...that is foolishness. Here's proof:

1. Mary J. Blige and Kendu Issacs

2. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

3. Denzel Washington and Pauletta Pearson

4. Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson

5. Usher Raymond and Tameka Foster

6. Isaiah Washington and Jenisa Washington

7. Dikembe Mutombo and Rose Mutombo

8. Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles

9. Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union

10. Barack Obama and Michelle Obama

11. Wyclef Jean and Marie Claudinette Jean

12. Jermaine Dupri and Janet Jackson

13. Lance Gross and Eva Marcille

14. Duane Martin and Tisha Campbell

15. Serena Williams and Common

16. Mashonda and Swizz Beatz

17. Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker

18. Daniel Gibson and Keisha Cole

Stop creating lies to boost your weak self esteem!

Edit: I agree with Soulflower, Mint Chocolate and Cookies & Cream.
2010-07-28 11:45:42 UTC
black men come to me thats why
2010-07-28 11:46:55 UTC
mmmmm you ask this question in confidence like you know wtf goes on! if you wnan noe so bad why dont you go get a blck GF and see! smh LOOSER!
Claire Redfield has a big nose
2010-07-28 11:46:56 UTC
mm-mm dontchu be lyin, men come runnin TOWARDZ me
2010-07-28 11:46:24 UTC
..but why do white men kill their children so they dont haved to pay childsupport! dont lie or i will pull it up on the internet! White men will kill their children so they dont haved to care for them..please dont make me pull it up because i will!!!!!!
2010-07-28 11:44:30 UTC
Tough question, alot of black women look like black men maybe thats it
atilla the hun
2010-07-28 11:44:45 UTC
idk, but my parents are still together and they've been married for 22 years.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.