I have a question about this whole Jena 6 thing in Louisiana?
2007-09-20 07:08:04 UTC
6 black kids ganged up on a white kid and assaulted him, beating him badly. They are all being brought up on charges ranging all the way to attempted murder.
This is in contrast to a bunch of white kids hanging nooses in a tree where a black kid had been sitting.
Now, while I will agree that what these white kids did was tasteless, rude, mean and derogatory...they did not BEAT someone bloody. No physical assault took place. They did not put anyone in the hospital.

Now blacks are complaining about unfair treatment for the black kids of Jena 6.

Am I the ONLY person who does not see the MAJOR difference between what these two groups of kids did? One group was just plain, downright rude and mean. The other committed assault and battery. Last time I checked, being rude and offensive was not against the law. Assault and battery is.
Seventeen answers:
2007-09-21 10:44:33 UTC
Both sides were wrong in their actions. I am sick of racism and I am also sick of blacks pulling the race card - - I see both all the's frustrating. However, I think it is wrong to perpetuate either issue.

Let the jury decide.
2007-09-20 08:05:21 UTC
I think that the charges were absurd and outrageous. Unfortunately racism is still prevalent in our society and it rears its ugly head when cases like this occur. The main problem is the fact that the white students who hung those nooses were not expelled like they should have been and the black students who were charged got the worst punishment. In the beginning prosecutors were going to try these kids as adults with a charge of attempted murder. Now you tell me who got the better deal. Yes the charges were reduced but the initial charges shouldn't have been put into place. The reality of the situation is that if it were white students who beat up a black kid, those kind of charges would not have been applied to the white students. And that's unfortunately the way it is . It's sad to know that we are not all treated equal.
2007-09-20 07:15:46 UTC
theres no question that the black kids involved needs to be punished, but the white kids did assault the the boys they beat him in the face then preceded to beat him with beer bottles, the black boys also had a gun pulled at them.. why werent the white boys charged with attempted murder there? instead the black boys got charged with robbery for 'wrestling' the gun away.

and from what I understand from CNN is that some of the boys were not even involved according to witnesses
2007-09-20 07:19:03 UTC
This the tenth time this question has been asked already and the day is just getting started.

actually a black kid WAS physically assualted. A shotgun was also drawn on a group of blacks. and yet no white were charged.

The problem is not that the Black kids were charged, its WHAT THEY WERE CHARGED WITH.

Charging highschool kids as adults for attempted murder is unjust. That is plain.
2007-09-20 07:18:58 UTC
I agree with you. Mychal Bell was convicted of aggravated battery not attempted murder. All those who beat one guy need to be accountable. Violence is not the answer, ever. There are a lot of facts that aren't being reported in this case on all sides. The media are distorting the facts. I wish we could come together and stop focusing on race. Good luck. 2D
2016-10-09 16:52:19 UTC
The race specter, in this u . s . a . if no longer each and all of the Americas, is the 0.33-rail of the U. S. American psyche. on a similar time as people undergo some diploma of open communicate on such matters as gender or socio-economic device, that are yet a mask of types for racial concerns, few are there who prefer to broach the subject count number it is the race specter. maximum of all, Caucasian people will merely no longer have it, so severe is their aversion. In lock step to this, maximum others -- regardless of hue --have reflexively conditioned to be as averse to dialoguing as nicely, different than in specific and gentle circles the place the communicate accords undemanding journey and kindred length or concerns that are all yet inexplicable and all yet impossible to translate to Caucasians. For nonetheless they don't seem to be open, basically boastful. The preliminary selection as to the way forward for those six replaced into interior the least a testomony to the cynical conveniences nonetheless etched into the psyches of Caucasians if nicely-hidden. They by no skill somewhat reconciled that what has been widespread to them, a privilege enjoyed for hundreds of years, compliments of the dominant racial sensibilities and kind, is discovered actual prohibitive to others -- now this, after over 3 centuries in this, the recent international. on a similar time as many bridges have been crossed as regards racism, fortunate is it that when those have been crossed they weren't then burned and destroyed. For somewhat it would seem we are ever having to saunter throughout the time of those comparable structures time and time back. For what may well be in any different case held as a trifling come-uppance someplace else, in comparison style of coltish fellow's action -- this youthful Caucasian -- that he would desire to locate his mockery a tenable ingredient, a trifling shaggy dog tale, and to have mocked so callously a black person as to chide him with nooses, and to no longer think of a reprisal is drawing close -- and --in the different environ the inevitable result between a collection of fellows might nicely have been held as merely yet another brawl for which the greater youthful Caucasian replaced into given an apt and stark awakening, is a testomony to how a approaches we've yet to proceed quite than how a approaches we've come. That this journey and next condition would desire to ever have escalated to a potential de facto existence sentence is a maximum morbid fact for what would desire to have warranted no greater effective than some diploma of misdemeanor -- 1st, 2d, or third.
2007-09-20 14:12:20 UTC
"Not only is there almost no media coverage of the Black violent hate crimes against Whites, but in high profile cases when Blacks are prosecuted for heinous crimes against innocent Whites, the White victims are ignored and the Black criminals are turned into “real victims” by the media.

Nothing more clearly illustrates this point than what has occurred over the past year in Jena, Louisiana and the orgy of hatred that Jena has suffered. today, September 20, the town has been invaded by thousands of thugs like Al Sharpton who seek to make violent Black hate criminals such as Michael Bell and the rest of the so-called “Jena Six” into heroes. Even worse the entire White population of the town is facing a media lynching by being labeled racists who are unjustly persecuting Black young men.

Michael Bell, who has been convicted of four previous violent crimes, (a fact scarcely revealed by the media), led a group of six Black students to attack and unmercifully beat a White Student at Jena High School in what can only be described as a vicious hate crime. Motivated by racial hatred, the six Blacks attacked one lone White student, Justin Barker. They stomped and kicked him to unconsciousness and continued to kick him and stomp him as he lay helpless. The attack could have easily have taken his life if others had not intervened. Only by the grace of God did he survive.

To show the insane bias of this whole case, just imagine if the facts were reversed.

If a gang of six Whites motivated by racial hatred and led by a White with four previous violent-crime convictions had attacked a lone Black student, kicking and stomping him into unconsciousness, would there any concern that the leader and the other White gang members could be charged with aggravated assault? Would not there be national demands to charge the White attackers with the most serious of federal civil rights violations and hate crimes? White leaders from all over the country, even the leaders of the local town of Jena, would not be defending the White attackers, they would be condemning the attacks and calling for the harshest of punishments allowed by the law.

As far as the Media are concerned, oh yes the supposedly unbiased media, they would be interviewing the Black victim on every TV talk show across the land, discussing his fear, his pain, his suffering. They would be interviewing his crying relatives and friends. They would not be voicing any fear that the White attackers would be treated too harshly. No, they would be demanding the harshest of penalties.

Federal officials from the President on down would be calling for additional serious charges of federal civil rights violations. But you see, in the America of 2007 Whites are no longer deemed to have any “civil rights.”

When a lone White kid is beaten savagely by a gang of six hate criminals, the media is only concerned about how the Black attackers are being treated too harshly. And if you are waiting for civil rights charges to be filed against the Black attackers who violated the civil rights of the boy they almost beat to death, don’t hold your breath.

The entire Jena scenario and the coverage of it by the media show once again that it is not the people of Jena who are racists. By voting for me and by demanding justice in this case, they have shown rightly that they believe in fairness to all and that White people are now the real victims of racism in America. Once again it is shown that we must have advocates for our rights and heritage just as any other group is permitted to do so.

May the District Attorney and the people of Jena stay strong and never give in to those who seek take away their rights of life and liberty as guaranteed by the United States Constitution."
2007-09-20 08:14:00 UTC
Please, the kid who was "beaten so badly" got out the same day AND went to a party that same day, does that sound like being beaten badly? What about the white kid who pulled out a gun and the black kid who got hit in the head with a bottle? What about that?
2007-09-20 07:27:20 UTC
No, scuba white dude you are NOT the only one who feels these Black kids should be sentenced 20+ years in prison. You should know this, you're white...omg.


Do you see the answers from your white counterparts? Now you can justify your feelings and walk around pretending to be a normal human being. Have a great day!
2007-09-20 07:14:46 UTC
Ok but they are being charged with attempted murder when the they beat up kid got out of the hospital and wen to a party THAT SAME NIGHT! He was not beat that badly he had only a black eye! Before you try to come on here stating you opinion know the facts!
2007-09-20 07:15:25 UTC
So you've NEVER been in a fight in your ENTIRE life?? i mean really. my standpoint on the whole thing goes beyond race. Many high school kids fight, and someone will usually win, leaving the other kid beat up. And yes its unfair when kids "jump" other kids. but in my teen years i'd seen it happen, it wasn't that uncommon. I've seen kids fight, i've just never seen any attempted murder charges brought on any of them before...

I've seen 4 white girls fight 1 white girl and beat her up, they were suspended from school, but there was no attempted murder charges. i mean c'mon. attempted murder?? when teens fight??
2007-09-20 07:17:34 UTC
No no...its unfair, sure they shouldnt be tried for murder, but they need to be punished. It turned racial. Now if the roles were reversed, the blacks would be screaming for the death penalty. so dont tell me to wear black because a group of low lifes JUMPED one boy . Yes low lifes, or at least one of them, who already had a criminal record.
2007-09-20 07:14:48 UTC
Assault and battery should be punished according to the law. Acts of terrorism should also be punished according to the law. That is what was happening at that school. It went beyond "rude and mean" No one took any action against this.
2007-09-20 14:25:28 UTC
problem is if a white kid hits a black kid african americans want the death penalty for the white kid but a black kid hits a white kid its no big deal and black kid should have nothing done to him cuz he is black.

ooooOOOooo someone hung a rope in a tree...big deal its freedom of speech,all be it a distatsteful sign but not worth beating the crap out of someone.ive been called wet back and sp ic and guess what i didnt bleed and i didnt feel pain.blacks need to get over what happend over 150 years ago and come into the 21st century in my opinion the only reason racism is still alive in america today because blacks use racism as an excuse for everything."i didnt get a good job because im black"..not because i dropped out in the 9nth grade..."im poor because whitey is keeping me down because im black"..not because i chose to have 4 kids out of wedlock by 4 different dads who are drop outs..and so on and so on

a humungus march by tens of thousands of blacks does nothing but promote hatred and racism.not by me because i see all humans as GOD's children but by the millions who see african americans wanting another double standard.

naacp but no naawp,miss black america but no miss white america,united ***** college fund but no white college fund, bet but no wtv,
2007-09-20 07:18:40 UTC are dead on....but the civil rights industry has been a little quiet since vick pleaded guilty so this was good press for them..i think its interesting that what it boils down to is a free speech issue vs. an assault and battery charge...go figure
2007-09-20 07:12:45 UTC
Assault and Battery my @ss.
2007-09-20 07:13:19 UTC
You've got to be flippin kidding me, child, you dont even know the whole story, thats why you think its unfair lol

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