my uncle married Filipino and they working in libya. they have got a lot of arab friends and most of them can barely speak english language. once, when I visited my uncle in libya I saw his libyan friend beating on his wife at my uncle's house. I find that it's very bad of him to humiliate his wife at the front of the eyes of other ppl. I tried to stop him and he shouted to me..something like " white ppl. are gafir" which means "satan" ....I heard the same thing happened to the african muslim friend that is my neighbor. he said when he went to huj in saudi arabia. while he was walking around the Kaaba stone. one of the arab man pushed him and said thing like. "get out of my way, you disgusting neg@id." I also heard the same thing from the south east asian muslim that went to study in al agzar university in egypt. they said some arab like to destroy the meaning of Goran and call the muslim that good and kind to the non-muslims as muallaf or put up their ethnicity to degrade. why is that?