It's simple, it's because we were the greatest of rivals for centuries.
However, the only English-speaking people some of us "hate" are the English and the Americans. We like the Scottish and the Irish, and we don't know or care enough about the Australians and the Kiwis to really have anything against them.
By the way, in WW1 we actually did the majority of the fighting and the dying. You did help liberating France in WW2, but even though the soldiers certainly were heroes, they didn't fight for us, they fought against Germany, which threatened the British Empire.
The idea that the English are the poor victims of French Anglophobia is ridiculous, both countries have historically equally hated each other, and considering the history of English nationalism and the fact that unlike France England doesn't really have other neighbors than France, most objective people would agree that the English hate the French more than the French hate the English, something which can be easily confirmed just by comparing France's press to England's infamously xenphobic one.
"Goes back centuries,we held a lot of French Territory and they have never forgiven us."
That's weird, because most English people generally claim the hatred between the French and the English started when the Normans invaded in 1066 and imposed French culture in England.
Also, the fact that you once controlled a lot of "French" territory isn't the reason considering we had our revenge when we kicked your a** out of France during the Hundred Years War (though I know because of your selective memory you guys only remember Crecy and Agincourt.)