Gonzalo Rojas
2011-07-15 16:29:05 UTC
beg of knees Please do I need with SUPREME URGENCY the translation of this SOLIDARY text to the Malay,Vietnamite,Thai and to the Tamil (and other asiatics languages)? Please do I need with SUPREME URGENCY translation of this SOLIDARY text to the Malay,thai,vietnamite and to the Tamil?
Please do I need with SUPREME URGENCY the translation of this SOLIDARY text to the Malay Vietnamite,Thai and to the Tamil. I beg of knees!!! Thank you....!
Hello,from PERGAMINO,BUENOS AIRES. We are looking for JULIETA MORINIGO who disappeared when she was on her way to the Facultad de Derecho de Buenos Aires (Law university of Buenos Aires). The last time she was seen she was walking in the bridge that goes through Figeroa Alcorta Avenue, but after she walked through a group of people that was in the end of the bridge, she could not be seen anymore, she "vanished". The Police and Chancellery has intervented but the burocracy is too slow. Yet, there are some serious indications that suggest that she was taken out of the country against her will or deceived becouse her grandmother disappeared too five years ago and she(or they) would be in....Please resend this message to all the people you can (parents, relatives, friends, neighbours, etc.) Thank you!
We are looking for JULIETA MORINIGO, who disappeared while on her way to the Law University of Buenos Aires.
She was last seen crossing the bridge that goes through Figeroa Alcorta Avenue. After walking through a group of people at the end of this bridge, she disappeared and has not been seen since.
The Police are looking for her but the beurocracy is too slow.
We think that she has been KIDNAPPED and taken out of the country against her will.
Please SPREAD THIS MESSAGE!! Tell your friends, family, neighbours etc!
You can contact me at gonzalodegonzalo@yahoo.com.ar