Is the Black woman the strongest individual figure in America?
Too Sense
2009-02-20 21:17:31 UTC
I just heard Larry King say that to Tyler Perry. Agree?
21 answers:
2009-02-20 22:37:04 UTC
I'm so annoyed by all these percentages and **** some of y'all keep throwing out there. First of all we only make up 13/14% of the population. Segregation only ended like 50 years agos. Back then you muthafu**cka's (white) parents could go get a job at a nuclear facility or hi tech job without a degree or anything just because you were being white. Then you muthfu**cka's set up a system where you gotta go to college to do anything knowing that 1st and 2nd desegregate blacks wouldn't be ablr to afford. Show a black man how to do anything and he'll do it 10x better than you. Y'all bullshit are schools, even with scholarships y'all end a better position to go school than us. And I personally think the whole k thru 12 set up is bullshit. How you gone say you went to school for 12yrs and then come out without a degree, everyone knows that you it's easier to learn **** when you're young. I have an A.S in computer programming and the typical prototype caucasian always get the job before me. I was fortunate enough to cut my own lane. I don't believe the statistics in the since that there told. No matter how many black folks who are on food stamps there are way->way more white ppl on foodstamps and getting government aid. I don't like how they portray my brothers and sisters in Africa for 1 bc how you going to say someone has AIDS just because they cough. It takes one stripe there for someone to beconsidered to havve H.I.V. 2 stripes here and 3 stripes in Canada, to be honest I don't even believe that it's a true std. (Read Dr. Peter Duesenburg-the man who discovered the retro virus-google the movie the otherside of AIDS) I've seen tons of single parent family statisrics and remember white ppl make up more than 70% of the population so no matter how big our numbers seem relative to our population, yours will alwaya be bigger compared to ours-relatively. I usually try to stay away from this section of Y!A but I see i'm going to have visit once and awhile to slap some of you crackers across the face with my big black di**ck. That's why you muthafu**cka's have to go and have operations and pay for it.
2009-02-22 15:02:20 UTC
Yes she is. People are misunderstanding the question. It does not mean that black women never suffer domestic violence or have children out of wedlock, but the fact of the black race surviving what it did, would not have happened without the strength of the black woman. Let me explain.

During slavery, the males were often just used as studs, the black female typically was the sole caretaker of raising the child, in addition to her duties as a slave. After slavery, during segregation, job opportunities were slim for black males, many moved up North to the big cities to get work, who was left to hold down the fort? The black woman. Many times she has been forced to take on the role of woman and man, and not lose her head.

In most cultures, the male was the head, and took on the resonsibility of working and making the decisions, while the woman was at home. In the black family, the black woman never had that luxury. That's probably why you do not see a lot of black feminists, they were already in the workforce and having to take the lead, they were forced to do so, much earlier than white women began to enter the work force, that did not happen until WWII.

The first self made female millionaire in America was a black woman, Madam CJ Walker. Also, black women had to fight racism and sexism, and was often viewed as the bottom of the totem pole in American heirarchy:

white man

white woman

black man

black woman

All of this, yet black women are succeeding, some even more so than black men, and they often hold the family together. That is why Larry King said that. Please read the link below, very interesting.
2016-05-27 14:59:37 UTC
Because through history we have always been on the bottom of the totem pole. During slavery we worked right next to our men. Black women were beaten and raped and birthed 1/2 white children. Black women raised the children of their slave owners. Especially during WWII when most women were able to take on jobs most men weren't doing because they were fighting in the war. Before this, women were not able to have these jobs due to what is known as "The Glass Ceiling" which keeps women and minorities from advancing in the work place. Black men were able to fight in the war along with white men and were paid equally. White women dominated this new lifestyle for women. Black women had two strikes being black and a woman. However, they made a way of survival taking on jobs such as cleaning and the few who were given a regular job excelled. People take the history of the black woman's life in America and see how much she has progressed today and are amazed. No one else in history has shown the strength of the black woman.
2009-02-22 12:06:19 UTC
Look at history, you will find the answer to your question.

Harriet Tubman, Madame C.J. Walker, Mary McCloud Bethune and so many others. Giving birth to the child who is a result of the master's rape, breastfeeding and caring for the masters children, fighting for your rights right next to your brothers. Sitting in the front of the bus because you know you deserve to even when others say your black skin is not worthy. Even though some black men say you're not good enough when they really just want a weaker woman who will stand for anything and not tell them about their not so good ways. 62% of black women are in the workforce. Sorry, but the stereotypical Sha Nae Nae does not represent all of us! Our strength is passed from generation to generation. Michele Obama said she loves Barack because he is one of the few men she knows who is not afraid of a strong woman. Black women are survivors. We are born to be. Larry King would not be saying it if it were not true! JEALOUSY IS A BAD THING AND AN OBVIOUS THING. NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD HAS SHOWN THE STREGNTH OF A BLACK WOMAN. LARRY KING IS SAYING IT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE SORRY IF THAT MAKES YOU ANGRY!
2009-02-22 00:26:43 UTC
I believe it. I am one. First I am a woman... always second to a man no matter how hard I work. Next I am Black... always second to the White. My hierachy is White males, white females, Black males and then there's me and still I rise. And still I rise.
2009-02-20 22:04:21 UTC
Yes, people wish they had our strength :-D We ( Or at least i feel like I do) deal with a lot of things that no one cares to hear about. The world is filled with cowards in comparison :-D
See ya
2009-02-20 21:23:57 UTC
black women on average....maybe, all the crap the deal with. Madea, however, is nothing but the result of people promoting ignorance of the character and the author. Everyone has their strengths!
2009-02-20 21:20:22 UTC
Maybe he thinks Madea is the craziest black woman in America.
2009-02-20 21:24:56 UTC

black women are most likely the ones who


take care of children (most of the time alone)

pay their own bills


you have people like Michelle Obama who isnt a single parent or paying her own bills

this is why black women are the strongest individuals because they can be used 2 represent EVERY class and EVERY occupation...=]
2009-02-20 21:55:11 UTC
Don't Steal My Answer RIP MJ
2009-02-20 21:36:45 UTC
RIHANNA represents strong black women? Funny. I wonder why "Oprah" doesn't or why "Condoleezza" doesn't.


80% have children out of wedlock? Oh whatever.

Anyway, no, I wouldn't, because that is silly.
2009-02-20 21:27:42 UTC
Greg your making up percentages so shut the [explict] UP! Stop talking crap with no proof to back it up
2009-02-20 21:23:08 UTC

Except maybe for Florida Evans.
2009-02-20 21:23:24 UTC
They have to raise their kids since the fathers are in jail or have too many kids to support the ones they have. NOT ALL of them but a lot of them
2009-02-20 21:26:38 UTC
I have a different level of respect for them, considering what they have to face in society, regardless of social class. They got the backbones to stick it out whenever it get's tough and they do what they have to do to get their jobs done. I have yet to see that with someone else.
2009-02-20 21:24:35 UTC
no. The black puerto rican girl is the hottest and strongest individual in america. I love u LALA. She is hot
2009-02-20 21:27:30 UTC
Ask Rihanna
2009-02-20 21:31:51 UTC
2009-02-20 21:21:39 UTC
yes, but they are a bit too strong, it puts off men. no one wants to marry someone like their mum
2009-02-20 21:20:58 UTC
Considering that 80% of them who have children do so out of wedlock, and that the number one cause of death of black women ages 15 - 45 is black men, I'd say no. And check my sources if you don't believe me.

Edit: Oh really, I don't have proof?

For domestic violence:

And for out of birth wedlocks (my mistake, it is 86% of black women conceive children out of wedlock):
2009-02-20 21:23:53 UTC

i love that pinky girls comments.

im white and mexican.

lets go girrl =]

i doubt your that strong!!!

haha niggga!

i work 3 jobs, and take care of my kids. help with my neice. teach a part time class.

so techniqually 4 jobs.


im getting thumbs down for this.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.