English men: Depends, when I was in the North, I found them aggressive, untrustworthy, violent and ignorant, not all of them, but in general I felt uneasy. When I was in London and Brighton, they are some of the nicest guys you'll meet, again not all, but in general I felt like I could happily live there. They were funny, relaxed and well informed.
English women: As above
England as a country: Loved the South and West Country. The North has a big chip on it's shoulder and something macho to prove, to me it all seems to be about being hard and top dog and trying to intimidate people for a laugh, except it's not a laugh because half the time if they fail, they will actually kick your head in 'for a laugh'.
Northerners who are pissed off with this appraisal and who feel it doesn't apply to you, well then it doesn't apply to you, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.