Whatever! Lol...It sounds like you knew college was part of the agreement with having that car. You did not meet up with that end of the agreement. So, clearly, there goes the car. Your mom bought it with her own financing from which you mentioned, you only made one car payment. Which out of how many payments she made in 2 years does not amount to a lot on your end. She has the right to sell it as she bought the car.
You pay a part of insurance...well you used the car, it is the least you can do while in your use. Your mom wasn't driving it; you were. You actually should be paying the full amount of the insurance, which you were not.
It is actually a great life learning lesson. Especially as seeing you are already a young adult legally. In life, when you know there is a condition on an agreement not met on your end, especially with a financial institution or otherwise, it will not move forward. You do not receive something, if you do not do your part on an agreement in general. You may even be penalized or have some consequence if it were a financial institution.
It does not matter what your mother's educational past was. The fact is, most good parents will always want a better opportunity for their children, that they may not have had. This includes your mother.
A college education has better opportunity for career advancements, then just graduating from highschool. Someone who is a college grad has more chances of the freedom to look for & qualify for a variety of career opportunities, then a person who graduates highschool alone. There are a smaller few who do end up successful career wise as only highschool grads.
If you are moving out & need a car...just simply buy the car from your mom and resume all payments on your own- including insurance. Then the title will be switched over to you. Voila, no more expectation on your part. It will be all your responsibility now...well, you are an adult now and here is a way to truly be treated like one;). Welcome to the real world:). I am sure your job that does not require college will be able to support it all;). So why the complaints?