I think you answered some of your question by an absurd claim like "we run you guys". That's exactly the type of ignorance that Canadians absolutely cannot stand about Americans (some of them anyways).
I think it is that mentality exactly. Americans don't know anything about Canada, but the stereotypes for some reason proceed. There's no talk about how we are America's largest supplier of oil, natural gas, timber, and industrial products.... how we took in all American planes during 9/11 backing up our own airports for weeks.... how we went to war in Afghanistan with the US....
No.. instead you generally hear about how bad of a neighbour Canada is for not giving America even cheaper oil... because we have universal health care and we do things and view things differently.
I don't think the US has been a good neighbour to be honest. I think alot of Canadians agree, and I think if you knew the issues themselves, it would be very hard for you to disagree.
We're basically just tired of being be-littled by a country that barely knows anything about it's own history, let alone our place in the world.
You say that America "runs" us. Where woudl America be without us? Your largest trading partner and ally? I'm sure both countries would survive without each-other... but it wouldn't be all that great.
We basically view American nationalism as having a jingoistic hyper-inflated ego. You need not look any further than your own media. If it's not about America, it's worth talking about. It's very annoying not only to Canadians, but to most foreigners.
I don't hate Americans themselves... in fact... I don't think there's very many differences culturally between us at all. I do hate American ignorance, however.