Why do people beat up on the geeks?
2007-01-05 22:41:36 UTC
All of my friends and nearly everyone at school hates geeks. Why is this?

IMO, geeks are smarter by not following the trend. Instead of wasting their money on new fancy clothes at hollister, they are saving their cash.

I could name far more reasons why people shouldn't be mean to geeks, but I'd rather not.

In a way, people beating up on geeks helps their image. Geeks are viewed as outcasts and dweebs. If people liked them, they'd lose their image and the popular/loser barrier would be damaged.

What's your opinion?
Seventeen answers:
2007-01-05 22:49:06 UTC
let me explain..... geeks don't hate being geeks. they hate not having the social skills to get the girl... but they are never sorry for what makes them tick... asking why and finding answers is more important to them than arbitrary conversation for the sake of social status.... makes perfect sense... they are small in percentage... and yet we shun those smarter than us untill we grow up and see that in mind they are superior.... think about it this way.... those who are not geeks can't understan why ambercrombie is not a priority... and geeks can't see why the invention and understanding of the technology we use isn't important to the rest of us. its a trade really.... and to be honest.. we wouldn't be typing on these computers if it weren't for them... basicly it comes down to geeks being a minority and we all know that we shun what we don't understand. it requires an admision of ignorance and possible inferiority to actually stop and see what makes others tick. understand? good luck with this. I am sure you will receive much good advise.

after all who are the best known geeks we know in history and today? Sir Isiac Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking. some of the smartest men alive. Albert Einstein is who we owe our nuclear power to... and yet the power hungry mass is who we owe the atomic bomb to. who do you really think is the geek. the one who offers us the knowledge to further ourselves... or the ones who exploit the power so that we may destroy ourselves?
2016-05-23 02:09:27 UTC
Unfortunately, people have "made fun of me" because of being smart. Sometimes it's to the point of full out calling me names (geek, nerd, etc.) but just the subtle things more so than that. Like if working in a group in school and I say I don't know the answer, there's usually some snide remark. Or when I get an essay back that everyone else failed and I get good marks, the same thing happens. My friends tell me "you're smart, you suck" just jokingly, and even my family tease me about it sometimes. I've never gotten a B on a report card in my life, and I'm proud of that. I am a nerd, proudly at that! But I just embrace it. I mean, it's nothing to be ashamed about or embarrassed about. And who cares what people think. If they have to stoop as low as to call people names or rag them about being the best they can be, then they're obviously not the "sharpest tool in the shed".
2007-01-05 22:52:12 UTC
It's just a way for jerks to look cool around their friends. People who beat up geeks are weenies and have nobody else to pick on that will beat them up back. It's retarded, yet society keeps doing it. Hmmm, interesting isn't it. People move in packs, attacking anything that is labeled "uncool" by not buying the $200 jeans or conforming. Yet if geeks protect themselves that's just viewed as immature and stupid.

Not all "geeks" are really geeks. I don't really consider myself a geek, I just am me. I have an average gpa, I'm not obsessed with computer technology or anything, I just hate sterotypes that society puts us in. I don't consider myself a geek, just a person who doesn't conform.

People think of the word "geek" and see buddy holly glasses and pocket protectors. jerks. I have red hair and blue eyes and I don't wear glasses and I'm 5'7" and I play sports. Oh well I'd rather be labeled geek than prep. but labels are idiotic
2007-01-05 22:50:21 UTC
I don't think geeks have to look and act like geeks. I dislike this stereotype. I don't know exactally what kind of geek you are refering to- the book worm, the gamer, etc. but they don't all dress and act like geeks. I am a gamer, I go to gaming conventions and I hang out with people who are considered geeks. I started a Dungeons and Dragons club at the college I go to and I DM it (that would be Dungeon Master, incase you aren't a geek yourself) and yet, would you ever guess I am a geek?

Thats me- I dress normal, have normal friends, I am kinda popular and I don't fit the stereotype at all but I do have a bag full of dice in my purse, d10, d20 and so on. I also have all the D&D books they've made for v3.5 and I've never been beat up.
2007-01-05 23:20:45 UTC
I love this!!!

I married the king of the geeks! When I first met him he was so backward and shy. He stared at me with his hands covering his eyes and peeking through his fingers! I thought "poor guy is so shy! it must be painfull!' We dated and his shyness turned into weirdness, and arrogence. He was from another country so I overlooked it. (mistake) As the years have ticked by he has proven to me why Geeks get beaten up. He was a total geek in school and even after he graduated and got a high paying job. All the guys would do things like put ink in his hardhat (because his superior intellect cost the company millions in lost revenue)

and call him names behind his back. Once, we were out and having drinks with some of his coworkers, when one of the more 'cool' guys came over to us and started talking some smak...(not to brag but my hubby got lucky because I'm a shapely,attractive woman) and he went on to call my man a p**sy and I know how the macho game goes (cool guy disses you, your tagged!) well, I wasn't gonna let that happen! So I told him he was an a**h**e. My Geeky man said absolutely nothing in his defense.

This 'cool' guy looks at my hubby and says to me "well, you're a b**ch!" My 'man' sat and laughed. He let another guy call his woman that had just stood up for him....a b**ch! and laughed. This is just too hardcore. His arrogence over how much money he makes is his excuse for being a person of low character.

I learned the hard way that geeks aren't the quiet, sweet, nice lil people we have portrayed them to be! Most of them are just awful and materialistic, with no cares for other people. They hide their ugliness behind their 'brains'.

I have more intellegence than my hubby has, but he can make a calculator beg for it's life for sure. In that area he's unrivialed. No common sense or emotional intellegence. He has the maturity of a 14 year old and still has temper tantrums.

Yes, I'm kicking him to the curb! calculator and all!

So, don't defend the geeks too much because they will NOT defend you and will laugh when you get the knife plunged in your back.
2007-01-05 23:00:41 UTC
I think it's a shame to call anybody a geek. If they a smarter than some or seem to know what they want out of life and how to get it; they should be respected for that. They have feelings just like you. Would you want someone to beat up on you for your right to be the way you want to be? People have a right to live their life they way they want to without fear of somebody recenting them for it. It's a free world we are living it. Let everyone be free.
Kat Kat
2007-01-05 22:57:04 UTC
It really could be for any number for reasons but probably due to own insecurities and because it makes them look good in front of others.

I have been out of high school for 10 years at the end of this year and its unbelievable the amount of "popular" people from my year who have gone on to nothing. Working crap jobs earning crap money if working at all. Spent most of their school years mucking around trying to look good and it stuffed them up well and proper for the real world.

Yeah so they were attractive at 15 years old and popular at the time and got them nowhere. I'm enjoying my very comfortable life now. Hehe to them.
2007-01-09 12:39:29 UTC
They are spoiled brats who has no life, beat up geeks. Geeks are the most hard working group in high school and they will be rich in the future.
2007-01-05 22:53:55 UTC
GEEK ,please define or assimilate ? As far as beating up on them, well if they worked out their bodies as well as their minds they would be "beating up on skanks and jackoffs that are currently beating on them but with greater consequences cause they could argue as to why their actions resulted in reactions onto which the alleged were given respite and resolve. Now Bill Gates and other leaders of industry were considered 'GEEKS" AND NOW THEY RUN THE HIGHLY PROFITABLE ENTERPRISES OF THE DAY!!!o if they are "THE BOSS" what do you think they will do to the ones who were mean to them? Think about it?
2007-01-05 22:54:17 UTC
Just wait! Soon the mother ship will come and all the geeks will have their way! All will be forced to wear thick-rimmed eye glasses and pocket protectors! Beware you muscled jocks!

Your time is coming! Mother Geek! Where are you?
2007-01-05 22:44:06 UTC
I was one they would call a geek/dork/nerd, etc. I didn't like it at all. But when I got to high school, I just learned not to care what anybody else thought.
2007-01-05 22:44:36 UTC
i guess beating on geeks makes them feel superior in a way. i guess its the same as regular bullies, who pick on those weaker or smaller for a sense of superiority. personally, i think its stupid to pick on ppl weaker than you or geekier.

i like geeks in a way, because they dont conform to teen "norms"
s p
2007-01-05 22:47:02 UTC
because they are wimps that cant take on someone their size/weight... also, anybody that picks on someone for a laugh is a very insecure person. so they put others down thinking it makes them feel/look better in other eyes... but nobodys really impresed with a 6ft healthy guy that can kick a guy in a wheelchairs butso to the big 'super cool ' bullys out there, we dont think your cool, we think your a jerk...yeah, i can beat up someone halfmy size that doesnt want to fight too...your unimpressive!!!.

god forbid you should be your own person and talk to these people, you may have more in common than you think
2007-01-05 23:08:48 UTC
u know fro discovery channel that the weakest animal always gets eaten first.

remember the show the weakest link, just how that slogan went.

i think jocks and preps are so retared and dumb, they act all gay and then whenever someone takes a pic of them , they always have to flick off the camera cause they are cool
2007-01-06 00:33:05 UTC
2007-01-05 22:44:39 UTC
Jocks get girls in the short run, geeks get girls in the long run.

A wise guy get girls in both short and long run.

So what do you think?
2007-01-05 22:43:43 UTC
Geeks are sometimes armed with guns. Or they dream of being armed with guns.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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