I don't need to insult you. Your rant proved you are extremely ignorant.
Like all people who post this exact same question......almost on the daily.....you have failed to provide any sort of proof for these alleged "exclusive benefits" that you claim Natives receive, that you yourself are not also eligible for. It seems you have come to these conclusions based on the same rumours and myths that most do.
No Native person goes to college for free. Some Tribal Nations have the funds from sustainable businesses to be able to offer their citizens.........CITIZENS, not just random people who claim a Cherokee great-great-Granny.....competitive scholarships. These scholarships are usually limited, and have strict requirements that mus be met.....like certain grade averages, certain extracurriculars, community involvement and that you are going into a profession that can help your people. They are not just handed to every single Native student who is applying to college. And only SOME tribes can offer them. They don't come from the government, or your tax dollars. They are no different than any private scholarship. Then there are a handful of states that have taken it upon themselves to offer tuition waiver programs for Native students who are tribal citizens from Nations within that state. Again, there are criteria to be met. Its not a handout...its something that must be competed for and worked hard for. Just as there are many different scholarships that black Americans can apply for. Do you consider those prejudice as well?
Now that that has been cleared up for you, it seems you are completely unaware of the US's history concerning Native peoples.....and how entire generations have been lost in their assimilation programs. Was this 300 years ago? Nope. It still goes on today. Native children may not still be being sent to concentration campesque boarding schools to live, like they were as late as 1990......but they are still being ripped from their communities to be raised by religious whites under the guise of the Foster care system. There are many of us alive today who have a parent, a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle..who suffered atrocities in the Residential School system....or that know someone who was sterilized during a pap smear, as per the government's policy throughout the 70's. We all know of people who are still getting sick because of test drilling on their lands, for these resources that YOU use. We all know of peoples whose land is still be annexed so that you can have a new subdivision, a golf course or that oh so important strip mall. WE know just how much our communities are still being affected to this day.....not from things that happened hundreds of years ago....but things that go on today, under your nose, so that you can sit behind a computer, ignorantly writing this uneducated rant.
TREATIES. Legal, binding contracts that the US government made with the Native Nations. They were not conquered. They made deals for peace. Made deals to reserve lands for themselves. Made deals to ensure their survival. Contracts that the US has barely kept their ends of. So that you can have the life you enjoy.
Next time you want to rant about something, you should at least make it look like you know what you are talking about.