I love this!!!
I married the king of the geeks! When I first met him he was so backward and shy. He stared at me with his hands covering his eyes and peeking through his fingers! I thought "poor guy is so shy! it must be painfull!' We dated and his shyness turned into weirdness, and arrogence. He was from another country so I overlooked it. (mistake) As the years have ticked by he has proven to me why Geeks get beaten up. He was a total geek in school and even after he graduated and got a high paying job. All the guys would do things like put ink in his hardhat (because his superior intellect cost the company millions in lost revenue)
and call him names behind his back. Once, we were out and having drinks with some of his coworkers, when one of the more 'cool' guys came over to us and started talking some smak...(not to brag but my hubby got lucky because I'm a shapely,attractive woman) and he went on to call my man a p**sy and I know how the macho game goes (cool guy disses you, your tagged!) well, I wasn't gonna let that happen! So I told him he was an a**h**e. My Geeky man said absolutely nothing in his defense.
This 'cool' guy looks at my hubby and says to me "well, you're a b**ch!" My 'man' sat and laughed. He let another guy call his woman that had just stood up for him....a b**ch! and laughed. This is just too hardcore. His arrogence over how much money he makes is his excuse for being a person of low character.
I learned the hard way that geeks aren't the quiet, sweet, nice lil people we have portrayed them to be! Most of them are just awful and materialistic, with no cares for other people. They hide their ugliness behind their 'brains'.
I have more intellegence than my hubby has, but he can make a calculator beg for it's life for sure. In that area he's unrivialed. No common sense or emotional intellegence. He has the maturity of a 14 year old and still has temper tantrums.
Yes, I'm kicking him to the curb! calculator and all!
So, don't defend the geeks too much because they will NOT defend you and will laugh when you get the knife plunged in your back.