Why do so called minorities get special privilege's?
2008-09-24 12:46:03 UTC
I have always wanted to know why African Americans and Hispanic people get special treatment if it a country for us all.

I am not predigest against any one by I am pretty0 P#$%^% OFF!!

Let me start with Black People and all there privileges.
The have special tv stations(BET) and radio stations...but I can't call mine WET because I am white and that would be racists. The have so many great collages, but I cant go because I am white... and If someone wanted to make an all white college they would be racists. All the stars and tv shows that cry racists, and the BS with 1 in 10 black people will be in jail and that's the white mans fault....come on now! I could go on all day with the whole black and white issues in America. We all bleed the same color blood so why is there the favoritism's.
And now on to Hispanic(and other immigrant) laws. The get special immigrant loans. They don't have to pay taxes. They get state and Federal assistance easier than others. I am a mother of one and another on the way my husband got laid off....with no assistance. I only make 6.55 an hr and they took our Medicaid away and I don't qualify for TANF or food stamps because I make to much. My son has epilepsy and his meds are 450 a month and they denyed his meds but other kids are on it. My dr. was so mad she is appealing it. Who needs to cry raceists here? I just wish people would understand that times have changed and everyone needs HELP and I mean EVERYONE
22 answers:
2008-09-24 13:14:30 UTC
First of all I'm sorry about your situation.

Still you have to admit white people on average have a better quality of life(better schools, jobs, etc). That's why things like affirmative action exist. To close the gap not to bring down white people. Also legal immigrants pay taxes. Illegal will often pay taxes like Social Security through work. With the argument about BET its no different then the view being directed toward women or shows directed toward a certain demographic. If you don't like it don't watch it.

Again I am sorry that you are going through this but getting mad at minorities won't help pay for your son's medical care or get your husband another job.
2008-09-24 15:15:17 UTC
Either you are very young, or you choose to ignore the history behind those HBCU's. When was the last time someone stood in a college entrance and declared that that n!gger would never enroll here? Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever! Do you remember that in your history class? HBCU's were built because of this type of bullsh!t, not because we wanted to be separate and get special privileges, and they are not going to shut down just because you don't feel that it is fair. There is no need to label a school "all white", it is understood and always has been that YOU are who they are created for. Labeling it so, would only add insult to injury so to speak.

And contrary to your belief, you can attend an HBCU, on a full scholarship from the school, and the UNCF, but you, and those who think like you will never condescend to attend a "black" college. They offer this as a way to get white students to attend, but that superiority complex that some of you have is what keeps the numbers so low. As far as what you are saying about what you make and don't qualify for, I simply don't believe it. You call making 6.55 an hr making too much, you must work 80 hrs a week?

I too am on medication for epilepsy, and the reason why it costs so much is because it is brand name (Dilantin), the generic brand (Phenytoin) costs much less, however I don't blame you there because if you start on brand, switching to generics can be dangerous.

You say you are not prejudice (no matter how you spelled it), but it seems to really piss you off that some blacks are getting benefits that you aren't. Do you really believe only black people are getting these benefits? If you do, that is really foolish.

You really should stop listening to these white nationalist/separatist dialog, about black people blaming whites for them being in prison, you sound as foolish as they do (even when they are trying to sound semi-intelligent). All they do is watch how black people live and make comments and comparisons that are totally generalized and unfounded. Times have changed a little, but it's people who think like you that remind us that it hasn't changed enough.
2016-10-17 18:00:11 UTC
it extremely is gloomy that a minimum of a few people who think of, in basic terms Hindus are proud Indians and others at the instant are not. Its actual no longer authentic. there are a number of non Hindus who're proud to be an area of India and don't savour any particular rights or privileges. subsequently i do no longer locate any desire for Hindus , Muslims or Christians or the different faith to be granted any particular rights and privileges. desire of the hour is a caste much less u . s . and a faith unfastened worldwide. i do no longer think of its precise to declare that Hindus on my own are responsible for the financial growth and India's increasing great ability prestige. All authentic Indians are, no remember what faith they belong to..i'm a non Hindu who opposes reservations of any variety, and an particularly proud Indian. All authentic Indians could artwork at the same time for a caste much less, faith unfastened India no remember no remember if or no longer they stay interior the north or the south. Be a stable person after which a stable Indian. Any theory greater effective than that does no longer help INDIA!!!
2013-11-21 19:26:25 UTC
You know all of the African Americans today were never enslaved and us as the white indeviduals today never enslaved anyone and everyone cries out for equal rights and has been for decades. Well now the African Americans now have more privileges than white people. Kinda tipsy turny right? I think it's bull if you really want equal rights there should be scholarship only for being smart not for being of a different color.
2008-09-24 13:43:45 UTC
I'm black and I've NEVER gotten any "special privileges".

I've never heard of not being able to go to college because you are white. I worked my butt off in high school to make the grades to get into college. I received a partial scholarship from the college I was accepted to, which was an historically black university (so there were no "special" privileges for black students), and I worked during the semesters and during the summers AND applied for student loans to PAY MY OWN WAY through school. I also paid for grad school myself, even though my job was supposed to pay for it (they kept turning down my paperwork).

I'm paying about $350 per month out of my own pocket for medical insurance through my job. In addition to this, I'm paying about $200 for my seizure medication.

Most radio stations with an R&B or Hip-Hop format are Black-owned and can play what they want. The black community is their customer base and black-owned businesses are a big part of their advertising income. Non-black people are more that free to listen to these radio stations. Same goes for the Hispanic radio stations. There are WAY more radio stations that don't have ANY black or other ethnic programming, they just don't officially call themselves "white".

If you don't qualify for food stamps, medical assistance, or any other sort of public assistance, what does this have to do with race? And if your husband got laid off, he should be getting unemployment benefits. And he should also be out looking for another job. Your son's doctor also has the option of putting your son on different medication that doesn't cost as much.

Do you realize that the state and federal bigwigs making all of the laws and rules are all WHITE? Seriously, why are you blaming black people and immigrants for your situation? We are not the ones making any of the rules. Don't blame others for your own situation.
2008-09-24 15:59:52 UTC
Let me try to reach your reasoning.

Are you saying it is minorities who get special privileges?

My observations have indicated to me that these so-called privileges are attempts to compensate for white privileges on the world's playing field. Does this make any sense at all to you? You are actually accusing the unprivileged of being the privileged. Wow...I don't believe you are serious. Are you? If you are serious, you are in need of a life altering event that will bring about an opening up and expanding of your awareness.

Incidentally we wouldn't need a BET if the white owned stations were operating on a level playing field. White privilege explains why whites occupy the positions on regular and white actors, journalist, and mostly all areas were the privileges of mostly white people to occupy.

It is unfortunate about your son, I hope for the best for him. But, since we have a government that give many billions of dollars in foreign aid. And billions more on wasteful wars that destroys lives, landscapes, and human sympathy.

Don't you think every American citizen should be taken care of medically before we waste it on wars and give it all in foreign aid.

Your child and every other child needs government provided medical care.
2008-09-24 13:05:56 UTC
All of these so called privileges of the minorities are reactionary in nature. Pay this no mind at all. Trust that there are many among them who see the inherent weakness in this strategy as an attempt at some sort of social "equality." Curiously some minorities rant and rave about wanting access to a system that is failed. Failure welcomes all who will have it.

All that is required for yu to do personally to defeat this perceived injustice is to pay it no mind, live life exceptionally and devoid of weakness, and most importantly help your own when they are in need in a selfless manner. Very simple.

If we all lived this way there would be no time and no need for pissing and moaning over "equality."

Please give it consideration.
Miss V
2008-09-24 13:15:49 UTC
It sounds like you area bit closed minded here! First of all Black people do not have any priviledges. We worked hard to earn the rights to have BET. By the way it is owned by a white man. Who knew that dollars and cents was the bottom line. It is nice to be able to watch movies about your own culture sometimes and not always white movies. It only gives others a clearer view of how we live. If you can remember in the 1950's when black actors /actresses stared in a movie they were portrayed as dumb, stupid or a slave that is not how we live and does not display the true life of our culture. Now you know that Television and every thing else has always been geared towards whites. EXample: Life styles of the rich and famous, All in the family, The three stooges, I could go on and on. Why is it a big deal for other nationalities grow abd educate themselves to the point to where they can show people a different view. Hispanics have their own language and now have the opportunity to have television shows geared towards their culture; what is wrong with that? It is clear that you have some serious personal issues; but this is not the way to resolve them. I hate what you are going through with the system but it all goes back to the leaders of this country making not only you and your family suffer but millions of others. We have no control over the issues you are addressing and the only way to put a stop to low pay and our children suffering because we can not afford health is take it to the White house. Watch the news, read the paper we are not priviledged we are trying to get out of this lable that society has put on us. You are not the only one tired here.There are blacks with degrees and very educated and it is not what they know to get a good job its who they know. Think about it check yourself and the leaders of this country this has nothing to do with minoritys of any nationality lady.
2008-09-24 13:38:51 UTC
I am a "minority" and have not had any privileges while I have seen my white friends get MANY.

I worked hard in school while holding a part-time job in senior year. I got good grades ( "A" average and still did not get a scholarship).

Earned my master's degree and am still unemployed while white people in my class had job offers before graduating.

Had a family member with a Master's degree get rejected for a job while the person who was offered the job was a caucasian female with a community college education who admitted she did horrible in the interview (her own words).

What privileges are you talking about? I feel bad about your situation but you should be upset with YOUR GOVERNMENT for not taking care of it's citizens. I don't have health care either. Best of luck to you.
2008-09-25 05:49:56 UTC
Its not true. They dont get privileges.

They get help sometimes because as citizens of your country they have a right to request help when needed. Example times of poverty etc. Some whites also get help but I suppose thats different....

If you are unhappy about helping your fellow citizens who happen to be black, then give them a part of your country to form their own state and take care of their own people. Otherwise shut up.
Soulja Mamii
2008-09-24 19:13:11 UTC
wow.. these people think that only different raced people basically struggle.. I know exactly what you mean... Most of the population around here is a different race... not everywhere is the same.. as a mom of two n still haven't heard from the welfare offices for now 3 weeks and calling & leaving messages, i still haven't heard anything.. I can't get on assistance for housing because there isn't any room on the list because of the other raced people... okay.. seriously about the colleges with these blacks, if there was a college for all white, we would be called racist.. But it's not like the olden days where blacks had to do all the hard work while the so called lazy whites were doing nothing... We also work hard and get paid cramp.. my boyfriend had to wait almost a month for the unemployment office to approve him when he was laid off for 3 weeks.. I hate how a white girl can walk by a black and they pity her because they think that she has it easy... and it's completely untrue about it's different when a white girl gets pregnant then a different raced girl.. seriously.. SO WHAT ABOUT SARAH PALIN AND HER DAUGHTER!!! Us white girls that have children at young ages get the same crap that you guys do.. We aren't famous to where everyone supposibly thinks it's fine because they don't.. and in the city I live in all races are having kids young and they get treated the same... DON'T LISTEN TO THEM.. THEY THINK THAT IT IS DIFFERENT LIKE WE GET TREATED GOOD BECAUSE WE'RE WHITE... WE DON'T....
2008-09-24 21:19:23 UTC
I'm really sorry about your situation and I'm sorry about your son, but don't blame us minorities for your situation. It's not our fault. It's the governments fault because they're the ones who make and write the laws. We all need to unite and make a change instead of trying to fight each other and blaming each other for everything that happens to us. We all face the same problems and we all have the same goals.
2008-09-24 13:00:30 UTC
Whatever, you act like Black colleges were developed yesterday. They are called HBCU's: Historically Black Colleges and Universities. They came into existence in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Now you tell me, during that time what colleges would admit a Black student? What do you want them to do now...close down.

As far as the BET thing, BET was created because of the lack of Blacks in television. And television is STILL pretty much geared toward Whites. If you don't believe me, 13% of the U.S. is Black...but we don't see 13% of the movies targeting Blacks, do we?

And as far as the jail situation, everyone knows that less education = more crime. The schools in the White communities are so far ahead of the the schools in the Black community as far as resources, better teachers, maintenance. So to answer your question, if we had better schools to begin with, there would be less blacks in jail. Are some Blacks responsible for their own actions...of course, but oppression has a lot to do with it.

Now, after reading what I wrote, Whites are actually the ones with special privileges.
2008-09-24 13:23:29 UTC
Oh, you forgot to pick on the Native Americans who get money on their 18th birthdays...simply for being enrolled in a TRIBE! So maybe you'd beter get to work on your genealogy if you find you're Indian and enroll, you just might come into some money *snort*


Enough of your racist whining...and yes you ARE being a racist...and yes, you are definitely whining!

I live in Oregon which is 99% white, and trust me, I see PLENTY of white people who are on TANF and getting food stamps around here. Same thing in Washington State and Northern California, too!

You don't get welfare assistance automatically based on race. You have to meet the federal poverty guidelines. That's not racial. If you don't meet the guidelines, you don't meet the guidelines. It's that simple!

I'm Black and in 1989, I went from being a fairly comfortable military wife to being a struggling single mother of one due to being abandoned by my unfaithful husband and subsequently getting divorced. Here I was living in a new state for less than 9 months....I had no money in savings, no friends, no way to move anywhere else and a family of origin who basically told me that if I move home they will consider me a financial burden! So I attempted to get on assistance, and guess what? I was told I didn't qualify for ANY form of state assistance because I made too much money...and that time "too much" money was considered $5.25 an hour! I barely made enough to cover my rent...and my daughter and I were for many years a paycheck away from homelessness!

Speaking of housing, I was on the housing list for TWO YEARS. One day, the county housing authority went so far as to actually give me a tour of a house. I called them the next day to see when I could give notice to my landlord, only to find out a day later I didn't qualify because I "made too much money!"

So instead of "crying" as you claim we minorities "always" do, I got a 2d job and went to my church for assistance when needed...and I also took my ex to court and got child support! I then applied for student loans, and put myself through school...and graduated 6 years later with two BA degrees.

Things did eventually get better, but let me tell you it wasn't easy. I worked my azz off and LITERALLY pulled myself up by my bootstraps...yet all these people like you who love to assume that I'm just another Black single mother who is lazy and just relied on government handouts. I absolutely resent such assumptions!

In fact, when I was in school, I actually turned down set aside monies because I didn't want anyone accusing me of earning a degree because of a "quota." It was bad enough I had people gossiping that I "took a job away from a white person" and that the only reason I got the paid jobs I did get was because of Affirrmative if there was no possible way I could've have been actually qualified for the jobs..and many of those jobs did NOT offer health insurance. I had to pay out of my own pocket on several occasions, even if it meant taking from the grocery bill!

and the really crappy thing here? MOST of the white welfare moms I knew eventually got new boyfriends or re-married within 2 to 5 years of their divorces. There was always someone waiting in the wings for them...or someone willing to "rescue" them...and no one ever referred to them as b*tches or h o e s!

As for me, I NEVER got remarried or depended on any man to take care of me or my fact I was told numerous times I would never get a man, and that I shouldn't ever count on anyone wanting to marry me because I was " too independent" or " too intimidating" or "too whatever"....yet people LOOOOVE to go on about how "promiscuous" and "man hungry" we black women are...and how we're all such "golddiggers!"


So just freaking quit with the assumptions that all blacks are welfare queens and hispanics are draining the nation's coffers.

As for the "special" TV and radio stations, that argument is sooo old and so invalid, I won't even address it!
2008-09-25 18:34:16 UTC
Why did you say so called minorities?

Its pretty well known that white people are the majority of this country.
2015-03-16 10:37:39 UTC
cdguy i think the station your talking about is centric made for black women
2008-09-24 13:03:54 UTC
For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who

are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it,

perhaps this list will help.

White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol

Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your

family is a personal matter, and th at no one has a right to judge you

or your parents, because "every family has challenges," even as black

and Latino families with similar "challenges" are regularly typified

as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.

White privilege is when you can call yourself a "******' redneck,"

like Bristol Palin's boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone

messes with you, you'll "kick their ******' ***," and talk about how

you like to "shoot ****" for fun, and still be viewed as a

responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather

than a thug.

White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six

years like Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of,

then returned to after making up some coursework at a community

college), and no one questions your intelligence or commitment to

achievement, whereas a person of color who did this would be viewed as

unfit for college, and probably someone who only got in in the first

place because of affirmative action.

White privilege is when you can claim that being mayor of a town

smaller than most medium-sized colleges, and then Governor of a state

with about the same number of people as the lower fifth of the island

of Manhattan, makes you ready to potentially be president, and people

don't all piss on themselves with laughter, while being a black U.S.

Senator, two-term state Senator, and constitutional law scholar, means


White privilege is being able to say that you support the words "under

God" in the pledge of allegiance because "if it was good enough for

the founding fathers, it's good enough for me," and not be immediately

disqualified from holding office--since, after all, the pledge was

written in the late 1800s and the "under God" part wasn't added until

the 1950s--while believing that reading accused criminals and

terrorists their rights (because, ya know, the Constitution, which you

used to teach at a prestigious law school requires it), is a dangerous

and silly idea only supported by mushy liberals.

White privilege is being able to be a gun enthusiast and not make

people immediately scared of you.

White privilege is being able to have a husband who was a member of an

extremist political party that wants your state to secede from the

Union, and whose motto was "Alaska first," and no one questions your

patriotism or that of your family, while if you're black and your

spouse merely fails to come to a 9/11 memorial so she can be home with

her kids on the first day of school, people immediately think she's

being disrespectful.

White privilege is being able to make fun of community organizers and

the work they do--like, among other things, fight for the right of

women to vote, or for civil rights, or the 8-hour workday, or an end

to child labor--and people think you're being pithy and tough, but if

you mere ly question the experience of a small town mayor and 18-month

governor with no foreign policy expertise beyond a class she took in

college--you're somehow being mean, or even sexist.

White privilege is being able to convince white women who don't even

agree with you on any substantive issue to vote for you and your

running mate anyway, because all of a sudden your presence on the

ticket has inspired confidence in these same white women, and made

them give your party a "second look."

White privilege is being able to fire people who didn't support your

political campaigns and not be accused of abusing your power or being

a typical politician who engages in favoritism, while being black and

merely knowing some folks from the old-line political machines in

Chicago means you must be corrupt.

White privilege is being able to attend churches over the years whose

pastors say that people who voted for John Kerry or merely criticize

George W. Bush are going to hell, and that the U.S. is an explicitly

Christian nation and the job of Christians is to bring Christian

theological principles into government, and who bring in speakers who

say the conflict in the Middle East is God's punishment on Jews for

rejecting Jesus, and everyone can still think you're just a good

church-going Christian, but if you're black and friends with a black

pastor who has noted (as have Colin Powell and the U.S. Department of

Defense) that terrorist attacks are often the result of U.S. foreign

policy and who talks about the history of racism and its effect on

black people, you're an extremist who probably hates America.
Im me who are you?
2008-09-25 06:03:41 UTC
To make up for all the crap your ancestors have put us through.

Your ancestors destroyed our culture so now u have to make up for it so YES we need special treatment and recognition.

(Even though institutional racism is still very much alive) great isnt it?

White ppl:

Slaved blacks

Commited genocide against:

*South Africans


*Native Americans

*Now they are dedicated to destroying the middle east
2014-03-18 09:37:27 UTC
Granting special privileges to minorities just spoils and pampers them, and also implies that they are inferior and can't compete with whites in the marketplace. This concept of white privilege is also a lie established by the liberal, progressive (aka Cultural Marxist) crowd to try to justify special privileges for minorities. The condescending leftist liberal establishment wants to keep minorities in a "mental slave" type of thinking so they think of themselves as victims who should have special treatment and entitlements from the government. It is no coincidence that the majority of black voters vote for the Democratic Party. They are conditioned to do so, and believe that the Democratic Party is looking out for their best interests, which it is not (it is looking to just get their votes is all). Race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are typical of this crowd, and perpetuate their own interests by constantly playing the race card and looking back to the 1950s and 1960s (which are long gone and over with). There are a number of black conservatives who are aware of this and are speaking out, and they are called names like "race-traitor", "sell-out", and "Uncle Tom" by the leftist crowd in an effort to intimidate them into keeping quiet. They aren't intimidated and continue to speak out.

If one does their historical research, one will find that it has been the Republican Party that

has sincerely made the effort to create a true equal opportunity environment for blacks and other minorities. For example, the Democratic Party started the KKK, the Democratic Party resisted legislation in Congress giving blacks the right to vote and other rights afforded whites. It was Democratic President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" program of the early 1960s that effectively destroyed the traditional black family where the father of the family was replaced by the government as father and head of the family, thus resulting in a majority of single-family households led by a mother who received financial assistance and other entitlements from the government. This has had a very negative impact on black families. The Democratic Party doesn't want blacks and other minorities (including Hispanics but even more so for American blacks) to think as individuals with a sense of self-empowerment and individual responsibility for controlling their own lives; the Democratic Party (which is basically the Socialist Party of America that has been heavily influenced by the Cultural Marxists including President Obama), wants the blacks and other minorities to think collectively as members of racial groups so they won't think individually as independent thinkers. Frederick Douglas was a member of the Republican Party, and he believed that blacks should be allowed equal opportunities but not special privileges like they're getting today. He said they should be allowed to compete in the marketplace just like whites, and "sink or swim" on their own individual (not collective racial group mentality) efforts. He also didn't respect the "victimization" mentality, a sentiment I share. There is a conservative group named the Frederick Douglas Republicans" that follows his philosophy, and along with other conservative American blacks, understand very well the race hustle that is going on with the liberal, leftist, progressive, socialist-oriented crowd that race-hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson appeal to (Sharpton, jackson, and other race-hustlers like them have profited quite well from their race-hustling, which is why they continue to race-hustle). As to white privilege, I haven't seen it. I have seen minority managers and supervisors show preferential treatment to people they manage or supervise who are members of their particular ethnic group, including applying double-standards to these people where they don't have to do things that whites have to do. For example, I saw a Hispanic person promoted to a supervisory position without having to go through any interview process, testing, or any other action; he was promoted without having to do anything at all, and he was promoted by a minority manager who was

also Hispanic who even admitted he had different standards applied to that person was promoted than he did to other people. This person who was promoted was expected, as part of his supervisory duties, to be able to write performance reviews on people he supervised. In reality, due to his lack of education and English grammar skills, he would turn in a rough draft to the Hispanic manager who would rewrite the review for him. This special treatment was not afforded to white supervisors; they were expected to be able to write their own reviews, and the Hispanic manager would be very particular on their grammar. In addition, the white supervisors did have to go through an extensive interview and testing process when applying for the supervisor position. This is just one example; another example I witnessed was a somewhat similar scenario involving a black manager (a senior non-commisioned officer) while serving in the military, and I have seen this scenario repeated many times over the last 30 or more years in my experiences in both the military and the private sector. It doesn't do anyone any good.

Examples of black-skin privilege in the U.S. are : the Black Congressional Caucus, Black Entertainment Television (BET), Miss Black America Pageant, Black History Month, Black Studies Programs in public universities, the allowance of Black student unions on university campuses, Affirmative Action (which is really politically correct speak for institutionalized racial discrimination against white people), society saying it is OK for black people to call white males "white boys" but not OK for a white male to call a black male "black boy". The deliberate promoting (or placing) the black male on a pedestal making him seem righteous and "glorified" when in he reality he is no better or worse than anyone else (including white males), the deliberate depicting of white males as weak, feminized, demonized, "buffoons" in T.V. commercials, T.V. shows, and Hollywood movies. These are just a few examples of how the liberal, leftist, Socialist, "social engineers" have spoiled blacks and other minorities so they will continue to vote for the Democratic Party and continue to be dependent on the government for entitlements. These people are being maintained as "mental slaves" by their leftist, Socialist, Cultural Marxist masters, and are encouraged to think collectively (in the Marxist tradition) instead of thinking independently as individuals.

I've watch several movies and read some books that talks about what I've mentioned. They are: the movie "Agenda" by Curtis Bowers; the movie "Runaway Slave" by C.L.Bryant; the book "Negrophilia" by Erik Rush; the book "Its OK to Leave the Plantation" by Mason Weaver. These are but a few movies and books available that describe (in much more detail) what I'm talking about. Spoiling and pampering minorities (especially blacks but not exclusively them) just keeps them as mental slaves to their leftist, liberal, Cultural Marxist masters.
2008-09-24 12:54:11 UTC
Good to know you're not "pre-digest"....from what I can tell, your comments are more reminiscent of "post-digest" will take you a while to figure that one out, I'm sure.
2008-09-24 12:52:48 UTC
"I am not 'predigest'"

Yes you are. You are also an idiot and very ignorant.

Your rant is filled with false information, poor grammar, and bitterness that I pity more than anything else.
2008-09-24 14:00:40 UTC
you are so ignorant.....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.