Why can't Europe protect its culture like Asia?
2007-06-06 16:08:00 UTC
Every other country except for European countries and European derived countries are or nearly racially homogeneous. Asia is almost 100% Asian, The Middle East is almost 100% Arab, India is almost 100% Indian, Africa is almost 100% African, etc.. Whereas all Western nations have at least a 5% share of non-Europeans. With France and England being at least 20% non-European. All those Asian countries are 99.9% Asian (especially Japan and N/S Korea) Nearly all the Middle Eastern countries are 99.9% Arab. And just about every African nation is 99.9% African.

The Japanese government has bluntly stated that they "want to remain Japanese and preserve their culture". Well, why can't a nation like Italy remain Italian and preserve their culture? Even East European nations are now being forced to open its borders to non-European immigration. Even a once homogeneous nation like Iceland. Just because a few europeans killed the native indians, etc doesn't mean the whole race has to be punished.
Ten answers:
2007-06-06 16:12:41 UTC
It probably has to do with the fact that nobody wants to live in Asia or the Middle East, whereas everyone wants to live in Europe and the USA.

Japan is also the most racist country on the planet, so that kinda helps too.
2007-06-06 16:29:39 UTC
What's so great about racially homogenous societies? Are you inferring that as countries and societies become more diverse their culture is threatened?

First of all, Asian societies are notoriously racist - the Chinese hate the Vietnamese, the Japanese hate the Chinese, the Lao hate the Thai ... so why would any society want to emulate that?

As for the Middle East, it is NOT almost 100% Arab as you say. Much of the Middle East is populated by Africans and the descendents of Africans. As for the Iranians and the Kurds, they're not Arabs, they're Indo-Europeans.

"Just because a few europeans killed the native indians, etc doesn't mean the whole race has to be punished." - What the hell does that mean? Who is "punishing" the Europeans? Immigrants? What a bunch of racist crap.

And since when has European culture been threatened? Please. While it is true that Europe and other liberal societies are having to deal with certain, regrettable social customs amongst some immigrants (female circumcision, honor killings, etc.), the vast majority of immigrants become productive members of society. If we really care about the preservation of culture, then we have to respect other cultures and promote secular democracy, not racial segregation as you seem to be suggesting.

Frankly, I'll be happy when international borders (which are pretty porous anyway) are broken down and people are allowed to immigrate wherever they want.
2007-06-06 16:22:25 UTC
After living in Europe for a couple of years, I was amazed to come home and see African Americans, not people that were speaking with an actual African accent.

The reason that they have such a hard time preserving the culture is because they have united as the European Union (EU). This opened up the borders from Italy to Portugal, to Belgium, to the newest members in the east. When they became the EU, they established rules-kind of like the united states-where each country (or state) has to live by those rules. Allowing so many refugees in is part of that law. And if a country lets more than their fair share of refugees in, the EU rewards them with money with which to take care of those extra people.

The people that I know who are originally from Europe pride themselves in tolerance for all people, races, and culture. For this reason, the cultures are colliding, which makes it seem like the culture is disappearing. The culture is still there, but with the integration of those new cultures, the borders and lines between cultures are fading.

I guess to sum it all up, the Europeans are being tolerant and exploring things outside their own backyard, and when they find something they like, they embrace it.
2007-06-06 16:49:24 UTC
Western cultures have generally been more interested in advancement than maintaining traditions. Move forward, not backward. Whereas those cultures who remain as they are have strong roots and beliefs in not changing. It has worked for this long, why change it?

I agree that it is Europeans who, for the most part, sought to conquer the rest of the world with their culture; to explore curiously without the first idea of how their actions would affect them in the future. Asians did not tend to expand like this, aside from the mongols, which, I hate to tell you, have influenced China and both of the Koreas.

As for the Japanese stating that they want to remain Japanese and preserve their culture, they have always had strong roots and beliefs in tradition, so even with modernization, they remain traditional and preserve the culture they are very aware and proud of.
2007-06-06 16:57:42 UTC
.......the Middle East is NOT 100% Arab! Iran is NOT an Arab country (they speak Persian and are bit whiter than Arabs); Turkey is not Arab, Israel is not Arab, Iraq and Turkey have large Kurdish minorities, most of North Africa is not Arab either -- they actually belong to an ethnic group called "Berbers", even though they speak Arabic. In fact, the only mostly Arab Middle Eastern countries are Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi, and Jordan.

Asia: you make sound like Asian was a race; the Japanese considered themselves very different from the Chinese and Koreans, to the Japanese, Chinese are just as "gaijin" as Americans!

Africa: an EXTREMELY diverse continent!! Explaining the ethnic situation in Africa will go beyond the scope of this answer.

To an extent, you have a point with regards to Britain and France. Germany and most of northern Europe is headed in their direction, too. But the mediterranean remains very xenophobic, especially Greece.
2007-06-06 17:14:20 UTC
I'm sorry but you have made a mistake in your writing there is a country in middle east that is called Iran. Iranians are not Arabs they are Persians. So only 75% of middle east is Arab.

Asians keep their culture because they think that they are superior and the way that they show this is by protect their culture and respect their traditions. Asians think that their culture is the best way to show where they are from and choose the right path. By this way they could show that they have the best culture to the world and even respect their ancestors.

This would even would protect the history of their country.
2007-06-07 08:26:23 UTC
Europe has its own culture which is based on racial megalomania. The spirit of self-interest has made it a colonial power, agent of exploitation.The invasions in the East has demolished the cultural spontaneity of the invaded lands. The flesh &blood were sucked out and only the skeleton remains. Even the patent for Yoga has been denied to the real practitioners of this ancient Indian system. This European cultural outlook is based on violence. On the other hand the Eastern attitude is non-violent..This has led to conversions of the eastern people to Christianity. Hence in the matter of culture no part of the world can remain uninfluenced by each other...
2016-10-07 04:31:14 UTC
inhabitants probabilities do no longer equivalent subculture. Japan could be ninety 9.9% jap yet they have observed alot of eu subculture. i do no longer see any eu worldwide places dropping theirs. Western subculture is exceedingly physically powerful. merely seem at clothing, television, song, movie, books, paintings, and so on. and you will see that our subculture is exceedingly energetic and not dropping floor to Asian song, clothing and books, for example.
2007-06-06 16:10:05 UTC
Why can't America?
2007-06-06 16:21:20 UTC
Who cares??????????????????

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