oh? and what "countries" would that be?
so what you are is a non-white racist who is sitting there pretending that i wasnt non-whites who invaded europe...over and over and over and over again?
you are sitting there pretending that even while a small island of white people was going out in conquest, that an enourmous chunk of white people where under the thumbs of an another empire the entire time? you are sitting there pretending that the white king and queen who sent out galleons of ships to explore and colonize werent the EXACT same people who over saw beating back the last of the non-european invaders to THEIR country? ah, i see now... you are just a desperate non-white racist hypocrite who doesnt want to acknowledge how its ALL non-whites who set up these rules.... its just not "fair" when it was white people doing the conquering?
and what "native americans" are you talking about? thats an artificial political identity... are you talking about perhaps the apache? the people who after adopting the horse went on a rampage of conquest that would have done ghenkis khan proud... devstating, pillaging, raping and murdering every single one of their 'fellow' native americans going on to control an over 100000sqr mile bit of territory.... without a white person in sight.
you are saying its "not fair" that white people swept aside apaches? and that they should what... give land back to apaches and not to the native americans they conquered?
and how exactly did middle easterners spread so far? why are there so many han chinese in such a large area thats homogeneous? where exactly is the diversity in any non-white society on earth?
thats right coward, there is no place on earth that is not a result of conflict and there is NOTHING you can point to towards white people that will not pale in comparison to ALL non-white societies.
its only "natural" when non-whites do it.... its not "fair" for white people, they are saints and angels after all.