1) michael jackson chose a white woman to marry and a white woman to have babies with. He was a great and fantastic singer..but he clearly loved whites.
2) michael jordan. Yes we know.. black men can play basketball. White males are more into jumping motorcycles over busses and explosions (preferably flipping in mid air before diving).
Anways... why single out whites? they also dominate asians in basketball.. and arabs.. and every race. But put jordan on evil Kinevils motorcyle and he will flip over on his side before reaching the ramp.
3) MLK.... he dominated the black panthers. He taught about love.. not hatred like malcolm xxx.
Black radicals from the panther party bashed hendrix for playing "white music".
4) jimi hendrix wasnt black. His mother was native american and his father was black. That means he was half asian (native americans are from asia). He was to guitar what Woods was to golf and obama is to president: a successful black man raised by a non black woman.
5) i have NEVER met a black person who listened to hendrix. When he played music live in harlem.. he got bottled because he played "white music". He chose to date white women.. not black women.
6) black people have also outdone whites, asians, arabs and hispanics in murder rates too. (i'm not a racist! i wouldnt say that if the stats didnt say that)