2009-11-30 18:11:54 UTC
Russia never used African slave trade.
Who are these odd black people school trying to start arguments with me? are they upset because they have nothing against me? I'm Russian so they have no excuse to say "my people" enslaved them.
Are they mad because I'm part of the loop-hole of whites who never enslaved Africans?
With every single thing it's "it's because I'm black". oh my god, it is so annoying. it isn't funny anymore. You might think it's funny to say it, but it's gotten old... really... no, for the last time, it's NOT because you are black. I don't give a flying bird's doo doo if you are black or not. god.
it's annoying how they think my ancestors enslaved them when actually many free blacks in America AND Native Americans also owned slaves, but they don't look at themselves for that blame.. they don't judge that... it's all about the white people... white people this, white people that, OMG, no one cares! If a white person saw you on the street he wouldn't think twice about your race! get over it!
my ancestors never enslaved blacks why do they think this it's really annoying. a white person from England and a white person from Russia are two totally different people.