Is anybody else sick of being put through to asian people who are difficult to understand?
2007-05-22 07:05:45 UTC
This seems to be a regular event whilst makings calls to call centres/helplines e.t.c. as i work in the Insurance industry it has become a regular event at work as well. This is not a race issue, i do not blame the asian people for their poor english and lack of understanding, i blame the corporate twats who have farmed out uk jobs to save money. As a result i become impatient and frustrated with the call handler after having to repeat myself over and over again.
46 answers:
2007-05-22 09:02:31 UTC
To ginza behave yourself this person has said nothing racist.Stop looking for racism where there plainly isn't any .It's very annoying when you are on the phone it's costing you money and the person the other end can't understand you or you them .Not racism but fact deal with it
2015-01-26 06:35:50 UTC
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2007-05-22 07:09:52 UTC
Oh, I am SO with you. Yesterday I had to call Verizon (Internet service) at my job. Despite calling the correct number, I ended up at the wrong call center 3 times. I finally demanded to speak to an American. Then I gave up. And the people are just reading off a script. They probably don't even know what they are saying.

On the flip side, I then had to do a live customer service chat with Symantec to get Norton Antivirus straightened out. The Indian (Ramesh) was very helpful but either he's a bad typist or his English isn't good. But the problem was solved so I was happy.
2007-05-22 07:20:05 UTC
Try this:

I work in a BUISY store and part of my job is to ask customers if they want an account card- its also expected we have two people take this up each day. If a customer says YES, we have to phone up the account card people, all of whom are Indian.

Dont get me wrong, I am not anti Indian or trying to put out that Indian people are not good at their job, but the dialect? its really something else! I will end up asking and asking and asking the same question while the customer watches me bemused and concerned at my lack of ability to talk on a telephone

- How dumb do I look?- Very! How embarrassed do I feel- Like you wouldnt believe.

It does nothing for my/our reputation for shop assistants being blonde (in attitude) bimbos or doing the easiest job in the world while appearing to look like using a telephone is a job totally beyond anything me/us!

We end up with a negative result- "no you cannot have an account card" and I dont blame the customer for feeling that we didnt do the job properly and the card they are entitled to is not allowed due to our incompetence.

For this reason, many of us dont ask customers as required for the job, its a bored, brave -or very stupid- staff member who attempts this! We dont make our targets set by head office, and we get yelled at by head office/managers..etc for not doing our job. Leading to poor staff moral and people not being as happy at work and helpful at work as we are supposed to be.

All this due to an incomprehensable accent!

Surely there are other jobs the Indian folk can do and be better at?!
Crazy girl
2007-05-22 08:48:24 UTC
i agree but sometimes they are really help full and easy to understand. I think one of the main problems is that a lot of English people decide to claim benefits as an easier option to get money when they could be fully able to sit in a call centre and answer the phone.
2007-05-22 07:17:14 UTC
it can be a problem because sometimes they just dont know what you are talking about, and you cant understand them. never good customer service in my opinion. sometimes they read a script to you and then hang up...thats annoying. and the line is bad anyway cos they are miles away.

what gets me is companies where you ring up to buy car insurance for example and its an easy to talk to/ understand/clear line british person. then when you ring again when your car gets written off it takes 9 months of calls to india to get money out of them (this happened last year) this can only suggest that companies are aware that indian call centres are offputting to future companies but good enough to fob off current customers with

what pisses me off most of all is that it comes over as a race issue when it is a pure service issue.

i am about the least racist person i know and even i go 'oh no' when i hear the accent. i dont like thinking that.
2007-05-22 07:11:17 UTC
So true. No offense taken. I'm Japanese, Asian. You're referring to those hired to take calls at some call ctr? Yes, many of them don't understand the English language as well as speak with such a heavy accent we can't understand. I've found it the most difficult to understand someone with a strong Indian accent, or really strong southern accent is difficult also. No offense to anyone.

Call the corporat hq of the company you're talking about and express your dissatisfaction with regards to their lack of public relations and customer relations?

Good luck! $ and profit margin always drives big companies.
2007-05-22 11:33:27 UTC
The call centres are often located in India and we all know Indian people are er "British". You are right they talk like the auto answerer when you book a film by phone, any deviation is misunderstood,
2007-05-22 07:17:26 UTC
Same here in US. I called HP's help line for my PC and got NEW DELHI, INDIA for the next 2 weeks. But hey it inspired me to fix it my self. So I pushed every button for six hours strait till my computer started the recovery system up. I now know how to recover and save my files to disc so that I can restart my crashed PC. When you ask for someone who speaks better English they just repetitively say. " I SPEAK ENGLISH!" in their New Delhi accent. Yeah... just really bad... What good is a help line if you can't get any help. It's English, alright. Just not the same dialect.
2007-05-22 07:14:22 UTC
i put up that same question an hour ago and most people feel the same as us i have had repeated calls from India asking for a relative who lived in our house four years ago and they all go into panic mode when i try to explain they don't live there any more and when i try to give them the new number they put the phone down guess its not on there script so cant deal with it and just call back in case they've moved back lol
2007-05-22 07:10:33 UTC
Yes, I get frustrated with it, too. Though I'm not inclined to say it's only people of Asian descent. If you call somewhere looking for a person to speak to, it's not much help if the person cannot communicate well. It defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
Candace A
2007-05-22 07:19:49 UTC
Are you sure they aren't Indian? India has many corporations for those services.

Yes, corporate CEO's are all about the money. It can be frustrating not understanding foreign accents. Especially since you deal with them all the time. Hang in there.
~*tigger*~ **
2007-05-22 07:15:45 UTC
Ok I have to agree even though i am indian

that this can be difficult and i ve had personal experience of it

but they are equally frustarted and will be even more so if you go off on one

just ask to speak to the manager and they are usually english speaking
2007-05-22 07:10:05 UTC
it does frustrate me when I call someone for help, like computer tech or whatever and i cannot understand them, but i do my best, because they are people just like us, and also need jobs. my grandma however will hang up and call back until she gets a person that speaks PERFECTLY clear english. once she even asked the lady...can i speak to a white person, which i thought was very rude
2007-05-22 07:10:50 UTC
I can't effin STAND when you make a call to a customer service number and the person is foreign and you can't understand them! I get so frustrated because I'm constantly going "What? What?" or "Could you repeat that?" and THEY have the balls to get mad at me!!! Uhh, HELLO you are speaking to a perosn who speaks English, for an English speaking COMPANY! Go buy some ESL tapes for God's sake!!
2014-12-19 08:51:56 UTC
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jeeves jr
2007-05-22 07:29:00 UTC
have you ever talked to a person from boston?

or a person from bulls gap tn...hard, but not impossible to understand.

yes i get sick of indian call centers.

i blame the company's though, some person in bulls gap USA, could use that job.
2007-05-22 07:10:18 UTC
I work in a call centre in Bristol and I get fed up of the number of people who don't talk English and live in this country!

Catch 22 mate
Jody W
2007-05-22 07:09:32 UTC
yes it is frustrating to try and explain, sometime complicated situations, to people who don't have a perfect understanding of english, having said that there have been times where I've spoken to english people in call centers and they've not understood a point either
2007-05-22 07:20:16 UTC
most people get annoyed with this...... but then maybe everyone should start complaing to those companies who use this system and ....... to get the point accross start changing to companies who don't, i know this may sound harsh or racist, but it's not meant to be, it's just a way of putting the point accross that people aren't happy with current policies....less complaining about it...more action required!
2007-05-22 07:15:10 UTC
honestly speaking asian people speak very well in english compare to western country especially filipinos they can speak better english I been in the philippines for many times and as I travel in the asian countries all of them speak better english especially the FILIPINos soo i definetly disagree of what you say....
2007-05-22 07:22:39 UTC
I think it's the direct line to India to answer your questions,can't get much more frustrating than that.
2007-05-22 07:11:10 UTC
if this is no race issue, why is your title

"is anybody else sick of being put through to asian people who are difficult to understand"?????

instead of, maybe, perhaps.....

"is anybody else sick of call centres being station abroad so they can charge their workers less, and us, the consumers, more"?

so get real! and also, just remember, to other people, you will be hard to understand. it's all pretty relative.
2007-05-22 07:08:52 UTC
Yes! I was made redundant due to a previous job being off-shored to India. I have nothing against it in this multi-national trading world of ours, but they need to be able to understand, and to be understood.
2007-05-22 07:10:34 UTC
Totally agree! they should be given a "understandability test" where normal Joe's like you and me should rate their clarity from 1 -10, those who have the most points are given the job.
2007-05-22 07:08:38 UTC
Are there any Asian people who are sick of being put through to WASPs who don't understand?
2007-05-22 07:09:20 UTC
Why not just say it, Indians ! I never call helplines they usually give moronic instructions that are already in the instruction manual
2007-05-22 07:08:56 UTC
I love it, they claim their name is Tom or Jane etc. I make them tell me their real name before I will continue with the call. Have had a few that hung up on me.
2007-05-22 07:08:47 UTC
Blame economic expansion and western capitalist neo-colonialism.
Relax Guy
2007-05-22 07:08:34 UTC
Thank you free trade agreements!! Of course if you protested against that, you were labled a "terrorist"
Dawn C
2007-05-22 07:07:50 UTC
not Asian, but any other hard to understand language is difficult
C. D
2007-05-22 07:15:26 UTC
its so friggin annoying.

i was having issues with my cellphone and had to call customer service and I could not understand them.
2007-05-22 07:10:25 UTC
2007-05-22 07:09:09 UTC
Nothing worse than trying to convey your concerns to someone who can't understand you anymore than you can understand them...hehehe
2007-05-22 13:07:04 UTC
yip, I'm sick of it, don't think they should be employing people who clearly cannot speak English.
2007-05-22 07:09:10 UTC
Yes....I stop doing business with any company like that...and you should too. It's the only way we can change this....WE have the power...Let's use it !!!
2007-05-22 07:10:38 UTC
Yeah! Especially when they answer and say 'Hi! This is Brian - how can I help you' - that really P***es me off.
Tact is highly overrated
2007-05-22 07:09:21 UTC
You say it's not a race issue but you clearly have made it one. Just because you have to repeat yourself a little more you are this upset?
kevin p
2007-05-22 07:09:02 UTC
"I hae ee to you in firty muna" what? i find it funny.I can do impressions of a lot of races and nationalities so I laugh when i hear someone who i can copy.
2007-05-22 07:19:59 UTC
All the time it drives me mad
2007-05-22 07:11:32 UTC
its hard how not to see it as not a racist comment....

btw, try the other way around...

not just phone call...

and make sure if its phone call...

try to reach the right person before start talking
2007-05-22 07:09:23 UTC
thus is life, let it go. the little things will kill you if you are letting thing get to you that much.
Mohammed A
2007-05-22 07:15:46 UTC
hellooo bud bud you var bud speakin bud to Mohammed at bud bud bud ding how may i bud bud bud help you bud?

waat im sorry bud bud i dont understand bud bud

hellooo bud bud you var bud speakin bud to Mohammed at bud bud bud ding how may i bud bud bud help you bud?

waat im sorry bud bud i dont understand bud bud
Nick Jonas
2007-05-22 07:08:25 UTC
ya itz soooo anoyin!!!!!
2007-05-22 07:09:05 UTC
i agree with you also
2007-05-22 07:08:35 UTC
Welcome to the club...

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