whats really going on with Freemasonry ? Anyone seen a secret ritual? Does everyone really have a apron?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
whats really going on with Freemasonry ? Anyone seen a secret ritual? Does everyone really have a apron?
Ten answers:
2016-10-30 10:58:31 UTC
Prince Hall Masons Secrets
2007-02-28 17:54:07 UTC
Utuk said it as best and as much as I could or would have said.

I see the core of the craft not being seen by many members but like he said it will always exist within some of us. How will we ever know each other.
2007-02-27 12:29:56 UTC
I applaud your interest.

If you are:

* At least 21 years of age

* A woman or man of good repute

* A believer in a Supreme Being (do not have to say which one)

* Tolerant of other religions and races

* Of any race

Then you may be eligible to join Co-Masonry, Freemasonry for Women and Men. We are not a religion; although we do insist that anyone approaching membership must believe in a Supreme Being. We are a system of morality, how you should act in the here-and-now.

Our tenets are Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. When Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the man's brother? Right! We do our best to aid in the spirit of charity (usually anonymously) and remember that we ourselves were penniless at one time. We do our best to tell the Truth, even knowing that sometimes that leads to all sorts of misunderstandings.

Co-Masonry was first established in the 1800s in France when a Lodge there concluded that women have souls and can be a force for moral good. We came to America in the 1900s and exist today in Lodges all over the world. American Co-Masonry, the Order to which I belong, has Lodges from Canada to Chile and Brasil.

Yes, we are heirs to the Ancient Mystery Schools, but no one I know worships Satan. Besides that, it is in how the Brothers (yes, we call the women members "Brother" too) act toward each other that matters. We are folks who make a living and try to improve the world by improving ourselves.

If you are interested in more information, feel free to write me or to click on the link below.

Oh, yep, everyone has an apron. I have three, myself. I still have my Entered Apprentice one, my Master Mason for Blue Lodge and my Mark Lodge one.

A Master Mason

American Co-Masonry

Hiram Lodge No. 11 (Santa Cruz, CA)

Amon Ra Lodge No. 9 (Los Angeles, CA)

Sapientia Lodge of Research (Larkspur, CO)

Adamant Mark Lodge No.3 (Santa Cruz, CA)
2007-02-26 03:26:58 UTC
Masons do not worship Lucifer - it is not a Luciferian society.

Just wanted to clarify that point.

Be careful where you get your information. The secrets of Masonry are 'double-insulated,' so to speak. Not only are members sworn to secrecy, but Masonic symbolism requires a vast knowledge-base before you can interpret it. Yes, there are profound religious and philosophical 'secrets' in Masonry, but you can only discover them by watching the ritual, studying the symbolism, and sorting through several dusty Victorian volumes.

And even if modern Masonry fades away, the Craft will still exist, right under our noses.
2007-02-24 04:50:48 UTC
you asked a lot of stuff. I am a Freemason. Yes we wear an apron. It is symbolic an not the kind you are pro bally picturing in you head.

The highest level of masonry is the 3rd. Any one how tells you different is misinform or lying.

Email with any questions you might have.

But i will tell you , although i love Freemasonry and am proud to be a member there really inst anything profound going on. Just a bunch of guys hang out organizing charity and learn from each other how to be a better person
2007-02-23 18:59:37 UTC
Man, this was a serious venture to research. Thanks for the exercise! I learned a lot while I did it! I trace the origins of the Freemasons from the time of Jesus until today. From the days of the ancients to the Knights Templar to the Rosicrucians to the Freemasons of today.

Here is the ancient History of the Masons

After the life of Jesus, the gospel was accepted by many people, in spite of fierce persecution. There were so many converts that the high priests of the Mysteries of Greece, Rome, and Egypt began to lose their control. The teachings of Christ clashed with the pantheistic beliefs and occult practices of the priests. Eventually the occult priests were forced to go underground in order to keep their secret knowledge and traditions alive.

These occult teachings have been handed down from generation to generation ever since, kept alive in the Western world by the secret societies, which are little more than a continuation of ancient occult priesthoods. Satan's plan was to keep his priesthood and secret doctrines alive until, being sufficient in number and power, the priesthood could once again seize control over his lost territories. .

The Knights Templar were established in AD 1118 in Jerusalem by nine French knights. At first membership in the Knights Templar was originally limited to nobles. Later other men who could be used to further its aims were allowed to join.

During the Crusades, the Knights Templar became very wealthy by involvement in the Crusades. The pilgrims gave donations to the Order in exchange for protection to and from Jerusalem. The Templar were granted favors by many European rulers and gained possession of property throughout the continent. Soon they became extremely wealthy and powerful.

Eventually the Templars had become the bankers of Europe, and were no longer military. It was influential in Spain, France, and England, where knights, men-at-arms, and chaplains were organized, each under its own superior, subordinate to the Grand Master of the order. Their goal was to become rich enough to buy the world. By 1312 they owned more than nine thousand estates in Europe.

They were corrupt from the beginning. In the Middle East they become influenced by the Gnostics and the Assassins, a ruthless Arabic military order. They adopted the religious beliefs of the Gnostics and learned their organizational and political traits from the Assassins. The Templars represented the first wide-scale attempt to organize and mobilize the forces of occultism for the purpose of gaining control of the world.

At this point the order degenerated, and some of its members were said to practice Satanism and to venerate "The Baphomet," idol of the Luciferians. The Knights were masters of deception appearing to serve Christ on the surface while worshiping Lucifer within their inner rites.

The Templars merged with the Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucians became a Mystic Sect, uniting with the Templars, the dogmas of the two intermingling.

In the early 1600s, the order decided to see how the public would respond to its occult philosophies. They created a new history so they would not be linked to the Templars. They invented a mythical character called Christian Rosenkreuz. They put out that Rosenkreuz went Egypt to study the occult. After learning philosophy in the Middle East and Northern Africa, he returned to Europe to spread his enlightenment throughout Europe. He returned to Germany to establish a society based on his teachings the Order managed to create a renewed interest in the occult throughout the Continent.


If the Rosicrucian were to progress toward their goal of establishing a New World Order, they would eventually have to enlist the support of more people to carry out their task. Once again, they took on the outer appearance of a benevolent organization but continued their occult traditions within.

They merged with and finally took over the stone mason guilds of Europe, retaining their symbols from the building trade. The stone masons became referred to as Operative Masons, as they were actually employed in the building profession; unlike the occult adepts who took over their guilds, who became known as Speculative Masons.

The transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry took several decades. They formed the world's first Grand Lodge in London in l717. By way of this gradual takeover, the torch was passed to the Masonic order, with the Rosicrucian embedding themselves deep within its structure and hierarchy to become the Adepts, or the Princes of Freemasonry. The "new" Order expanded rapidly.

By the late 1700s, it had become firmly established as an organization known for its good works. With the groundwork successfully laid, the Adepts were once again free to pursue their age-old ambition of re-establishing the Lucifer World Order.

Another new ultra-secret society was formed, enlisting members from the highest degrees of the Masonic Order. This Order within an Order would come to be known as the Illuminati. The express aim of the Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil government. Using deception and intrigue, Weishaupt, the public founder of the Illuminati, and his inner circle of adepts gained the support of Germany's Masonic lodges.

Weishaupt's Illuminati solidified its position among Europe's secret societies as the undisputed leader of the occult one-world movement. Around the same time, Weishaupt also succeeded at forging an alliance between Illuminized Freemasonry and the growing Rothschild banking network, thereby giving the Order the financial means to begin to carry out its plans

As a result of this alliance with the international financiers, the Freemasons regained the banking prominence once held by the Templars, and the Illuminati gained momentum. It gathered men of royal and noble titles. Even the Jesuits joined. Using this cover of working for worldwide Christian unity, Weishaupt gained the backing of credulous leaders who thought they were working for a noble cause. In fact their every move was designed by Weishaupt to nudge the Illuminists one step closer to world domination"

Although the Illuminati's efforts officially ceased in the 1780s, unofficially its agenda continued to move forward through the network of Illuminized Masonic lodges that had already been set in place. The main catalyst for this continued drive seemed to come from the Grand Orient Lodge of France, and later on, from the Masonic leaders of Italy and the United States.

Already dominating the political affairs of Europe, the Masonic Order had made significant progress in the United States by the late 1700s. Most of the country's political founding fathers were Masons. Most, like George Washington, were decent men who knew of no higher aims of the Order and who even spoke out against the activities of the Illuminati. However, with the Masonic lodges having gained acceptance in America, the Illuminati finally had in place the network through which it could recruit members and carry on its work.

Freemasonry experienced tremendous growth during the nineteenth century. This was also a time of rapid growth for Masonically-inspired religious cults. In addition to founding the Theosophical Society, Freemasonry participated in the rise and spread of Christian Science and Unitarianism; and the Jehovah's Witnesses. These cults have directed people away from the truth of Christ. The largest of these religious offshoots, however, would be the Mormon Church, which was founded by Joseph Smith, another high ranking Mason.

Those in the Blue Lodge, the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason degrees, don't know what's going on. Most Masons never go past the Third or Master Mason degree. We have been told that only those in the higher degrees of the Scottish Rite or York Rite are allowed to see the true nature of Freemasonry.

All Master Masons have been through the Entered Apprentice Degree and the Fellow Craft Degree before being raised to Master Mason. As a result the lower orders have no knowledge of the activities going on above. They are simply good men who are unwillingly used by the dark inner circle, as a beneficent front to the world. It is the upper level we must be concerned with.

Since then the Illuminati has grown swiftly. The results of the evil they have sewn are everywhere today. From the French revolution to this day, they financed and organized every war. Currently the American government is spearheading the Illuminati drive towards the formation of the NWO although this agency receives its directives from Europe.

This is the true purpose behind the ridiculous religious wars on the planet. This is why we see the removal of so many basic human rights around the world. These Illuminati supply arms to both sides of a conflict that they have created by meddling and creating religious strife.

They are very secret about their rituals. It is almost impossible to find information on them. The apron dates back to the apron worn by the original stone masons who founded the guild. They are covered with insignia and symbols showing a clear connection with the occult. I have enclosed a few links on this.
2007-02-23 21:19:12 UTC
I suggest if you really want these answers in person, search for your state's Grand Lodge. I live in WA so I would type in Grand Lodge of WA of the F&A M. Form there you should be able to find a directory of lodges in your area. Feel free to contact the Master of any lodge or Grand Lodge.

There are three degrees of Freemasonry. My dh is a 3rd Dagree Master Mason of a Blue Lodge. Everything above a "thrid degree" involves organizations such as the York and Scottish Rites. My brother is 14th degree member of the Scottish Rite. I do know that to progress through the degrees of the York and Scottish Rites, you have to do things beneficial to the basic movement of Freemasonry.

A Blue Lodge is the Lodge of the modern practice of Freemasonry. A Price Hall Lodge is considered an Ancient Lodge becasue for reasons I do not completely know. I do know that the Prince Hall Lodges only exist in America because they are named after Prince Hall who was a Black man of the late 18th century who desired to found a lodge for people of color. I believe he did this to promote Freemasonry among colored people. Any Lodge of that time period would have and did accepted any man regardless of color or religion.

Yes, there is a secret handshake. Do I know what it is? No, and I really don't care becasue that's nothing I should really care about.

Yes, every member wears an apron during Lodge meetings. There is a special apron for Masters and Past Masters.

If you have an opportunity this up coming year, try to find a Lodge that hosts an Open Installation. That is the best way for anyone to learn the "secret" symbollism. I went to the Lodge installation for my dh and brother. This is a pretty cool event. Just make sure the Lodge opens for installation. Our lodge does, but others don't. Don't try to attend a meeting that is closed to the public.

I hope this helps. Have fun!
2007-03-01 19:49:36 UTC
worship of the devil is whats going on.
Jay G
2007-03-01 17:39:56 UTC
Freemasonry is a separate religion that has it's own god (Great Architect of the Universe), it's own plan of salvation (come in out of the darkness and do good deeds), and it's own heaven. It fits every single characteristic and definition of a religion that Webster puts down. Some Masons will tell you that they are Christian, but as the guy above said, you must agree with EVERY faith, which is contradictory to Christianity. i.e. You must believe that a Hindu Mason will make it to the Grand Celestial Lodge (heaven) as well as a Buddhist Mason, and an atheist Mason (Albert Pike).

Don't be fooled. Do the research. Read the scripture.
2007-02-25 03:55:37 UTC
Actually it's a Fraternal organization that is not lurking behind a vast conspiracy. It is mainly like a social club. The Masons teach object lessons in morality, and use the working tools of operative stonemasons to make their points (using such things as squares, compasses, hammers, mallets, trestleboard - like a blueprint for a building) within degree ceremonies.

I, of course, being a member have seen many such ceremonies, and have bestowed the Master Mason Degree. I can assure you that the "secrets" are empty, perhaps dating so far back in history that nobody really knows what they mean at all.

In the "Blue Lodge" there are three degrees - Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. The Lambskin Apron you refer to is a symbol of purity, and is only awarded upon the attainment of Entered Apprentice. Now on to the "Appendant" degrees, which can only be bestowed on a Master Mason, but only if he wants to join - most Master Masons do not ever advance further than the Third Degree - because they don't want to.

In the York Rite there are many degrees, such as the Knights Templar (the top degree). A parallel organization (Scottish Rite) has 33 degrees of which it is customary to only grant 32 - the 33rd being besowed only upon the most exemplary people - the term exemplar, like a lot of other words in the English language (such as "on the level", "square", "dark" - as in no meeting or a business closed, "putting someone through the Third Degree" as in a police grilling, an "eavesdropper" - one who tried to spy on Masonic meetings and "dropped" from the "eves" and ran when he was discovered outside the door to the Lodge, being "hoodwinked", something being "called off" , with the most famous perhaps being to "get blackballed", i.e., not accepted as a member because a black ball was put in the ballot box by an objecting member, etc.) are Masonic in origin, as is the use of the gavel, which ultimately wound up being used in U.S. Courts - with the same three raps as used in Lodge meetings.

Prince Hall was an American Black initiated into a British Lodge. To this day a Black can choose which organization he wants to join, whereas it is virtually unheard of for whites to join Prince Hall. I, having seen the Prince Hall Ritual, actually would prefer to be a member of that group instead! Most probably do not know this but all Shriners (Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine) had to be Masons, and then either York or Scottish Rite in the first place to get in. Shriners (like their Scottish Rite brethren) are leaders in the cause of helping crippled/burned children - most of the work by their doctors being done without fees of any kind.

There are affiliated groups for women and girls, such as Jacob's Daughters and the Order of The Eastern Star. The basic idea of separating the sexes is to keep the thought pure in the meetings so that sexual dynamics do not enter in.

Now let's talk about the handshake. Actually, every degree has at least one, with at least one or more secret passwords, most of them taken directly out of the Bible. To advance, EVERY WORD of a recap of the ritual in each degree must be memorized and spoken with at leat 98% accuracy or the member may not advance. The speeches that must be given are at least 5,000 words long each. But more amazingly, the ritual conducted by the Master of the Lodge to bestow each degree has about 10 -15,000 words in it that also must be learned before a Master can bestow that degree! In each degree there are pledges to not reveal the ritual to any outsider, under what must appear to the outside world to be horrible penalties, such as to have one's body cut in half and burned to ashes, etc. All of this ritual, all the handshakes and passwords have been revealed and are readily available on the internet and in books. The real message in all this was that the member should never reveal any of this as a sign of respect and also to show force of personality in resisting the easy path. So while it might sound crazy, as all this has been put out to the public, I for one will never share what I saw in the Lodge Meeting because I swore not to.

By the way, the Boston Tea Party was planned in a Masonic Lodge meeting. Most of the Founding Fathers (Franklin, Ethan Allen, etc.) and many earlier presidents (Washington, Truman, the Roosevelts, McKinley, etc.) were Masons, as were the Kings of England from George I to the present (Prince Charles does not wish to join - after all it has to be your own free will and accord - no one can force you into it). Many old-time celebrities such as George Gershwin, Cecil B. Demille, Clark Gable, Will Rogers, Wallace Beery, Danny Kaye and Danny Thomas were members, as were Napoleon, Douglas MacArthur, Admiral Dewey and other prominent military men, as were scientists Thomas Edison and Marconi and writers Norman Vincent Peale and Mark Twain.

But the reality of the situation is that younger people today really don't care for any of this sort of thing, and I suspect (unless I am mistaken) that in 100 years the Masons will not exist any more.

To Barbara L: There is historical evidence that the fraternity goes back to the Egyptian Pharoahs - with one researcher saying that one of the degrees is an adaptation of a "King-making" ceremony wherein a prince is elevated to the next level; and one of the rituals has a direct parallel in an occurrence of an ancient Egyptian's death (in the researcher's opinion). And by the way another major premise of this researcher as well as certain conspiracy theorists is that the Egptian Pharaohs passed down these rituals to the pre-jewish Jews (ethnic, before Judaism was a religion), as well as passing down to them the myths of Isis and Osiris. Just trust me, I, as a Mason, have never seen any of that in any regard within any Masonic meeting whatsoever.

As for your major premise that the Illuminati have taken over the Masons of the higher degrees in the Scottish Rite and worship Lucifer (originally a Moon God in the Mid-East) can neither be proven nor denied - but the majority of the members worldwide are not Scottish Rite anyway, so they would have no bearing on your sinister plot - in fact, just to let you know the vast majority of Masons in the world happen to be Christian (in particlar Prince Hall). So if indeed Satan is using his powers to mess up the world, do not attribute that motivation to the decent Masons who hate Satan as much as I, and apparently you, do.

Another bit of info: In the King James version in the Book of Revelation there is a passage where it says in italics that after the Anti-Christ takes over that "no more could be found any member of the Craft", which, since King James himself was a Mason (The Grandmaster in the UK), was a veiled message to Masons who might be alive during the End Times that such a person eliminating "Members of the Craft" (as Masons sometimes call each other) was a sign that the Anti-Christ was indeed upon the scene, as it was imperative that "he who has an eye, see; and he an ear, hear" - that is, pay attention to what was happening to prepare for the Second Coming.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.