My mom is trying to sell my car!?
2017-07-21 17:43:47 UTC
I just turned 18 a month ago, it was my 16th birthday present. She is upset lately saying that "since you're not going to college, I'm going to sell it. Going to college was a courtesy of it." Excuse me? If it was a courtesy for school then why would she let me take it everywhere?? Whatever!! My car insurance is $150 a month. I pay her $50 every week out of my own paycheck, and she's trying to tell me I have only paid one car payment!? This is ridiculous. I plan to move out soon. What I wanna do in life doesnt support college. At least I didnt drop out like she did or fail/dropout in college 3 times like she did! What should I do?
91 answers:
2017-07-23 18:05:07 UTC
could have it totaled. *shrugs* It happens
2017-07-23 17:07:50 UTC
Nothing anyone here says will mean anything to you because you simply want others to agree with you but you're defending something that is totally WRONG.

First, your mom brought you up, fed and clothed you for YEARS; you act like an ungrateful brat, thinking HER car is yours. You paid insurance, good; at least you paid for using the car that belongs to HER.

You bring up that she failed here and there... and she's desperately trying to keep you from repeating her mistakes, like an ungrateful brat. YOU act as though she doesn't care, and that's where you are mostly WRONG. Oh, wait... you prefer to learn from YOUR OWN MISTAKES? A sure sign of ignorance; a wiser person would learn from the mistakes of others, particularly by those who love and have cared for you.

You're quick to tell us about her mistakes but you won't acknowledge] her multitude of sacrifices to give you a better life. You may not like or appreciate my reply but be assured it is the truth. You paid to use the car; you did not pay for it by any stretch of your delusional mind. You have no legal or moral right to the car SHE BOUGHT and PAID FOR, and YOU USED.
2017-07-23 11:53:12 UTC
Why does the question include an entirely superfluous "Excuse me?" I remember very many years ago on David Frost's TV programme in the UK when he was speaking to two women from either side of an argument that I have long forgotten, and one of them prefaced every remark with "Excuse ME!" In the end he had to tell the stupid virago that she had been invited to take part in the discussion and did not need to excuse herself every time and to stop saying it. Don't even get me started on people who start their conversation with "So ..." when it relates to nothing that has preceded it. Oh, the original question? I don't have a view, sadly.
2017-07-23 00:11:18 UTC
Are you an only child? ITS HER CAR !!!! Go to college, now days, people need an education to get any where in this world. Your going to move out??? At 16 yrs old??? Do you think your goning to get a well paid job at 16 with a high school education??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.........That is F U N N Y !!!!!. Get your dumbass in college, get an education and GROW up. You need a good beating.
2017-07-22 17:43:59 UTC
It's her car. She is (was) just letting you use it. She doesn't owe you a car, or anything at this point. You are now an adult. Get used to what that means. Buy your own car. If you cant afford one, work and save until you can. In the interim a used bike should do the trick.
2017-07-22 16:28:24 UTC
Count yourself lucky, brat. There is no way in hell I would buy a 16 year old a car to begin with. You need to go to college . I see Mom's concern that you do not want to better yourself in life but merely be a one job right after the other. You know what that gets you in life? A pay check to paycheck week after week after week. Meaning you run up a bunch of debt just to buy your toys in life and end up Bankrupt in 5 years.
Vanilla Spice
2017-07-22 15:40:13 UTC
She might be having financial trouble now and needs money. Or she is upset that you are not going to college and she wants to penalize you for that. You don't have to go to college straight out of high school. You said that what you, "wanna do in life doesn't support college." Does that mean that you have a career plan or some idea of what you want to do? You might want to discuss your career plan with your mom.
2017-07-22 01:33:36 UTC
You are only paying for insurance right? So it is her car. Why don't u pay her the estimated amount of the car and own it legally? and I am sure your're mom isn't telling u to go to college for your own good so be mad at her
2017-07-22 01:19:52 UTC
If the title is in her name, it's her car legally.

Also, don't pat yourself on the back for paying your own bills.

yes, you should go to college.
2017-07-21 17:46:41 UTC
Whose name is on the title of the car? How much is a monthly car payment?

Add up what you have paid her. And from now forward get a receipt from her verifying your monthly pay towards the car.

Bottom line is if her name is the only one on the title of the car she can sell it any time she wants to
Orla C
2017-07-24 08:44:59 UTC
If she bought it, and has the documentation to prove it, it's not your car, it's hers.

You are such a spoilt brat.
2017-07-24 08:29:47 UTC
Wow... dude I'm 20. I pay for my own insurance, and my mom helped me buy a crappy car, but it gets me around. 50 bucks is nothing. I literally pay 192 dollars a month on my own every month for insurance. Anyways, you should go to college. I know you may not want to, but, trust me. You'll be doing yourself and your mom a favor in the long run.
2017-07-23 18:05:42 UTC
Whatever! Lol...It sounds like you knew college was part of the agreement with having that car. You did not meet up with that end of the agreement. So, clearly, there goes the car. Your mom bought it with her own financing from which you mentioned, you only made one car payment. Which out of how many payments she made in 2 years does not amount to a lot on your end. She has the right to sell it as she bought the car.

You pay a part of insurance...well you used the car, it is the least you can do while in your use. Your mom wasn't driving it; you were. You actually should be paying the full amount of the insurance, which you were not.

It is actually a great life learning lesson. Especially as seeing you are already a young adult legally. In life, when you know there is a condition on an agreement not met on your end, especially with a financial institution or otherwise, it will not move forward. You do not receive something, if you do not do your part on an agreement in general. You may even be penalized or have some consequence if it were a financial institution.

It does not matter what your mother's educational past was. The fact is, most good parents will always want a better opportunity for their children, that they may not have had. This includes your mother.

A college education has better opportunity for career advancements, then just graduating from highschool. Someone who is a college grad has more chances of the freedom to look for & qualify for a variety of career opportunities, then a person who graduates highschool alone. There are a smaller few who do end up successful career wise as only highschool grads.

If you are moving out & need a car...just simply buy the car from your mom and resume all payments on your own- including insurance. Then the title will be switched over to you. Voila, no more expectation on your part. It will be all your responsibility now...well, you are an adult now and here is a way to truly be treated like one;). Welcome to the real world:). I am sure your job that does not require college will be able to support it all;). So why the complaints?
2017-07-23 16:35:01 UTC
unless your name is on the title, it is her car, so she can sell it at anytime she wishes to, so if you want to keep it, change the title to your name
Nekkid Truth!
2017-07-23 12:01:43 UTC
Who's name is on the title? That name is the legal owner. If her name, it is HER car.

Paying on insurance is not a "car payment"... Your insurance is sky high because of your age.
2017-07-23 11:00:55 UTC
The car is the least important part of your story. The relationship with your mother is so much more important than a hunk of metal that will be in a scrap yard in five or ten years. The first thing I want to address is don't ever judge your mother for the things she may have or have not done. Believe me, you don't know all the circumstances, and you may not want to know all the cirumstances. I judged my mom too. .Sometime harshly... most of the time harshly. I mean she was just an old lady. What else did she have to do but take care of us kids. She was forty- four years old. After my father died, she never went on a date, out to dinner with friends, to a holiday party, or even a movie. She lived for us kids. She pushed me into going to college as well. I did horribly. My GPA was in the toilet. But back in the eighties many colleges would keep letting you take and flunk classes as long as you had the money for tuition. My mom died of alzheimers in 2012, about a year after diagnosis. During her decline her tortured mind reveled the horror she lived as a young girl. You see my mom was Austrian, she was eleven the first time she saw Hitler. The entire country was ravished by the effects of the war. My mom's father was missing in action, and her mother died in child birth, so she lived with her uncle and aunt, but her aunt died a horrible death, and her uncle soon remarried a woman who despised my mother. She was sent to a farm one summer to work and was raped .The next year her uncle tried to send her back to this same farm knowing what had been done to her. The night before she was to leave she ran away. She was fifteen years old, .and on her own. She had met a man and fell in love. She had a baby. She took a train to Italy to meet him at the church but he left her at the alter. She gave the baby up for adoption. That baby, my brother, contacted me 56 yrs later. He told me many stories of the horrible childhood my mother endured. You see my mom forced me to go to college as well. She wanted something better for me just like your mom wants for you. Do I think you should go? NO!! If your not ready your academic record will suffer, and it will follow you. It did me. I wanted to go back to get my R.N. when I was in my forties, and I could not get into a program. Waiting a few years is not the end of the world.The car you are so focused on will be your guilty burden to carry when you are an adult with children of your own. I hope they never hear of you short comings, and use it against you to get their way. Maybe you can present your reasons for wanting to hold off on school using logic and she may even start to agree with you. If she doesn't, take the car keys, place them in her hand, and thank her for allowing you to use the car for as long as she did. Ask her about a bus schedule to boot, and she will probably pass out from this new found maturity Part of the reason she is digging in her heels is because you are kinda having a tantrum . which proves to her your inability to think things through clearly.. The brain does not fully develope until age 25. She should doubt your decision making capabilities, as should every parent of a young adult who wants independence, but isn't capable of being independent. I hope this wasn't too harsh, I don't want you to regret any actions or words later.
2017-07-22 19:56:00 UTC
Move out, Go to work, get a job ( without the college it will be minimum wage,) buy a bicycle, cause thats all you'll be able to afford. We should allow abortions up to age 18 because you obviously can't survive outside your mother's womb
2017-07-22 17:46:57 UTC
you wanna keep the car? go to college or take classes for a certificate to do something. thats not right though... good luck.
2017-07-22 17:30:09 UTC
Go to court and complain
2017-07-22 15:47:19 UTC
2017-07-22 11:06:40 UTC
Let her do that. Mind it, parents, when doing that if they fall in a problem or buy a new one.
2017-07-22 05:09:31 UTC
She is your Mom.Try to solve it amicably.
2017-07-22 05:02:47 UTC
buy your own car
2017-07-22 02:53:21 UTC
If you are able to pay for the gas, and other expenses, also for the registration and insurance, than you would be able to keep the car.

For you to pay, $ 150.00 per month, which is about 1 thousand and 8 hundreds for the year, it seems like a lot you are paying.

If the car insurance is under your mothers name, than you might not have to spend a lot.

If it is under your name, you might be spending a lot.

Something to think about.
2017-07-22 02:24:59 UTC
buy your own car, then
2017-07-22 01:40:40 UTC
If the car is in her name then there is nothing much you can do, unless you can prove that you have been paying everything else on it and have bills and then possibly something could be done.

If the car is in your name she cannot legally do this.

If the car is in both of your names she cannot legally do this.

If you drove it up until this point then just cancel the insurance, you paid for it whilst you used it, now its her problem. Maybe try to convince her why not going to college is a responsible idea and why you still need the car... assuming you are going to be working if your not at college
2017-07-22 01:02:17 UTC
Your Mother bought the car for you? You should say thank you and shut up. Now you are 18 and what? Are you going to live on the street? At 18, I am sure you have peaked on the curve of knowledge and know everything you will ever need to know.

The reasonable thing to for you to do is to discuss the issue with your mother. If the car is titled in her name, it belongs to her. The use of it by you required you to pay the insurance? Maintenance costs and gas?

Let me ask, do you live, sleep, eat and have a room under her roof? Do you pay for it? You say you are moving out. Can you afford to live on your own?

You say, " At least I didnt drop out like she did or fail/dropout in college 3 times like she did!". Does that make it alright for her not to worry about you and want the best for you? She knows the impact of poor choices and has gained a wisdom about which you haven't got a clue.

Grow up a little bit, discuss options with her, make your decisions and do you best to achieve whatever goal you set for your self. If your Mom would allow it, you should ask her if you could go live on your own for a year or two with her help or support beyond caring that nothing untoward happens to you. At the end of that time, if you want to continue (and I hope you are successful at whatever you do), let her know how you are doing and continue living your life. If you have found life is a little harder that you expected, perhaps some for of higher education would available to you if your Mom is still willing to support you while you are in college or trade school, etc.

I'd like to here from you again after you have a wife and kids you care for and let us know what you think then.

Hope this helps,

2017-07-22 00:57:04 UTC
Go to a trade school and learn a trade
2017-07-22 00:49:22 UTC
if it's in her name it's her car
Common Sense
2017-07-21 18:42:36 UTC
Who's name is on the title of the car? If it is in her name, then it is her car. If it is in your name, then she cannot legally sell it to anyone or even take it from you. If the loan is in your name, then you should be paying that loan directly to the institution where you borrowed the money. If the loan was co-signed by your mother and you are not paying it, then the car will be repossessed by the bank if she does not pick up on the payments you missed, if you missed any payments. If the registration is in your name and the loan is in your name, then the title is held by the bank and is in the name of the person applying for the loan, NOT the cosigners name, if there is a co signer.
2017-07-25 06:23:08 UTC
No Way, you knew the rules here is a car, but you need to go to colleg, so go to bl--dy college !
2017-07-24 17:55:15 UTC
Is the title under her name? If yes, then legally, it's her car. And could sell it anytime she wants to. You can't do shìt about it.
2017-07-23 16:11:15 UTC
If I was you, I'd go into real estate. That's what I did out of high school. I got my license and did BPOs as my third job. They pay about $30-$50 a pop. I got ECE certified and worked as a soccer coach. Got paid $28 an hour for that(without a bachelors) and as a soccer referee($120/average a day). All of these were jobs I could do right out of high school. I did go to school and got my associates but that didn't affect how much I got paid really. Now I've quit reffing and college because I don't need it. I invested in an apartment complex and rent the rooms out for $400 a month. There are 12 units total. If you're smart, you won't work for your money from pay check to pay check. You'll let your money work for you. If I was you, I would seriously consider a legitimate way to support yourself if you aren't gonna go to college. Make a plan. And then go for it. Don't wait for mom to support you.
2017-07-23 15:41:41 UTC
Well spend more time with your parents when you move out you have the rest of your life ahead of you and you'll probably only see them once a month or once a year. Im 14 and i don't wamna grow up yet. But your choice is your choice
2017-07-23 15:38:16 UTC
IF the car is in your name and you live in the U.S. it would be illegal of her to sell the vehicle. At 18 you are an ADULT so regardless of who paid for the vehicle only the LEGAL owner of the vehicle is whoever's name is on the title.
2017-07-23 04:21:03 UTC
Wow! I wish my mom bought me a car, let alone complain about the fact she bought me a car. Talk about spoiled! I own a car, I went to college to own a car, didn't own a car till I was 21... but my mom didn't own it, I did, because I went to college, like a hard working, unspoiled, pay my own way person I am. ;)

Now I know not to buy my kids a car at 16. I don't want them to turn out like you. Thanks for the parenting tip.
2017-07-22 19:54:21 UTC
If she bought it for you, you're being totally ungrateful that you even got a car in the first place. If she bought it for you, she can take it away need she see fit
2017-07-22 18:24:16 UTC
Don't listen to anyone here telling you to go to college. Unless you know exactly what you want to do, DO NOT GO. You could be paying for it for the next 15 years whether you graduate or not. Work for now until you figure out what you want to do and what interests you. You may not need or want to go to college depending on what it is you are good at or want to do. Forget about the car, that's the least of your worries, DO NOT be pressured into college, it can be the worst investment of your life if its not ultimately your decision.
2017-07-22 17:27:56 UTC
You decided not to go to school. (She wants better for you than ahe has for herself) if you have a good jib which doesn't require an education more power to you. If you are going to make the grown up decision to no further you education suck it up go to a car lot and finance a car and go for it be a big person.
2017-07-22 14:51:00 UTC
Insurance is different than a car payment. my dad bought my car cheap, and I paid him in full and had to pay insurance on top of that growing up. If the car is in her name, she has every right to sell it. Buy your own car, get your own insurance, and then she can't threaten to sell it.
k w
2017-07-22 11:45:35 UTC
it's hers to live under her roof? you follow her rules, cry baby
2017-07-22 10:48:24 UTC
Who name is on the title of the car? If it is your mom's you are out of luck.You only paid for the car insurance not anything else.

So go to a two year trade school.
2017-07-22 09:42:03 UTC
I think she really wants you to go to college because she thinks that's what's best for you .. but I think she should accept you and you must follow your passion whatever that is . If you start working towards that passion she will leave you alone and trust in you more . Plus, doesn't work in your benefit to move out if you want to save money and Pursue another career .
Mister Cool
2017-07-22 01:17:07 UTC
Perfectly legal..


.....I am a retired police officer. I retired as a sergeant, after 29 years, from a very large department, about 12,000 officers. I was a patrol officer for 4 years in a very diverse area. I was a tactical officer in the high rise project areas of my city. We called it vertical patrol in that we walked the the stairways of the high rises most of the time. I did that for 5 years and was promoted by test to detective. I worked violent crime (homicide, sex, officer involved shootings, robbery, kidnapping, serious non property incidents) for 11 years until I was promoted to sergeant. I worked as a street supervisor, a bicycle patrol supervisor and a desk sergeant/watch commander. During my time as a tactical officer and a detective I was a unit representative for the police union.

I have a B.A in English and an M.S. in Law Enforcement Administration....
2017-07-22 00:57:41 UTC
Suck it up,buttercup.
2017-07-22 00:47:37 UTC
awww parents can sometimes be unfair,but look on the bright side when you get older you will own.
2017-07-22 00:13:19 UTC
If you're really upset about this you may want to consider taking legal action. It's hard to do that to family but sometimes it's warranted. As long as the vehicle title is in your name she is breaking the law if she sells your car.

My advice to you is to keep the vehicle title and the keys (spares included) away from her at all times. If she does sell it to someone they're required by law to present the vehicle title to a BMV to prove they're the owner.
2017-07-21 23:01:06 UTC
Too bad,so sad
2017-07-21 22:41:20 UTC
Depends who the registered owner of the car is but if you're not going to college it doesn't matter. Good paying semi skilled jobs went away in the 80s and 90s. Your income will be so low you won't be able to afford a car.
2017-07-21 20:43:23 UTC
Just lie and tell her your going to college and just don't go. Get the car in your name and pay your car note and insurance. Problem solved.
2017-07-25 14:55:06 UTC
2017-07-24 09:25:18 UTC
dumb ***
2017-07-23 05:56:03 UTC
The way you worded your details suggest a lack of education and decency. Go to school, you spoiled brat
2017-07-23 04:03:00 UTC
Haha if she bought the car then it belongs to her and if you want to be stupid and not go to college then you don't deserve the car because you Won't be going anywhere in life. I didn't have a car until I was 20, I bought it myself.
2017-07-23 00:18:30 UTC
2017-07-22 22:50:23 UTC
There is nothing you can do, and it is not "your" car. Your mom bought a vehicle when you were 16 years of age, and she's been allowing you to 'use' it ever since. YOU certainly didn't buy a vehicle when you were 16 and have it registered in your name.

If your mom is the Registered Owner on the Title of the vehicle (as she most probably is). it is HER car; to do with as she pleases. She can sell it, or she can take it to the wrecking yard and have it crushed into a small cube of metal.

If you want to change that, then you have to buy the car from your mom, get the title transferred into your own name, and buy your own auto insurance in your own name. If you think your auto insurance of $150 a month is bad now, just wait until you see how much auto insurance is going to cost an 18-year-old driver who is not carried on his parents' auto insurance! By the time you finish paying your monthly premium, you won't have enough money left to even put gas in the car!

The fact that you have been paying your mom $50 a week for auto insurance doesn't amount to a hill of beans. She had to use that money to help her pay her own auto insurance company the increased cost of the insurance that allowed you to drive the car in the first place.
2017-07-22 22:17:50 UTC
What? Why?
2017-07-22 21:33:30 UTC
let her sell it
2017-07-22 21:29:20 UTC
2017-07-22 17:45:36 UTC
buy your own car
2017-07-22 15:59:51 UTC
You could buy it off her and change the ownership belonging to your name.
2017-07-22 14:10:32 UTC
Who name is the car in
2017-07-22 10:53:37 UTC
2017-07-22 06:30:59 UTC
If your mother wants to sell your car then you can know the reason and try to satisfy the usage of the car. In this you can convince them and avoid the car selling.
Vanilla Virtue
2017-07-22 01:04:17 UTC
Well she said you haven't made any payments on it so legally she can do whatever she wants to with it. If the car is in her name, it's hers. You need to go to college then. Most parents take a child's car their freshman year in college but yours is doing the opposite. So if that was the deal for them to get you a car for college and you backed out on it, then you didn't complete your part of the agreement. You need to enroll in classes before August comes around. You need to go to college so you will always have a degree to fall back on. What you decide to do with the degree is up to you, but at least you won't have any regrets. College is so fun and you meet so many people, whom many keep as lifetime friendships. If you don't foresee yourself getting a bachelors degree, at least earn a degree in a trade like nursing or the health care field. You can earn a nursing degree within two years and come out with a decent salary for a two year degree.
2017-07-21 19:44:06 UTC
I'm guessing since she's saying she's going to sell it then the car is under her name. Which means she can legally sell it. Just get yourself another car not really anything you can do.
2017-07-21 19:33:11 UTC
Is it in your name or her name? If it is in her name it is her car and she can sell it as it belongs to her regardless of what you have paid or not
2017-07-21 19:05:39 UTC
unless your name is on the title to the car,you can't do anything.
David S
2017-07-21 18:25:35 UTC
Who's name is on the title? If your name isn't on it but hers is, she's the owner and can restrict your use of it. If your name is also on the title, withholding it from you is still okay. If you're the only one on the title, you can reject it completely. Bear in mind that since you live under her roof at her pleasure, she still has authority to dictate terms to you.

Looking at your numbers, you say you pay $50 a week to cover auto expenses, insurance in particular. That's only $50 a month more than the insurance cost. Is that extra $50 sufficient to make the payment on the car loan? If not, then she is subsidizing the cost, which gives her even more say so in what you do with it.
seedy history
2017-07-21 18:06:20 UTC
Most gifts of a CAR at 16 do include a few rules and requirements. A teenager does not need a car. They are as lucky as a kid can get should they be given a car. It's not a rite of passage in any form.

You are arguing that you ought to be able to keep the car without going to college because your Mother didn't graduate from college? LOL.

Apparently the title is in your mother's name and she's been making the car payments and you have, so far, contributed $50 a month towards the car payments that are likely several hundred a month. The car is your Mom's car.
2017-07-26 06:11:20 UTC
It's your car, so you could try reasoning with her. If not, you may need to move out. But don't announce your intentions or where you're moving to as she may attempt to steal it back. You could also use a steering lock for added security.
2017-07-25 19:24:24 UTC

just be sure you get the money.
Joseph hola
2017-07-25 17:41:36 UTC
at least your family can afford a new ride

it's hers technically though
2017-07-23 14:29:19 UTC
Car insurance is not a car payment... Depending on the car i am sure your mother could be right about a few months of insurance only equaling one payment but that is besides the point the point is whoevers name is on the bill of sale/title is the legal owner and has full rights to sell it. Also count your blessings a lot of people would kill to have shelter and food plus a car to go to collage and better yourself for a career in the long run
2017-07-23 04:30:25 UTC
2017-07-23 02:49:39 UTC
Don't be a brat.

Your only paying insurance. How about all of the other payments?

It's her car.

Don't move out if you don't even have a job yet. If you leave like that? Just because she's selling her car, then don't expect her to give you money to support yourself when you're on your own.

If your career doesn't need college, then get the job first. Don't bring in how your mother is a dropout, that's immature. If you already have a job, then it better not be part-time since you won't be able to support yourself.

Stop being a kid and think about how your mother carried you in her womb for 9 months, puts food in your mouth, buys you clothes, and puts a roof over your head.
2017-07-23 02:07:31 UTC
Hi. Your mom probably wants what is best for you. In her eyes, she doesn't want you to become like her a drop out or a failure like she may view her self for not going to college. I totally understand that. If I were you I would give your mom back the car. Now, since your mom doesn't have the car to use as leverage against you for not going to college you can go and chase your dreams. When you are able to (financially) you can get a nice car in your own name, with your own insurance. I wish you all the best.
2017-07-23 00:07:35 UTC
You are focused on the car. Your mother is focused on your future. How about a compromise where you try college for one year? I did a similar thing and I ended up staying in college until I graduated. If you go for a year, you'll learn a lot about yourself. Yes, some people do okay without a college degree, but they are 1%. Most people who don't go to college don't fare very well in life. If you get a degree in a paying field, you can buy your own car. Think about it. Good luck.
Gary B
2017-07-22 23:01:24 UTC
At age 16,you cannot OWN a car. It is not legal for a person under age 18 to to sign the ownership contract.

She cannot give it to you, since under age 18 you cannot OWN a car. Obviously, she is not going to give it to you now!

So,SHE signed the contract, SHE paid the cash, and the car is HERS. By her good grace, she LETS YOU drive it. But since you are no longer In her good graces, she is removing that priveledge. Sh*try thing to do, but it is HER car, and she can do as she sees fit, and doesn't need your permission.

Didn't anyone in school ever tell you to always do what Mommy says???

Well I am telling you now.
2017-07-22 22:15:53 UTC
Try to pay for most of it yourself. Maybe she ll agree to paying for a part of it
2017-07-22 18:37:42 UTC
What was agreed selling price? What have you paid? It looks to me like you've paid $5200.

You may have to go to small claims court. It will be hard to prove unless she deposited that money and voluntarily coughs up bank statements. No matter who has title. even with a verbal agreement, you have some rights. For her to do this is fraud, possible theft. Of course, its up to You to prove.

No matter who she is or whose house, a deal is a deal. Being "your Mum" makes no difference to the law,. Nor can she be too arbitrary, if you are a renter, there are laws there, too. Even if no rent paid, in 30 days, renter's rights apply. Why do you think there are so many real estate lawyers who clean up on eviction cases? Because of the complicated laws favoring the renter. that's why.

If you do sue. you'll have to move out. If you think its miserable, now...

And College is often a waste. Do a lot of research. Only applied majors get jobs nowadays. My major, by time I was out of school, was flooded with applicants. A good trade school could be better.
2017-07-22 17:54:56 UTC
if it is titled in your name and you have insurance she can not sell it you are considered an adult. Now if she put it in her name because you were to young 16 at the time you are out of luck.
2017-07-22 10:36:38 UTC
Sell the car if you want to or else, let her sell off. But be determined enough to buy another one soon..!
2017-07-22 03:56:41 UTC
$6,450 will buy you a new

DR650SE and freedom.

The car is like a bridge

that you know has a troll

2017-07-21 23:20:19 UTC
Honestly, you sound spoiled and entitled. I worked cleaning garages and yards from a young age and gave everything I earned to my mom willingly, to help with our living expenses. Because I knew how much I cost her since I was born, and felt guilty for being the burden that all children are. I wanted to make life easier on someone who worked 3 jobs to raise me.

You, however, are b***ing about her taking her car back after you broke a promise, and now you re going to run away like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum. Forget the car, you d better just hope you don t end up homeless and stalked by child predators on the streets.
2017-07-21 23:14:15 UTC
Go ahead and move out, then you can do what you want. However, if she bought it before you were an adult, she is most likely the legal owner, per the title. Clearly, you did something wrong to make her want to take it away, or you are farting around and not paying her back as planned.
2017-07-21 21:05:57 UTC
If the car is in her name, it is her car and she can do what she likes with it.
2017-07-21 18:40:39 UTC
Car is in her name. She can sell it is she wants to.
2017-07-21 18:14:09 UTC
If the car is in HER name, it's her car and she can do whatever she likes with it. And if she DID keep the car in her name, she is not the idiot you claim her to be. Think about that.
2017-07-21 17:53:22 UTC
Try to make deal/bargain with her. It is only right that she said the car accompanies the college education since she paid for it plus she's paying for more than half of the insurance every month. Sit down and talk it through, try reasoning with her? Or just save up to buy it yourself.
2017-07-23 20:34:55 UTC
what ever the reason, is the car in her name or yours. that's all that matters. if in your name she cant sell it. the end..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.