Our local paper did a long interview a while back with a woman who wanted to go nude in public. She already did the clothing optional beaches and the nudist resorts. Her lawsuit came when she was mowing her yard, in the nude, and got arrested. Interesting that NONE of the neighbors would file a complaint against her. But the law is the law. She argued in court that (a) because of Barbi, every person in American knows what a woman looks like with her clothes off (something I never thought of, but true!) and (b) because of porn, everyone knows what a female, any age, looks like. She concluded that God made woman last, because she was perfection. So why is everyone offended by the female body? There was no more articles on the outcome of the trial. And when I called and asked, no one called back.
If the law was changed, would you go nude in public if you wanted to? On Star Trek they talked about this issue where all women on one planet were nude so no man would lust after them.