Non English people, your views?
2007-01-17 06:19:27 UTC
What is your honest and first thought that comes into your head view on:-

English men

English Women

England as a country.

Facinated to hear an international view on this. Cheers
38 answers:
Jay C
2007-01-17 07:37:05 UTC
English men: Depends, when I was in the North, I found them aggressive, untrustworthy, violent and ignorant, not all of them, but in general I felt uneasy. When I was in London and Brighton, they are some of the nicest guys you'll meet, again not all, but in general I felt like I could happily live there. They were funny, relaxed and well informed.

English women: As above

England as a country: Loved the South and West Country. The North has a big chip on it's shoulder and something macho to prove, to me it all seems to be about being hard and top dog and trying to intimidate people for a laugh, except it's not a laugh because half the time if they fail, they will actually kick your head in 'for a laugh'.

Northerners who are pissed off with this appraisal and who feel it doesn't apply to you, well then it doesn't apply to you, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
2016-03-29 05:28:30 UTC
OK I'm English so I should not answer your question ,but I do not think to many are even aware of the existence of the greatest Englishman of all time is because he lived so long ago.but because without him there would not even be an England the title greatest has to go to Alfred the Great.otherwise we would all be living in Daneland now for when his West Saxons fought Guthrums Danes in May 878 he was fighting for not only Wessex but Englands very existence As for the worst, England's history in Ireland is as terrible as it can be,They took there land impoverished the ppl and when the famine came did almost nothing at all to help ,so I guess I would have to go with Cromwell ,Interesting how high Churchill's stock is in many ppls eyes,but after the war many Russian refugees living in the UK were sent back to Stalin's soviet union to face torture and death even though the fate of these ppl was known ,I think it was to do with an agreement signed in Yalta
Goober W
2007-01-17 06:58:42 UTC
When I think of people who are English, those from England, I see a people with a deep history; a history many of them fail to see themselves at times. I see people who are just like everyone else in the world. They have their good apples and their bad apples. However, stereotypically, when i think of English men, I see a pasty fellow with bad teeth and a snooty accent. Like I said, thats stereotypical and not true for most. When I think of English women, I see beautiful milky white skin, straight hair, and, unfortunately, bad teeth. Of course, that is not true for most. England as a country has a history that they should be ashamed of and proud of at the same time. There have been injustices conducted by their country as well as being just. I believe England is losing their English identity though. Those who choose to live in England should have a desire to absorb the English culture instead of demanding that the English honor their foreign cultures. However, we can agree to disagree with that statement. Overall, England is a great country with great people with a strong and deep history that should be cherished.

2007-01-17 06:25:33 UTC
I am an American who is in love with England. I am attempting to move to London, as my guitar player is there right now performing in a show band in the threatre district. I love the English, and have always been in love with the heritage and monarchy. Wish I could just hop a plane and rush over, but as the USA, Great Britian has many laws about visas and working in your country. I would trade anyone who would would switch with me for a home if they would like to hang out in Los Angeles!

I love the English, and am Scottish by heratage. I wish I could go back again, as it has been a year since y last visit.I think that te English have more on the bal when it comes to crime and punishment.
2007-01-17 06:24:02 UTC
That depends. If you mean British citizens, that's a seriously diverse group of people! But if you mean English people of English ancestry, then I would have to say TALL! They're bigger than Cherokee people as a whole, but more rectangular in build. Lighter skinned as well.

They do seem to be a bit more fearful of other cultures than those of us in the US are. Multiculturalism doesn't seem to work as well there as it does here, either--probably due to a difference in worldview and the existence of the British Empire. I'm sure things will change in time though ;)

One REALLY good thing I forgot---chips with curry sauce!!!!! Mmmm
2007-01-17 06:33:41 UTC
English men- Arrogant

English women- Ostentatious

Country- Green
2007-01-17 06:45:46 UTC
English men = lots of booze on one side/ mannered gentlemen on the other

English women= early-age pregnancies, not taking good care of themselves, loving pets.

England= a beautiful country, full of history, culture and great landscapes. A bit too cloudy though;)

I meant no offence: you asked for my first thought, not for my whole opinion;) I have many British friends and they're all very nice to be with;) so, my opinion about English people is a positive one.
2007-01-17 06:41:21 UTC
English men- English men

English women- slim, nice accent

England- beautiful. Kings n Queens
2007-01-17 06:40:37 UTC
English men- Yummy- talk to me- that's all I need

English women- Bridget jones and Margret Thatcher

England as a country- quiet, small, old fashioned, good humor.

I'm from America. I dated a british guy once- really just used him for his voice, but I get the impression he was using me for something too- mutually beneficial!
2007-01-17 06:23:08 UTC
English Men - I think of the show "Little Britain"

English Women - Lovely accents

England - Expensive...rainy, but entertainment is always there for the taking
2007-01-17 07:24:36 UTC
English men: Uptight but really great on a personal level, sexy too.

English women: Pretentious

England: Beautiful
2007-01-17 06:27:41 UTC
English men: Who? I can only think of Scots, nowadays...

English women? J.K. Rowlings, she lives in Scotland...

Tolkien was South-African, no, but yes! right, he is dead...

England, that I can say, is a wonderful country, except the cities!

Lake district, Morecambe bay...

I am ashamed but I don't remember any nice English, right now...

Except you, of course...

That's call a blank, I think...
2007-01-17 06:29:06 UTC
I like English men,and I think English women are fine.England is a country?I don't think so
jan the gooner
2007-01-17 06:24:05 UTC
Good question! I would love to answer but I'm English. Will enjoy reading the answers though. Surely we can't be as disliked as the Americans? Am I in for a horrible shock?
2007-01-17 06:23:46 UTC
English men > What can i say some charmers

English women>Reasonable,

England>Loads of history and beautiful country
2007-01-17 06:27:32 UTC
English men: swearing constantly, bad teeth, soccer fans, dry or lewd humor

English women: swearing constantly, bad hair, smokers, dry or lewd humor

England (as opposed to London itself): soccer, pubs, Queen, LOVE Tony Blair, Harry Potter, etc. etc.

But, I should ALSO state that I love England and have only had good experiences in the country and with its people.
2007-01-17 06:22:15 UTC
I think English accents are very sexy

Women are nice too.

England as a country is beautiful but I like Wales better
hi f
2007-01-17 06:23:23 UTC
English men are very strict

English women are friendly

England beautiful country
2007-01-17 07:04:06 UTC
English men- ozzy osbourne

English ladies- mrs. bucket

England- the union jack
2007-01-17 06:37:02 UTC
English men - Big, No hair and very big beer bellys, always watching football.

English women - Short, fat. Loud.

England - A nice green country beside Scotland.
2007-01-17 06:23:01 UTC
English men - fat and smells of beer

English Women - does not wear underwear

England as a country - didn't meet many English people, above views are based on what people say.
2007-01-17 06:23:45 UTC
I'm Scottish, does that count?

England is way too crazy about football, but apart from that, I have no criticisms. :-) London is excellent for shopping though! Ever heard of heaven?
2007-01-17 06:23:27 UTC
English men - stodgy, uptight, sexy though when they take care of their teeth.

English women - classy, stylish

England as a country - expensive, wet & cold
2007-01-17 06:28:20 UTC
EM- Kinda uptight, but VERY well mannered. Sexy accents, liberal world views.

EW- Sheltered, stand-offish.

Country - Cloudy. Rich history. Cool place to travel. Plenty of places to drink heartily!

{I hope I didn't offend!}
2007-01-17 06:32:03 UTC
English men - like to drink a lot, good in bed

English women - fat, loud, 'easy', fake smile

England - not too bad, depends on where you stay
2007-01-17 06:22:19 UTC
English men:Charming

English women:Proper

England as a country:Good ally
: )
2007-01-17 07:03:35 UTC
Lots of Tea.
2007-01-17 06:28:33 UTC
fat drunk loudmouthed hooligan morris dancers

fat drunk loudmouthed ugly morris dancers

a country that thinks the world owes it a living though it has contributed nothing except morris dancers. Hated throughout the world yet are so pathetic they think it only the scots who don't like them
J-Rod on the Radio
2007-01-17 06:23:02 UTC
Stop opressing the Irish....

ha ha... nah... they Scottish have it far worse than the Irish... you never have forgiven them for that whole "Freedom" thing have you.
theresa s
2007-01-17 11:48:10 UTC

stuck up in some ways but in others not

we all have our demons
2007-01-17 06:29:13 UTC
1. all called Nigel

2. all called Leigh-ann

3. very flat, England.
2007-01-17 06:32:41 UTC
MEN- ignorent hooligans.

WOMEN- easy, ugly, clones.

COUNTRY- racist, low education system, too easy to take for a ride, condradictive.
2007-01-17 06:21:57 UTC
your question is unfair not just english people live in england what about people like me who are British but not english?
Ruth Less RN
2007-01-17 06:22:39 UTC
british men have the nicest hot
2007-01-17 09:35:47 UTC
lol glad im Welsh!
2007-01-17 06:22:18 UTC


2007-01-17 06:21:51 UTC
2007-01-17 06:21:46 UTC
Even Jesus hates you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.