Try this:
I work in a BUISY store and part of my job is to ask customers if they want an account card- its also expected we have two people take this up each day. If a customer says YES, we have to phone up the account card people, all of whom are Indian.
Dont get me wrong, I am not anti Indian or trying to put out that Indian people are not good at their job, but the dialect? its really something else! I will end up asking and asking and asking the same question while the customer watches me bemused and concerned at my lack of ability to talk on a telephone
- How dumb do I look?- Very! How embarrassed do I feel- Like you wouldnt believe.
It does nothing for my/our reputation for shop assistants being blonde (in attitude) bimbos or doing the easiest job in the world while appearing to look like using a telephone is a job totally beyond anything me/us!
We end up with a negative result- "no you cannot have an account card" and I dont blame the customer for feeling that we didnt do the job properly and the card they are entitled to is not allowed due to our incompetence.
For this reason, many of us dont ask customers as required for the job, its a bored, brave -or very stupid- staff member who attempts this! We dont make our targets set by head office, and we get yelled at by head office/managers..etc for not doing our job. Leading to poor staff moral and people not being as happy at work and helpful at work as we are supposed to be.
All this due to an incomprehensable accent!
Surely there are other jobs the Indian folk can do and be better at?!