Wow what is sad about this racist thing is you ever notice how whites in society are being brainwashed taught to make us believe we are racist. Look how the United States basically worship blacks, blacks can celebrate the BET channel, they get black history month, they have the NAACP, all these black only organizations, you got this hip hop garbage, and BLM movement with moron whites protesting with them. Then you ever notice commercials how they always make the black guys look strong and cool but make the white guys look weak and stupid, and the black guy looks cool, big time anti-white propaganda. I see it all the time and why else would they do that. You also see more and more commercials of interracial couples especially white women with black men, you have all these sayings about how awesome black men are and how boring white guys are, they can’t dance and so forth, and all it is just mass brainwashing. It has worked so wonderfully for the elites pushing this as you have seen how easily manipulated these white women have been brain washed by hip hop, all imagery, anti-white hate, the sayings about how awesome black men are and how small, boring and stupid white guys are, and its worked so well because so many white women have fallen for it because of being so easily influenced, weak minded, manipulated and brainwashed, about how fantastic black men are. Also how cool and cute it is to have mixed babies over boring white babies. Yup that is a majority of these brainwashed easily influenced white women, you see in this country. The goal of the elites to have massive interracial interbreeding has worked wonderfully as white women and black men are the most easily influenced people on the planet. The black women and white guys, the majority try to stay at least stay with their own race. Why is it whites can’t celebrate being white, and if they do they are racists? Blacks celebrate their culture its cool and its okay. Nowadays blacks are given more rights and are way overprotected and yet most of the crime, impregnating multiple women, and violence comes from young blacks. Most of the blacks cannot act like civilized and peaceful human beings, you say a word to them and they get violent, not all but 80 percent of blacks do. But the blacks are cool and they are allowed to say nasty things about white people only whites can be racist so the mass brainwashing anti-white propaganda continues and intensifies, so more and more dumb white people hate on their own race especially white women. Let’s also not forget massive forced migration and integration too that is also being used to kill off and decimate white society all over the world by the elites who know it’s easier to control society this way. You don’t ever see people forcing this diversity agenda issue in China, Japan, or Africa but in White countries we have to have diversity. Basically we have been taught white people are bad, and all other races of diversity are wonderful.