Is racism still alive or is it a thing of the past!?
2006-12-20 13:46:08 UTC
Okay this is one the most taboo issues in America today and I wanted to know how people out there feeling about this. Please don't hold back and let me know! Is it still a issues or America as overcome the race problem?
61 answers:
~Another Day~
2006-12-20 13:49:30 UTC
I think it is VERY much alive to some but others (including myself) just do not feed into it and keep the peace, that all anyone wants is attention anyways when they are racist....As long as there is greed and insecurity there will be some sort of racism....Bugs me!

I think people turn to racism to blame others or take out thier own problems on. There is good and bad in us all!
2006-12-20 15:17:19 UTC
I think racism is still an issue in America, but not nearly so much as it was a few decades ago, though that depends on where you go. Just look at some of the questions and answers on Yahoo! Answers. I think one of the main reasons it is still alive and well is because most Americans, even if they're not actually racist, can't look at a person of another color without being very conscious of the fact that that person is of a different race. I was surprised, when I first came to the US, that people always seemed so conscious of exactly what race and color they, and other people, were of, like there was a massive divide. As is said in one of the answers above, if the US could only become as racially mixed as South America then maybe racism really would be eradicated here. Even though racism seems to be slowly disappearing, it is still most definitely an issue in America.
2006-12-20 20:00:30 UTC
Still very much alive. It has just taken on a different look these days. Take a look at the recent news: Black groom shot and killed by a white cop, a black cop, and a Hispanic cop. Who runs and starts yelling it was a racist killing? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton... all they want is the media attention, but as long as there are people like them willing to use the racist card for their own gain, racism will thrive. However, if it had been a white groom that had been killed, you would never have heard more than a short news story if all at all. As long as there are laws (ie Affirmative Action) stating there are differences between the races, you will have racism. In my humble opinion, Blacks or the more PC term - African-Americans (either term showing a difference, right?) are more racist than most whites are today (reverse racsim). In addition, Whites are NOT allowed in schools or work places to have a White club (because it is racist) but there can be African-American clubs, Hispanic Clubs (or Mexican-American), Japanese-American Clubs and so on. Don't those clubs encourage racism simply because they indicate a difference between people? To me if you are a US citizen then you are an American and it doesn't matter what your color or your heritage might have been. That doesn't mean you can't be proud of your heritage, but first be a US American. I don't think racism or bigotry will ever disappear completely until we all become exactly alike in every way - thinking, looks, emotions, intelligence...
2006-12-20 13:57:02 UTC
North America still has some ways to go before racism is fully eradicated. Nowadays, racism is not as in-yer-face, but one can see various forms of it lurking in the workplace, the educational system, or even in mass media messages. Furthermore, racism is no longer just about Black and White; it rears its head against other ethnic groups, particularly in the form of stereotypes or ethnocentric mentalities. Life on this continent, and most of its workings, tend to be viewed primarily from a WASP perspective, whether one is aware of it or not. On top of which, most North Americans have little or no concept of what it truly going on in the rest of the world, or even about other cultures - except for what TV channels feed them in 'spectacle-like' news progs .
2006-12-20 14:15:27 UTC
Yes, racism is still alive. I have encountered racism coming from and directed towards all kinds of ethnic groups...and it isn't just older people hanging onto old ideas while the newer generations accept each other for who they are. I've encountered racists of all ages. Sadly, there is no method of mass-education (that only seems to work when spreading negative ideas), the only way to fight against racism is changing one person's mind at a time.
2006-12-20 13:50:15 UTC
Racism is still a problem, But it is not as large as the media and the ACLU make it out to be. People are people no matter what. Some will never evolve into the understanding taht we are all the same no matter the skin color. And they will always be racist.

Now the flip side of that coin is the simple fact. More and more people daily are comming out to say no to this type of action and those type of people. We all have to get along and learn to live together if we are going to continue as a people.
2006-12-20 13:48:35 UTC
Unfortunately it's alive and well.

I want to expand on what Les M said about playing the racism card. One of my fellow supervisors told an employee he was late (which he definitely was) to which he replied, "You're only saying that because I'm black." Did the color of his skin make him late? I don't think there will ever be a complete end to racism, but as it has become socially unacceptable it won't be a prominent problem. There will be millions of closet racists until the end of time -- the number of outspoken racists will eventually dwindle.

Racism is learned -- no one is born a racist. Parents, peers, and media pass it from generation to generation - it's a disease for which there is no fool proof cure.
2006-12-20 13:49:23 UTC
I think the race problem is as much or maybe more a class problem. I doubt if middle or upper class people could be cloe friends with someone that lives in "the projects" because they would have nothing in common.

But if people are similar in education and class I don't think that race is a big issue, especially in the cities.
2006-12-20 13:51:16 UTC
Hi Ves - Unfortunately racism is as big now as it's ever been. Not only among blacks and whites but among many nationalities and cultures. Look at the immigration issue for example, is the real issue there racism against hispanics? Who knows.

Here is what I do know. It shouldn't matter who owned Texas 200 years ago - It shouldn't matter who did or did not own slaves 200 years ago, so on and so forth.

We live in the greatest country in the world. I think people take that for granted. We shouldn't fight among ourselves but against the people wanting to take those freedoms away from us.
Mr Bellows
2006-12-20 14:28:19 UTC
Racism is and always will be a problem.Reason being that until the human race evolves beyond its current level,there will always be bigots and hatemongers out there.On both sides.You know the sad thing about it all???No matter what race or creed you are the majority of your race is good and decent.It is the small minority that makes each of our respective races look bad.
2006-12-20 13:59:31 UTC
Hurricane Katrina is a prime example the racism is alive and pumping. People want to make it like it doesn't but it is. Why did it take our government - local, state, and federal - 3 days to help those victims?
2006-12-20 13:59:27 UTC
Still alive but seems to me to be more blacks involved in it,tell me if "FUBU" is a racists idea,or the united ***** college fund(can whites do that),I am from the south and still hear the "your past relatives owned slaves",so therefore it gives me an excuse to be prejudiced toward you.Let it go man,we are to love all,creed,race,

nationality,etc.,etc.I am not responsible for keeping the man down.If you let it go and I let it go then what would the problem be.

Would be nice wouldn't it.
2006-12-20 13:51:10 UTC
Unfortunately, I think it IS still alive, although it's certainly lived much longer than necessary. Fortunately, it's not nearly as widespread as it once was. My hope and prayer is that it DOES die out completely, and the sooner the better. The ONLY race that needs to be recognized in this day and age is the Human Race.
2006-12-20 13:54:03 UTC
Racism will never die. I have this theory that eventually with interracial child bearing that we will all eventually be the same race...MUT (no offense). Only then will prejudice against ethnicity end. You still must consider that all other forms of prejudice will remain...religion, sexuality, society class, etc. It is not very likely that this country nor any other country will ever be free of prejudices. One way to have a prejudice free environment around you is to voice your opinions with others, let them know that you only tolerate open minded individuals, give them something to think about. We should not tolerate people in our lives who are racist, or prejudice. As soon as they see their views are no longer popular, they may give their views a second thought.
2006-12-20 13:49:54 UTC
Oh God yes. I go to school in the middle of Iowa for college now. It's ridiculous. I've never met so many ignorant, racist hicks in my life. They are so uneducated and inexperienced. I've heard some of the worst things said from people, and they are completely serious. I probably heard the N-word once every day or two. It drives me crazy, and a lot of people don't understand why.

Why are people voting negatively on answers that say there is racism? There is! You're probably the same ignorant-a.sses who promote racism in the first place.
2006-12-20 13:48:21 UTC
In the minds and hearts of some individuals racism and alive and thriving. You only have to watch some recent tv shows to see examples of this sort of thing. But it is less mainstream, by far less accepted, and best of all, decision no longer take matters of race into account.
2006-12-20 13:54:44 UTC
I don't know if it's true but over here we do hear that it is ongoing issue in the US. In some ways I do agree that if it is your land then immigrant should learn to leave on your terms although this doesn't mean immigrants can not get educated and employed where they qualify. But then again Americans themselves are not native to America, are they? What you do to immigrants, you do to yourselves.
2006-12-20 13:48:00 UTC
It is definitely still an issue, not only in America but all over the world. I feel that certain minorities are still being denied the rights they deserve. However, we have made major steps to improve this.
2006-12-20 13:56:06 UTC
It will fade gradually with time, as we get accustomed to share common places and interests (school, sports, work, music, etc..). We should mix and not separate.

Racism doesn't really exist in multi-ethnic societies, as in South America. The population is so mixed up that nobody pays attention to it.
2006-12-20 13:53:07 UTC
. Yes, very much alive. But a little in disguise There will always be

racism as long as there are different races. I am sad to say.I really wish it was not that way. Somehow it seems a little less

around The holidays don't you think? Merry Christmas.
2006-12-20 13:52:42 UTC
definitely is. in smaller cities especially. even if they arent racists to black people they are racists to some others such as asians. it is still happening how some american people treat other people of other races all over the world when they're outside america. i still get that sometimes because i'm asian and ofcourse, to me people who cant overcome racism are a bunch of idiots.
2006-12-20 13:50:18 UTC
Yes racism is a Major issue in America

I am a White woman,

An I am privledged, I know this,

I have privy to White americas thoughts and snickers.

Trust me its not pretty,

Fortunately for me I am a Bahai, and Baha'ullah forbids racism,

2006-12-20 13:48:45 UTC
It's not a huge issue anymore, but racism still exists at my school, and I try to stay out of it but it's hard not to stop the people from saying things like that.
Janine E
2006-12-20 13:53:47 UTC
Unfortunately there will always be racists in America and anywhere else you go. I myself abhor racism and I think it is truly disgusting. Racism is what spews forth from the truly ignorant people of this earth. All people are made of the exact same DNA and should all be treated equal accordingly.
Mr. Goodkat
2006-12-20 13:48:14 UTC
I think that as long as people still believe in racism, and play the racism card, it will never go away. Nowadays, if a white guy says something, or does something, that a black guy does not like, they say "thats racist", even though it has nothing to do with race.
vincent c
2006-12-20 13:53:37 UTC
well the black and white thing is over ,there is still afew on each side but there seems to me to be a rise in the Mexican issue because of illegal immigration also after the 911 thing there is that ethnic issue, just an observation
2006-12-20 13:51:37 UTC
Still a big problem

Some progress has been made, but with the educational system in retrograde it seems it may be temporary.

As long as genocide against the American Indian is still being practiced (quantum, stolen revenue from Indian lands in "trust" that has evaporated, etc.) and as long as race is used to determine things like employment and education, or whose property is condemned to put in the new ski-lift etc. it won't get better.
2006-12-20 14:07:50 UTC
Of course! They teach racism in US public schools ad nauseum. They force books by black authors down children's necks until the anti-racism becomes positively racist!
2006-12-20 13:48:59 UTC
If racism ever ends, people will start killing their own til there is nothing and nobody left. Everyone wants to be number one-and ain't doing a damn thing to get there but hating.
Join The Revolution!
2006-12-20 13:57:00 UTC
i personally dont have a problems when it comes to colour or sexuality or anything.. cos thats retarted.. like if someone came up to me and started laughing at me cos im white and that im a lesbian, id laugh back, tell them they're retarted and punch them in the face. ya, i dont like racist people like that!

im against racism but it is out there, and there will always be people like that.

p.s. im not a lesbian.
2006-12-20 13:50:42 UTC
i think it was worse in the past but like it still is like me im friends with evry one and i think rappers r making it even hard because walk it out and all that stuff im good at and that just seperates evry one its like i dont no this is such a hard subject to type i just wish every on was equal i have a story of my own but im not putting it on here cause its so upsetting to me but i think it still is bad but i f any body wants to no more
2006-12-20 13:48:41 UTC
Still's too bad, but there are still people fixed on the color of others...stupid...

If I tore you open with a machette and then found a person that was a different color and tore them open with a machette, I would find that we are all pink and meaty inside.
2006-12-20 13:51:50 UTC
Yes, it is a big problem, but we don't see it. or we pretend to not see. it is every where. it is mostly with Mexican's just because they come to United States to work and let the "Americans" stay at home and receive welfare. even tough Mexicans are still considered Americans too. we all live in the continent of America.
2006-12-20 13:48:56 UTC
It's still an issue.
2006-12-20 13:48:45 UTC
Read some of the other questions, of course its still alive today.

I think its gotten worse tho, it's not jsut directed toward black people, now its toward everyone....blacks, whites, mexicans, asians, middle eastern's just mroe widespread now days then it was before
credo quia est absurdum
2006-12-20 13:48:45 UTC
Well, _I_ thought it was over, but apparently not. There still seems to be a large contingent of those who hate anyone who is different from themselves.
2006-12-20 13:49:09 UTC
Sadly it's still alive & probably always will be. It's a vicious circle that is taught by parents that learned it from their parents to their own's very sad.
2006-12-20 13:50:55 UTC
most of america has but there are all ways people that are raisist to blacks , there is still some people that are raisist's they just havent learned and are ignorent just because of difference of color ...there are still some people out there but dont listen them where all the same
2006-12-20 13:48:11 UTC
Unfortunately it is still alive, as are all other forms of human discrimination, including religious....just look at Iraq.
2006-12-20 13:48:03 UTC
There always be ignorant people, but the vast majority in modern society has passed that stage
2006-12-20 13:48:02 UTC
very alive. It will stay here forever....think about it when we mention black guy, white man or chinese girl...its is minnor form of racism...

I heard people saying , I really hate, _____ people. Well, you cant judge everybody, by judging one!

I dont know there is nothing you can do about it.!! its just the way it is!!
2006-12-20 14:25:07 UTC
yes racism is still alive. i just hope it will end SOoOoOoOoOoOoooon
2006-12-20 14:01:28 UTC
Its sad, it will always be a problem, im sure it will get better. It will just take time.
2006-12-20 13:50:58 UTC
I really do not know, I am sure however that it is an overused word. I have not seen much racism.
2006-12-20 13:49:45 UTC
Believe me its still alive.
akash b
2006-12-20 13:49:05 UTC
yes ofcourse it is maybe not as much as in d past but it is still dere n dere are still racist groups jus like coo clang
2006-12-20 13:48:04 UTC
Unfortunately racism will always be a problem.
2006-12-20 13:49:40 UTC
i think everyone is racist or has sterotypical atitudes about other races. this is just a fact of life, and the sooner we admit this to ourselves and others, the sooner we can get past it
2006-12-20 13:49:03 UTC
it is still a problem. i just wish racism could stop.
2006-12-20 13:50:58 UTC
2006-12-20 13:48:41 UTC
it is still a very huge problem. I experience it daily. Not direct insults, but you don't get them same benefits as white folks.
2006-12-20 13:48:29 UTC
Alive and kicking. White toward black, black toward white, black and white towards hispanics,
2006-12-20 13:48:28 UTC
still a problem
2006-12-20 13:47:47 UTC
2006-12-20 13:49:49 UTC
Yes and as long as bush and harper is around it will stay
2006-12-20 13:53:57 UTC
i think for the most part whites are cool with everyone...its just the blacks that cant move forward...
Ronnie M
2006-12-20 13:49:16 UTC
yep, lots of "Closet Racists" who you would never think were.
2006-12-20 13:47:45 UTC
you just opened up Pandoras box
2006-12-20 13:48:52 UTC
as long as there are rich ppl and republicans there will be racism
2006-12-20 13:47:35 UTC
oh yeah. hugh problem.
Black D93
2006-12-20 13:48:23 UTC
Still alive but not as open ( dont hear it on the news alot ) Those crackers are still hatin on us!

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