Yes she is. People are misunderstanding the question. It does not mean that black women never suffer domestic violence or have children out of wedlock, but the fact of the black race surviving what it did, would not have happened without the strength of the black woman. Let me explain.
During slavery, the males were often just used as studs, the black female typically was the sole caretaker of raising the child, in addition to her duties as a slave. After slavery, during segregation, job opportunities were slim for black males, many moved up North to the big cities to get work, who was left to hold down the fort? The black woman. Many times she has been forced to take on the role of woman and man, and not lose her head.
In most cultures, the male was the head, and took on the resonsibility of working and making the decisions, while the woman was at home. In the black family, the black woman never had that luxury. That's probably why you do not see a lot of black feminists, they were already in the workforce and having to take the lead, they were forced to do so, much earlier than white women began to enter the work force, that did not happen until WWII.
The first self made female millionaire in America was a black woman, Madam CJ Walker. Also, black women had to fight racism and sexism, and was often viewed as the bottom of the totem pole in American heirarchy:
white man
white woman
black man
black woman
All of this, yet black women are succeeding, some even more so than black men, and they often hold the family together. That is why Larry King said that. Please read the link below, very interesting.