Why the f/ck do native Americans get exlsucive benefits?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why the f/ck do native Americans get exlsucive benefits?
29 answers:
2012-03-08 16:11:29 UTC
What exclusive benefits? The only thing you mention is that tribal members go to college for free and, first of all, that isn't even true. And if a tribe pays for scholarships for its own citizens what business is that of yours? Do you have a problem with the United N#gro College Fund scholarships too?? I don't get or need benefits, or apologies or anything. I just expect the right to self-determination and recognition of our continued sovereignty.

By the way, I pay my taxes, fought in Iraq, went to school on the GI bill, am a US citizen, don't get any "special benefits" for being a tribal member. So, I would just ask you the following Question: at what point did my right to continue my tribal citizenship get revoked? And under what authority? When was my tribal nation dissolved?

A: It didn't and my tribal nation still exists under a recognized legal framework. In other words, I am still a tribal member in an intact tribal nation.

And if you advocate the dissolution of our tribal nations then you are a totalitarian and you would have a "might makes right" mentality. And why stop there? If it is about dominance, why does the US recognize the sovereign status of Canada? The US should just dominate the world right? You need to understand that tribal nations are actual NATIONS. That have always existed and are recognized as such under hundreds of years of jurisprudence (Federal Indian Law).

Tribal Nations in N. America were recognized by Colonial powers as sovereign and had Aboriginal title to their lands. This could only be extinguished by treaty or warfare. Most lands were actually purchased via treaty. Treaties established tribal territories, and recognition of tribal nations. The US continued this legal tradition upon Independence. My tribe signed several treaties with the US and our sovereignty has never been extinguished. And it will be extinguished over my dead body. I fought in Iraq, supposedly to defend the population against totalitarian regime and yet my right to continue my tribal citizenship is questioned here? Screw that!

And you are ignorant if you say we aren't fixing our own problems. haha! We are building up our infrasructure at a breathtaking pace - establishing business ventures, private contracting, gaming operations. Tribes are managingmulti-million dollar industries. And then we turn around and invest back into our communities. Is there more work to do? Absolutely. But we are making huge strides and will continue this trend. We also pump millions of dollars into state coffers with our gaming enterprises.
2012-03-08 15:35:57 UTC
You do realize that millions of them lived on this land before the Europeans wiped out most of them reducing them to thousands? They were forced to move on reservations. In some countries they dont even exist anymore. Native Americans are on the brink of extinction because most of them have mixed with other races here. I think pure native americans should get full benefits, not the ones who claim it

You sound like conservative that thinks they have something to gain by turning the other cheek at enslaved and conquered peoples. They have all rights to the benefits robbed from them. Dont like it? go back to that anarchist hell called Somalia and hush

Edit: LOL i knew that stung. You dont like the truth. You agree with whites 99.99999999% of the time. Am i wrong about Somalia?. You;re here and not there. Who are you to say as to why NATIVE PEOPLE SHOULDNT HAVE ACCESS TO WHAT THEY DESERVE? What if the Italians the French and the British didnt leave Somalia and reduced the Somali population to nothing? You would be bitter. So the only person pompous here is you just because you dont have to experience the foolish happening over there

Edit: Says the Somali who cant SPELL but rides on the white man's d*** all day. You may block me now like you did. Thanks :))
2012-03-08 15:20:45 UTC
Are you making a point, or providing evidence of the weakness of spell check?
2012-03-08 15:20:20 UTC
Why do minorities get additional support? Also, keep in mind Native Americans are consider a minority group. It's just to help and give them a starting edge. Plus, they went through things recently too. They were actually part of the civil rights movement too

Add: You do realize Native Americans are still facing discrimnation, just as all minorities are
2012-03-08 15:23:38 UTC
Why should they be treated like second class citizens in their own country?

Your people were colonized, but they LEFT, that's the difference. The Europeans never left the Americas.... wtf

Also, " Native Americans are NOT special" wtf? stfu.
2012-03-08 16:00:37 UTC
America's failing education system, sigh

Okay, read these up before you shoot your mouth off and embarrass yourself all over again.

Treaty Rights, Sovereignty, also the fact that we don't get any of those benefits that you claim we do.

Free College? Well thats a lie that you ate up, Free money? another lie that you apparently ate up,

Don't worry, ignorance and stupidity is treatable just read more.
2012-03-08 15:39:02 UTC
It's called a treaty.

Also you may not have misspelled the words, but look at how they are used.

She was Write, EWE PROOFED spell check has WEEK points!

go on block me

: p
2013-12-30 09:27:29 UTC
Wow! Ajidamoon's fourth paragraph was the best. My fellow Americans seem to believe and regurgitate everything they see on tv shows or our so-called news. They recycle myths and lies. And the truth is: it's NOT in the past (for Natives, Africans, etc) because assimilation and land grabs are still going on today...meaning right now. Of course, the news will show militants running amok or report alcoholism rates on reservations. But you won't see constant, in depth stories on what America and other 'first world' countries do over there, take over there, further their own greedy interests over there. America monitors everyone for terrorism, but don't monitor our exports - U.S. religious extremists that have been going over there, causing instability and division (and more assimilation, replacing their religion with something confusing, divisive and even hateful).

Instead of constantly posting these 'in the past' rants from a keyboard, dig deeper. Go to the people instead of asking trolls for truth. Study what assimilation actually means, how it destroys, and how it morphed into something more hidden and insidious in today's world. It used to be about cutting off the hair, taking your clothes away and replacing them with the conqueror's style of clothing. Learn how it's done today.

It's easy to feel superior (or safe) in the modern world of computers, jobs, and shopping. It looks like 'the life', but what I see is a bunch of plastic stuff and packaging being swept into large, smelly piles (mostly in poorer areas) as a solution. This wasn't the way before. Everything used had a purpose and did not create waste. Think about one person's garbage. Think about a whole subdivision's garbage. Think about the entire country's waste. I see factory smog covering China. They make stuff to sell to people to survive. There are better ways. I hope that nature can intervene before most of the planet is damaged by this mindless activity. If oil continues to spill into water and soil, and air is poisoned by cars and factories, how will this affect farming? Do you even know what your farmers go through already? Do you stand up for them when Monsanto goes after them? Can you survive off the land if your conveniences and comforts were suddenly gone? Are you willing to stand up against corporations? Are you able to define plutocracy? I ask these questions for a reason. If you can't comprehend how genocides, slavery, and assimilation affect others today, maybe you can at least begin to see what is happening to you. We belong to the land, but the invaders' descendents insist that land belongs to them. When more people can understand, change can happen faster. Peace
2012-03-08 16:11:56 UTC
Treaty is the answer.

You called J an idiot, but she was WRITE and you still DEW KNOT KNOW WYE !!!!
Wiininiskwe *Ajidamoon*
2012-03-08 17:00:05 UTC
I don't need to insult you. Your rant proved you are extremely ignorant.

Like all people who post this exact same question......almost on the have failed to provide any sort of proof for these alleged "exclusive benefits" that you claim Natives receive, that you yourself are not also eligible for. It seems you have come to these conclusions based on the same rumours and myths that most do.

No Native person goes to college for free. Some Tribal Nations have the funds from sustainable businesses to be able to offer their citizens.........CITIZENS, not just random people who claim a Cherokee great-great-Granny.....competitive scholarships. These scholarships are usually limited, and have strict requirements that mus be certain grade averages, certain extracurriculars, community involvement and that you are going into a profession that can help your people. They are not just handed to every single Native student who is applying to college. And only SOME tribes can offer them. They don't come from the government, or your tax dollars. They are no different than any private scholarship. Then there are a handful of states that have taken it upon themselves to offer tuition waiver programs for Native students who are tribal citizens from Nations within that state. Again, there are criteria to be met. Its not a handout...its something that must be competed for and worked hard for. Just as there are many different scholarships that black Americans can apply for. Do you consider those prejudice as well?

Now that that has been cleared up for you, it seems you are completely unaware of the US's history concerning Native peoples.....and how entire generations have been lost in their assimilation programs. Was this 300 years ago? Nope. It still goes on today. Native children may not still be being sent to concentration campesque boarding schools to live, like they were as late as 1990......but they are still being ripped from their communities to be raised by religious whites under the guise of the Foster care system. There are many of us alive today who have a parent, a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle..who suffered atrocities in the Residential School system....or that know someone who was sterilized during a pap smear, as per the government's policy throughout the 70's. We all know of people who are still getting sick because of test drilling on their lands, for these resources that YOU use. We all know of peoples whose land is still be annexed so that you can have a new subdivision, a golf course or that oh so important strip mall. WE know just how much our communities are still being affected to this day.....not from things that happened hundreds of years ago....but things that go on today, under your nose, so that you can sit behind a computer, ignorantly writing this uneducated rant.

TREATIES. Legal, binding contracts that the US government made with the Native Nations. They were not conquered. They made deals for peace. Made deals to reserve lands for themselves. Made deals to ensure their survival. Contracts that the US has barely kept their ends of. So that you can have the life you enjoy.

Next time you want to rant about something, you should at least make it look like you know what you are talking about.
2013-10-30 04:21:24 UTC
This is a entirely stupid statement. You have no thesis or even the slightest idea what you are talking about. I am Native American and we do not get into college for free(a common misconception about Native Americans). Your comment that "The native Americans we're only using a small % of America's lands. Barely tapping into the rich resources that this country has." Is true, this is because we as Native Americans were not focused on taking more than we needed, Native Americans only take what they needed to survive and sustain, not waste away recourses so aggressively as is the practice of many countries and Americans today.
Gaia’s Garden
2015-02-13 16:47:27 UTC
Off the top of my head, Navaho and Pueblo Native are owed owed on the order of 40 BILLION dollars from EXISTING treaties for mineral rights, because the paperwork isn't straightened out yet.

Lakota (Souix) only gained sovereign status on their reservations in 1973, because it was controlled by the Catholic Church.

Another existing treaty shows the the area including Pheonix Arizone belongs to Native American tribes (forgot which ones, but I can look it up).

I'm not Native, but this stuff is in the news.
2014-04-20 03:58:16 UTC
white people are NOT sorry if they were they would let natives govern their own land. why isn't Europe good enough for you diseased scum! don't even bother going to visit india either because that too is aboriginal lands ever heard of dalits? ever heard of adavasi? they are two tribes I can mention right off the bat and india has over 500 tribes we don't like whites quit misappropriating our culture and doing yoga while marketing off it that is NOT YOURS! that's our religion and isn't just a exercise and our culture isn't a trend for you, I see white self entitlement makes white people feel they can force their way into cultures which are sacred and also hinduism doesn't have converts either.GO BACK TO EUROPE seriously! im getting really sick of you white terrorists on native lands! well its just a matter of time till the economy collapses then the dollar will be scrapped by RussiA,IndiA,ChinA then whites are finished serves you right and have fun in Ontario getting a bath even if it kills you with the floodings.i don't have any remorse for what you white people got coming to you considering you didn't learn a damn thing over being on native land illegally since 1492 in America and only a few centuries in KA-NA-TA,KA-NA-DA INDIAN LAND!
2013-12-12 13:10:38 UTC
This is absolute retarded Bullshyt. Am not even Native American, but I do have Native American blood with me and just Fu/k you. You are a disgrace. You are saying stuff like this stuff happened years ago, we know that happened years ago but NATIVES DON'T GO TO COLLEGE FREE, RETARD!!!!!! Hell no, they don't. Also, Native kids are taken from their Natives parents and are being into White family and White culture. Also, Native AMERICANS AREN'T SPECIAL, FU/K YOU, YOU FU/KING WHORE, just Fu/k you. You don't know what are you talking about. Are you poor or something. This is un-educated, stupid, mentally retarded.'

What race are you? Because if your AFRICAN AMERICAN, THAN, you do know they are colleges that only applies for African American students only and if you are White or a Native, they will say no to you, do you called that shyt, prejudice. If I tell you, why does it has to be A BLACK PEOPLE COLLEGE, then you will get mad, huh? I don't hate African Americans, I just hate you. Native Americans will always be remember as those that discovered this whole nation.

Shut up you sick fc'king whore.

YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew Pearson
2015-04-24 08:48:46 UTC
People who claim to be Native Americans your wrong, I am native and yes i do get benefits and yes i do get to go to college for free but MY TRIBE pays for it not the government so stop complaining its not a big deal our land was taken its in the past but the tribe pays us out of their own pocket.
2012-03-08 15:34:33 UTC
Well, it's probably because Native Americans have the highest poverty and unemployment rates in the United States of America. In fact the poverty rate of Native Americans is 25%. With the rise of Indian gaming enterprises, the problem of poverty seems to have disappeared. However, upon closer examination, we have found that this is not the case.

Incomes of Native Americans tend to be low, and unemployment rates are usually high.

Over 20% of Native American reservation households make less than $5,000 annually while only 6% of the overall US population has an annual income of less than $5,000.

The average Native American family is larger than the national average, yet only 30% have health insurance

Further breakdown of poverty rates show that Native Americans are consistently the highest among each race. Reservation Indians have a 39% poverty rate; Non-Reservations, 26%
elizabeth Patterson
2016-06-04 15:28:52 UTC
This thread seems to be pretty old now. The most recent post was a year ago. I will admit my ignorance believing the myths. I came across this searching for ways to help my oldest daughter get college aid. I don't know the percentage of American Indian we have in us. I know she got it from both side like myself. I went to school with a female that proved her American Indian heritage and got free tuition. We are also Black and Italian. Sadly, I know least about my American Indian roots. Although, I have some white blood in me. I have always only considered myself Black and Indian. I found this thread so insulting in so many ways!

First, why aren't whites considered the minority? Many small minded whites as yourself consider yourselves better than EVERY NON-WHITE race! Whites would be sooooo outnumbered if EVERY NON-WHITE race would come together! No, so many of the races try to live as white and rather feel like their better than us. You people always want to throw up it's in the past get over it! Easy for you to say! Sounds like you're probably one of those trust fund babies voting for Donald Trump! Whites have fought for years to keep Indians and Blacks down. Even when we do jump over the hurdles we're harassed!

Second, everything that take us down Whites introduced to our culture. Indians didn't know what alcohol was before the European invasion. Who do you think started bringing all the drugs to America? I know that it wasn't somebody from the ghetto didn't flood it with coke/crack! It takes money to smuggle planes of drugs! Something that you try to ensure only you have! The Foster Care system is made to white wash both Indians and Black children! We lose our heritage and stop building up our own keeps Whites on top!

Lastly, you want to just consider what happen to Indians no differently than how all other countries got conquered. Every war America has rebuilds the country it is fighting. They have paid to relocate their citizens. They've given their citizens US citizenship before. They've gotten grants to start up business. All this when we fight other countries. They do NOTHING to rebuild after the war within people of our own country! Indians Reservations is another country within America. Indians doing for their own people isn't anything you should care or have anything to say about it. After all Whites are the ones getting the most welfare. All you hear about is minorities getting it!

PS. I loved seeing somebody saying go back to Europe! Blacks are told all the time to go back to Africa. Which takes some nerve considering we were stolen and brought here anyway!
2012-03-08 17:01:10 UTC
Asians have only been hospitable to Whites, but after the Mongolians pillaged their countries, all these Western Whites had some revenge instilled in them from learning about history, and decided to attack all Asians not having to do with the Mongolian raid. They have already gotten their revenge. I don't see why they pursue to hurt the wrong ethnic groups.

If you view groups should conquer others, you'll be gone from this world soon enough. You're just lucky you're living in peaceful times in America to say that **** and get away with it.
2012-03-08 15:24:20 UTC
Napolean and Alexander the Great lived in a different time. And what happend to the NA's is not akin to the colonization of numerous countries ( including our own). The colonizers left! Why do Aborigines get "reparations"? Jewish survivors of the Holocaust? The list can go on and on. We live in a different time.

I feel like the genocide of the Native Americans was quite brutal in comparison to many other historic events. Read up on it. It is sickening. Especially considering the scale!

Edit: Do you know there were concentration camps for the Native Americans? Death camps?! They never really talk about that in history class, do they? And I remember you once ask a question about how AAs should get reparations for slavery. How are you in support of that, but not this?

@Cutie Pi: I wasn't comparing it to slavery, but the conquering of lands. I didn't know what a HBCU is because I'm not AFRICAN AMERICAN, and I've never lived in the South so...

@Kojack: Leave Somalis outta this, you idiot. Is she attacking Jamaicans or debating you? -_-
2012-03-08 15:22:41 UTC
White people took their land, gave them disease and sent them to reservation camps. Most people who complain about this are usually black people because they feel they were treated unfairly due to slavery, but the bottom line is that the Native Americans were here in America first and white people feel very sorry for what happened to them.
2015-08-06 18:23:43 UTC
Just another ignorant white racist lol...were used to you and all of your lies...we weren t conquered...we were deceived by the White Devils you are
2012-03-08 15:30:36 UTC
The past affects the future....Their current struggles are a result of past atrocities...Same with slavery....It's asinine to disregard the things that put them in this position to begin with....How can you get over something that has influenced the lives of your people for generations?

btw They don't get free college or any exclusive benefits.....You sound like the racist, white Canadians I went to school with. smh
2012-03-08 15:30:53 UTC
Because the world is way to P/C. All government handouts do, to any group of people they are given to is keep them down by making them rely on the government. Any group that really wants to make it better for themselves and future generations have to do it themselves. Just look at the Jews, Is there any group that has not tried to exterminate them? Not a whole lot of complaining comes from them, they just build themselves up.

Free college tuition is not a lie, many states offer it to them without it being part of a treaty.
2012-03-08 15:28:32 UTC
I agree with Maya

i have nothing against any minority group in USA gaining benefits to make this place more equal for all

Many natives still live in Reservations(basically ghettos) due to the history here in USA and them trying to preserve their culture.


you didnt obviously read up on Blacks in USA if you think that..natives were treated not saying they werent..but blacks were treated MUCH WORSE. But what do i expect you dont even know what an HBCU is -_-

@ Jungle Jones the racist

yes natives do get special benefits..just like all other minorites to create a more equal enviornment in USA..except for blacks. Blacks did in the past get special benefits..but not so much many blacks want to include other minorities with we are gaining the least out of everyone
2012-03-08 15:52:53 UTC
...You did not just ask this lol. Maya basically simplified my answer.
2012-03-08 15:18:29 UTC
Because white people pwned them
2012-03-08 15:31:19 UTC
The losers always get pitied, but the winners take the stuff. Also, it's only local. In Australia they have benefits for the aboriginal peoples, in South America they have quotas for indigenous peoples in places like Brazil, etc. Liberal guilt makes them think that they are privileged so they need to give back despite the fact that if you want to do it based on privilege it only makes sense to do it on an economic basis. Ethnic or racial preferences never should exist, hell, I don't even personally support aiding the poor (I think they have inferior ancestral genes, hence their inability to provide for themselves).

@ Dylan - Natives listen to Mastodon? Cool.
2012-03-08 15:58:55 UTC
Gabi ng Lagim
2012-03-08 15:19:53 UTC
White man's guilt.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.