Do you think that past slavery was benificial for post slavery African Americans?
2008-03-31 15:11:29 UTC
Before you slap me with the Race Card, hear out the entire question. I in no way am saying slavery was a good thing or approving the practice of slavery.

My question actually came from a statement a black friend of mine made. He said he thought slavery turned out to be a good thing for blacks today.

his reasoning behind his statement was that while slavery was bad for blacks while it was happening, after slavery was abolished African Americans even at the time segragation and the lack of rights they had in america up to the standard they live in today have lived at a quality of life and a standard above that of any black person living in Africa at the same time.

He said between apartheid, genocide, famine disease and economic factors the african american has lived a much better quality of life than their counter part in Africa. I had never though of it that way, but he compared what happened with Japan being devistated during WW2 but becoming a Tech Giant becuase of repbuildin
31 answers:
2008-03-31 15:24:12 UTC
I don't know if I agree or disagree. I guess a little of both. Freedom is like the beauty. . . it is in the eye of the beholder. In Africa yes there may be apartheid, genocide etc...things of that nature but it wasn't always that way I am sure . . (Africa is beautiful.. have you ever watched Animal Planet or Travel Channel? lol) Especially with Africa being the place of origin for the human race. (do your homework) I think every place, even every race has a time where it is on top and then it shall too fall. Rebuilding is something that take time and patience. But to say we were better off having our people go through slavery... idk as an African American Woman I feel gypped by not knowing my culture, native tongue. Those are things that can't be given back to me no matter how much I love America. Not being able to know who my ancestors where or what they did is saddening... I can only trace them back four generations. Some ppl can do less or even more.. but it is important to know one's history.. More importantly every country practices their own form of freedoms.. and who's to say one person is more free that me? I think it is also a state of mind.

P.S Any African American ppl or any other ppl that walk around blaming Caucasians for what happen (do your homework) it isn't their fault. We are all a melting pot of people.. some you may or may not know of.. so why not claim it all. Racism is hatred towards yourself!
2008-03-31 15:27:23 UTC
it is ignorant to think that Africa had a poor standard of living during those years or now. What people need to realize is that Africa is not all famine, disease and poverty. Africans have always had everything they needed to live a good comfortable life before colonialism destroyed the indigenous people's lifestyles and robbed them of their land and natural resources. Read up on the Ashanti kingdom, the site of what is currently Ghana, you will be surprised. Africa has a PR problem, westerners are generally uninformed about the vastly different places in Africa not embroiled in war, famine or the AIDS epidemic. Africa is not the same all over, there are now and have always been places where Africans prosper and have a quality standard of life, albeit different from western lifestyles. There is a great need for westerners to educate themselves about Africa. What slavery did to Africans and their descendants was a travesty and in no way did it make life better for those enslaved. The treatment of those people was diabolical, I am shocked that anyone, especially a AA person wold ever claim we had it better over here. That goes for the enslaved and those who had to endure segregation and the lack of opportunity to live a quality life it ensured.
Brotha J.
2008-03-31 15:52:39 UTC
Any group of people will benefit in a Country that receives 400 years of free Labor from another Group of people but, in terms of what is it considered beneficial? Millions of African Lives lost at Sea in the Slave trade, stripped of they're culture, language, religion, and so on. Families ripped apart, our Women rapped, even in post Slavery times the film "Birth of a Nation" that depicted the Black Man as a shiftless, and wanting to rape white Women & making the KKK the good guys created stereo types and idiots today referencing to us hunting monkeys as the thing to do don't feel that beneficial in specific relation to Black people. There's no telling what could have happened in Africa had there not been slavery. Especially with Africans being the 1st in civilization to have a written alphabet, 1st in civilization to smelt iron, and 1st in civilization to have a Library (which Socrates & Plato quoted their philosophies from).
2008-03-31 15:21:18 UTC
He needs to research the effects of European Colonization & the later foreign policies of those countries on African and every other country with ppl of African descent. AIDS didn't come about until modern times in the very late 20th century. If it came from some African having sex with a monkey, shouldn't it have existed a LONG time ago, if we are to assume Africans have sex with monkeys-which is inferred. As far as famine & other diseases-once again late late modern day crisises. There were many thriving African civilizations.

And its debatable if it was beneficial. Not all Africans are in famine stricken, diseased plague countries. As a matter of fact many Africans are really shocked that most Americans believe this. Plus most AA don't know our ancestral country, our original language, have no idea what our ancestral culture was (therefore left with a long legacy of slavery & oppression). And many live in poverty stricken, drug & gang infested neighborhoods. So its very subjective.
2008-03-31 15:18:19 UTC
I hate it when the media makes it sound like a majority of Africans are suffering. [rant] well its NOT TRUE!! STOP WATCHING "FEED THE CHILDREN" AND ACTUALLY GO TO AFRICA AND SEE THAT NOT EVERYONE OR A "MAJORITY" ARE SUFFERING!!!!! GEEZ!! imbeciles! [/rant] sorry I didn't mean to rant I just had to get that off my chest. I don't think it was as positive as you may think. Even today, many racists still make cruel jokes about blacks returning to slavery times or some other form of cruel slavery jokes. It diminishes our dignity or integrityor w/e you want to call it.


okay but because they might have higher epidemic rates or more food shortages doesn't mean that A MAJORITY like the media makes it sound are all subjected to that lifestyle. I've been to Africa, I was born there for saturns sake. I've traveled in 5 African countries and they are NOT what you see on TV. and the genocide in Rwanda happened a while ago, A WHILE AGO!!! or are you forgetting the Holocaust? or the Armenian genocide? I won't be surprised if the casualties of those two genocides surpass the casualties for those other genocides in Africa.
2008-03-31 15:34:06 UTC
Well lets make it clear that not all African Americans were slaves..Some actually settled here with the English, which the history revisonist conviently likes to leave out.So arriving in the U.S. wasnt necessarily a thing we were "forced" to do in all circumstances.. Although it would be hard to deny life anywhere other than America would suck.
2008-03-31 19:40:24 UTC
I didnt' read your whole question but I always tell my mom that sometimes Im glad slavery happened because I might not even be born (I have Irish/choctaw ansectory) or I might be in Africa. I'd hate to live in Africa now. I only hear bad things and they have genocides and diseases and all sorts of issues. I know bad things happen here too, but America is a land of oppurtunity.
2008-03-31 15:29:54 UTC
I hate to say it, but your friend is an idiot. The reason blacks are adapted into society completely today, and they excel compared to their African counterparts, is because america is so much more advanced. If slavery was abolished earlier than it was, blacks would have gained civil rights much quicker, and we would be even farther along then we are today. Tell your friend to read up about slavery, and all the negativity it produced. Slavery in now way at all was positive, and it is comical to even think that.
2008-03-31 16:35:58 UTC
An interesting argument but in the end the negative effects of slavery will always outweigh the so called benefits that your friend talked about.
2008-03-31 15:27:38 UTC
I would say it wasn't good for African Americans, mainly because the white slave owners were breeding intelligence out of the race. If some slave was too smart, he was killed, so that he couldn't breed. This practice from white people set black people back quite a few generations.
Mark S
2008-03-31 15:15:48 UTC
I can see where he is coming from but at the same time slavery was not the best option

Everyone could have lived on the same level education could have been offered to all and the upper life style would have been adopted bay all men.
2008-03-31 15:16:00 UTC
No i dont think so. i dont think slavery is beneficial to anybody that is being enslaved. I think them being in america was beneficial to them. I think them being in america and fighting for their freedom was beneficial too. as for the slavery well also, if black people were never brought into slavery, how do you know what could have happened in the future? it's silly to look into history and say well if that never happenned, black people would be worse off than they are today.
Rachel A
2008-03-31 15:16:45 UTC
That's hard to answer when you look at other cultures that have not been lucky due to hardships bestow upon them from other racses and; American Indians, Aztecs and other races that are almost completely wiped out.
2008-03-31 15:47:08 UTC
While it may be true that African Blacks have benefited from "the Americanization Process", it is not true that Slavery per say was good for Blacks in general.

You have to recall that Slavery was a big part of life in Africa at least 30,000 years before "the USA slave trade".

In point of absolute fact, African black tribes never had a substantial Navy. The reason for this was thousands of years of abuse from North African Slave Traders. In fact almost all the world suffered from these despots. They had faster better armed ships that until recently nobody understood, lest of all the less well generally educated African states. It wasn't until the use of super-ships with long range canon that the Europeans got a "hang" (from the yard arms) on the slavers of North Africa. Chinese peoples weren't safe until years earlier they developed rockets that could set slaving ships on fire at long ranges; even so, a sneak attack was never out of the question with North African Crab Claw rigged sailing boards with siege crossbows.

Our Marines don't sing about Tripoli for nothing you know.

Who knows what these industrious peoples might have done without such "competitive inhibition".

I would argue that US slavery was primarily driven by the moral argument against the British idea of mass murder by proxy (such as with the arming of the Zulus by selling them and only them pig iron resulting in a massive disparity of arms and the extinction of God only knows how many peoples). Slavery was simply put the most economically feasable means of protecting the most they chould from homicide.

But, after several "slave revolts" and the loss of many of those that gave everything they had to save a few ingrates who did not understand why they were taken and much less wanted no part of any such understanding, there were very harsh rethinks as to the needs and practicality of reformation of and for these "lost souls".

What would you have done? Say you saw a black fellow kill all your family after they saved him from certain death by investing all they had in rescuing those people through use of the most sophisicated technology of that or any age before it (sailing vessals and the navigation to sail them). Say they certainly could have used those vessals for other routs for decades, but would instead use them on a few frantic trips into worm infested waters, where those massive investments were certain to be lost to said worms. Say that because of the vast expence of throwing away ships to save blacks they had been cruel; say they knew the blacks did not and would not commit to their hearts any understanding of this cruelty, but continued openly to fume at those they all saw as inhuman. Would you have given those people the means to fight your soldiers ~ knowledge ?

Given the fact that even today the europeans encourage mass murders by supplying one and only one side of a conflict with arms, would you have treated those Black people as a means to save at least a sample of the rest? Or would you abandon those left to their fates, free the slaves at your peril and those of their comrads and former neighbors?

Was slavery wrong? Yes. Would more of Darfour have been worse? Yes.

Your fellow is correct, we don't live in a perfect world. And when outcomes are improved by what may seem unlikely generosity, one should have the grace to say so. But on the other hand, slavery as an institution is wrong.

Thus I disagree with de@dbeat dad laws. Does your fellow? Or has he modified his abhorence to slavery when he sees it might eventually be his race holding the reigns, whipping ours?
2008-03-31 15:15:37 UTC
that's a good way of looking at it, but no matter how many facts a question like that may be backed up by, you could never convince anybody that slavery was beneficial. it is a pretty solid argument though
Kiera M
2008-03-31 15:14:33 UTC
Yeah, I think there is *some* sense in that. I mean most African countries are pretty bad (let's see how many thumbs down I get for that!)
2008-03-31 15:20:25 UTC
The racist whites will agree, because they justify all their crimes but i disagree with what he stated.

Racism has got him to submit to the rules of white supremacists. Its sad.
2008-03-31 15:15:11 UTC
im my opinion slavery is used as a bargaining chip with blacks, when we should be focused more on the present time, some (not all) still live in the past and it just rekindles the hate and halts progress.
J frum NH
2008-03-31 15:16:37 UTC
Well, without being "shipped " over here the bulk of them would all be in native tribes hunting day to day carrying spears,with no say in gov. no vaccines living in poverty.

So,it has no doubt benifitted them to be brought here by the white man to America
Mufasa L
2008-03-31 15:14:26 UTC
i would say yes & no--

it was not beneficial in ways which are apparent-

but it did spread the population onto american soil--

which might not have happened otherwise.
2008-03-31 15:15:32 UTC
Since we can't change the past, it isn't even worth pondering. It is an uinanswerable question.
2008-03-31 15:14:04 UTC
Nah. In my opinion, it just seems to bring out more reason for unnecessary modern-day prejudice.
I need Answers
2008-03-31 15:15:59 UTC
Interesting.. he makes a good point and I agree..
2008-03-31 15:15:08 UTC
I would not say so to be honest..blacks live in relative poverty in this country
2008-03-31 15:16:30 UTC

tell your black friend to pick up a history book..ANY history book
2008-03-31 15:13:35 UTC
2008-03-31 15:14:37 UTC
♥very bad 4 you! - gossip girl♥
2008-03-31 15:15:12 UTC

2008-03-31 15:14:12 UTC
omg idk this is a good ??????

2008-03-31 15:13:22 UTC
2008-03-31 15:13:25 UTC

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