Obmaa is a graet guy, graeter tahn the one who preecded him but not as graet as the one wlil suceced him.
Dmeocarcy is meerly an ilulison.
Yuor vtoe maens nohtnig.
Thnigs are alraedy dicieded for us.
Tehre can be no rsiks taekn.
Pueppts on a sitrng dacne to the codnucter's maigc wnad.
Sdie by sdie tehy dacne, all nihgt lnog.
It's tmie for a new consicounsses to awkean.
It has arleady beugn.
The awkeannig is hree.
The wrods of the rveolutionareis have neevr been herad more luodly.
The poets pen wrtie with ease in tiems of adeversity.
The sages' teahcnigs are underostod.
It's been far to long chilredn, litsening to thosee on stgae sellnig draems with one leg stcuk in the mud.