Why do so many people dislike Americans?
2010-03-31 09:30:28 UTC
Well, over the years of being on the internet iv noticed people saying bad things about the U.S and the people in it. But lately its been getting a lot worse. I play games on Steam regularly and iv seen hundreds of people have things on their profiles about anti-Americanism, there are also a couple groups iv seen promoting the same thing. And just the other day I joined a UK server in Tf2 and was kicked and banned for being from the states. Not only on steam but on you tube and other sites there is always a bunch of people saying bad things. When I ask why they don't like the U.S they never really give me a definite answer.
When I run into people like this, what should I say to them to get them to leave me alone?
And why is it that so many people don't like this place?
48 answers:
2010-04-06 18:10:15 UTC
it is mostly because how rumors they have heard about the U.S and how we act. Americans are noble and are brave, which leads to them being somewhat pushy and wanting to help with everything. this can be somewhat intimating to some people of other countries(more commonly poor countries, because they think the Americans will ruin even the little things they have) also, in the asian country, it is more respectable to not make eye contact showing submition in a sense, however, in the U.S. it is completely unrespectable to make no eye contact. in order to show respect americans must lift their eyes to others. this can be seen as very frightening to Asian ppl, because they take it as being started down, and has being bulled in a sense(not really physically bullied) so ppl can take Americans as beindisrespectedbe(leading to being disliked) and as being way to abrasive and aggressive. i am an American, so i know very well that we dont mean to come off that way. it is simple that America does not interactcte very much with other cultures, so when U.S. citizens are put in another country with a new culture they do not know how to react and simple do what they think is respectable from the U.S. and that is how just negative rumors and such is started and why ppl dislike americans. because they do not full understand us and go soley on the rumors they have heard of us. i hope i helped, and made some sense. :)
2010-04-08 06:33:21 UTC
I have heard the same thing Mr. dance moves talks about.

and Rabbit Fighter, our TV Programming is complete Sh*t, I wish I could get real BBC not that BBC lite(BBC America) it mimics US programing-so disappointing.

I think animosity due to High School Musical is valid.

Don't judge all of us too harshly-I even know folks from the Isles of Scilly are Scillonians, not silly people. I've observed other American when traveling, I'm multilingual, so I just pretend, I don't speak English, American say some of the most heinous stuff in other countries"Why can't they talk English like normal people?"yes I actually heard someone say that. And Americans are completely out of control with the "I want and will get my service NOW" idea. I just love watching a Casa de Cambio window in someplace like Ecuador "Close for break" right in front of someone like that.

Sometimes, in fairness I have noticed people assume all Americans are filthy rich, and they get supremely annoyed when American tourists show up and they aren't handing out hundred dollar bills. We really don't have all the money.

However, I think where there is true rabid hatred of the US it is due to Government actions, not individuals-The CIA has perpetrated a great deal of harm over the decades.
2010-04-08 04:23:09 UTC
Number of reasons:

1) The Cold War. Since the end of the Second World War the American government did some very irrational actions to the country that have f***ed it over. You have North Korea, Vietnam and Iran all on the agenda. The US government is horrified that someone is always out to get them and this fear has driven them to make decisions that are disliked by many other countries. Most of these events also were broadcasted live into people's homes. People watched on television the USA undertake some of the biggest screw ups in it's history as it all happened. All because of this imaginary fear of Communism, most of it hype driven by the Capitalist government of the USA.

2) Religion. The biggest religious dispute in the world at the moment is over in Palestine, between the Jewish of Israel and the Middle East against the Arabs of the Middle East and North-East Africa. Many people despise Jews (why I do not know) and the USA is the biggest supporter of the Israeli Jews. Naturally this didn't go well with the Arab population.

3) "Allies." The USA have many allies who have been known to screw others over. South Vietnam was one, the United Kingdom was one, Germany is one, Israel was one and so on. People think that the Americans are at the forefront of funding these countries, even if they aren't as corrupt as people think.

4) Interventions in The Middle East. Everyone knows about Iraq. The Americans were humiliated in Iraq when they failed to find any WMD's there. Everyone knows about Afghanistan. The Americans were humiliated after they failed to confirm that Osama Bin Laden had been captured or killed in nearly 9 years. Plus with Afghanistan they funded the Taliban and Mujahideen to fight out the Soviet Union and gave them American guns. Now the guns the Americans gave them are being used to kill the sons of the citizens of the United States of America.

5) Conspiracies. The USA has a lot to answer for. Whilst I doubt the USA is no where near responsible for things such as 9/11 and what not, people just want answers and the USA refuses to give them. It leaves even of the citizens out in the cold about progress. How are we able to advance and feel safe if we don't know what's out to get us?

I'm not trying to hate on Americans and note that the government makes the decisions, not the people. It's just people worldwide see the American government as a representation of the whole American population. Fortunately it's not, but people don't have the common sense to realize this.
2016-12-10 12:26:22 UTC
It replaced into that way at the same time as i replaced into starting to be up contained in the 1950's and 60's. Irish-people were appreciably disliked through mainstream white people because they were Roman Catholic. although those days the pendulum has swung in the different route, and it type of appears like each and every people and his brother in us of a is attempting to declare Irish ancestry, even if or not they do no longer have any. that's hard to assert even if this handed off because political correctness has made being a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) quite unpopular in us of a on the instantaneous, or maybe if it would have handed off besides. My severe college historic previous instructor (who replaced into Irish-American himself) continually informed us that there is this pendulum in American historic previous which keeps swinging lower from side to side. therefore, people would nicely be excellent-wing about some topics at one time and left-twing about those similar topics two decades later, and then excellent-wing lower back 10 years after that, etc, lower from side to side. i'd say that this is a robust time in us of a for Irish-people excellent now. i'm basically preserving my fingers crossed that it will stay fairly a lot that way.
2010-04-07 21:06:08 UTC
I'm Canadian and I've never actually hated America. I wasn't a big fan of Bush and his followers and his foreign policies. Plus, I was so disappointed in Americans for re-electing him too. That was crazy in my opinion.

I sometimes don't like how some Americans feel as if their country is the only great one in the world....cause it's not. It's a great country but so are many others. Sometimes Americans can come off as arrogant and often ignorant to life outside the American borders. But obviously not all Americans are like this.

I've heard some pretty stupid things coming out of the mouths of Americans such as Bill Reilly and Ann Coulter ( who was recently in Canada and really stirred things up by making ignorant remarks about how Muslims shouldn't take planes and instead ride camels). Sometimes non Americans see this and wrongly assume that all Americans think this way. I know they don't and I have a lot of respect for the majority of our neighbours to the South. :)
2010-04-08 09:09:37 UTC
lets see:

- the tried to manipulated half the world into going to war on iraq.

- they deceive internationally on a regular basis to get their own means.

- theyre the soul cause Israel has any influence in the middle east and therefor the soul reason there is war in the middle east.

- They lost 3 wars on communism. then sold their consumerist souls to the biggest communist country in the world.

yet theyre still living in the deception that:

a) theyre the biggest economy in the world

b) theyre the wealthiest country in the world

c) the free market principle is supreme

did you see the trigger happy movies of the helicopter shooting civilians? did you read the article on the us army employing heavy metal music to force the local populous to choose sides? or maybe the dozens of cases of torture or the total persecution of arabs on their own soil. (which btw isnt new but happened to the japanese in WW2 aswell)

its the total arrogance and hypocracy...

They finally did a good thing electing a more socialist president. but then theyre already crawling back because well aparantly hes making the economy worse (worse than failing? is that even possible?)
2010-04-07 20:49:58 UTC
European countries tend to dislike Americans because their image of the average American is a fat, lazy obnoxious and uneducated slob on welfare. A lot of countries think of us as power hungry and war-happy. The United States is the self-proclaimed greatest and most powerful country on Earth.

My sister went to France in January and when she came back, she said that the general perception of Americans in France is what is similar to what some Americans feel about Mexicans (which, by the way, is a perception I do not share), except that in France, Mexicans are more respected than Americans... most likely because of what I said in that last paragraph.

My sister's husband is Nigerian and so on the second half of the trip, she also went to Nigeria a few months ago to visit her his family. When she came back, she said that she felt horrible when she came home because we just have so many things that people in Africa would consider frivolous extras. They drive their cars into the ground because that's their way of life, and they're fine with that. Her exact words were "We just have so much... We don't even need this much stuff."

While she was still in Nigeria, she apparently fell in a ditch of some sort that was by the street, and when she did, almost everyone around her came to help and asked if she was okay, and NO ONE laughed. She said that she was really surprised by their reaction because, in America, bystanders would have laughed, stared, ignored her, or a combination of the three. They also thought she was rich because she was American.

As far as advice on how to handle it, really all you can do is try to understand why they feel the way they do about us. We complain about credit card debt and our our cars... Nigerians don't' have cars, and the taxis they do have have holes in the floors! Europeans are just tired of the ignorance.

Europeans are actually right about us as a country. We do take our freedom and our opportunities for granted, and we really as lazy, on the whole. A lot of us are lazy and obnoxious. Others who aren't lazy are power-hungry and greedy. The forefathers of our country have worked very hard to give us these rights, but in modern times, we really don't know how lucky we are. We just keep wanting more.
trampoline girl <3
2010-04-06 10:11:57 UTC
hmm well here in the UK i dont here a lot about people hating americans per se, but we do hear a lot about your government sticking your noses into our affairs often. on other forums ive read answers from americans who think theyre top shite and say that the US is the best country in the world. ive heard a lot about arogant americans who think that north america rules the world..(personally i think china well deserves that title. : P )

also theres the fact that youre known very well for obesity and what not and while im sure youre helping other countries...we cant help but frown at the news when they announce obesity rates in the US when theres been a report the day before about all the famine in 3rd world countries.

oh heres one: "if it weren't for us helping you guys, you british would be speaking fluent german and eating frankfurters all the time" ... WTF?! there's no frickin' i in team...there were a lot of other outside help seeing as it was a WORLD war...idiot. its statements like that that make it seem that nobody would be anywhere if it weren't for the americans that make us scoff.

right now the only thing i have against americans is that company Kraft or whatever who are taking over Cadbury and decided at last minute to scrap the Cadbury factory here..leading to the loss of hundreds of jobs irresponsibly.
Mr. Peter
2010-04-08 09:25:37 UTC
Same reason people didn't like the Roman Empire. Nobody likes the ones at the top because humanities decadence and corruption is most obvious. The truth is human beings are just ****** up and it is as simple as that.
2010-04-08 09:16:49 UTC
I was just gonna make a question about Americans,

a positive one,,,,,whoa.....

I cannot understand why lots of people (like you say)

don't like Americans,but why are there so many people

would sell their heads to see the USA?......USA has

always been lots of people's dream,tourism,students,


The Dollar$$ .......The Star of the world.

Politically,it's hazardous,but imagine,what a

wonderful country.I was coast-to-coast once,

from my point of view,i love America.
2010-04-07 23:41:16 UTC
Maybe people hate Americans in theory but I have traveled all over Europe and India and most people were nice to me. The rudest person I came across was a nun who worked in the Vatican gift shop. She really did not like me but somehow I don't think that was because I am American, I think it's because I was with a HOT man and she was jealous. I think people are caught up in their every day lives and if you meet them with goodwill they are too busy and preoccupied to hate you because you're American.
rumors with no basis in reality
2010-04-08 07:57:03 UTC
Americans and the American government (particularly during the Bush Administration) are thought of as being rather arrogant.
2010-04-08 08:31:48 UTC
I'm from Belgium and I do not hate America at all. If we didnt have the US we would be speaking German now 8-)
2010-04-08 09:31:52 UTC
USA had better foreign policies advent to the occupation of its political conscience by Israeli Zionism.
2010-04-07 06:30:32 UTC
Just ignore them dude.. and mostly the ones criticizing america would be the ones who left their country and migrated for a better standard of living.. and truth,americans are less racist compared to brits and Germans.
2010-03-31 09:35:13 UTC
We have stuck our noses in a lot of places where it has not belonged.....

The places we have we send people who a percentage do obsence things to others races... and religions....

People who come here realize there is an american dream with the preconcieved thought that everyone takes advantage of what we have to offer.... instead they bunch of fat butts doing drugs and beating their kids... the future

My stepmother is from vietnam .... one of the first things she noticed was every female wasn't a model...... a stick thin.......

Many many reasons.... That I understand... and wish I could fix ....
2010-04-08 07:13:36 UTC
Their Greed and Obsession about peoples appearances.
2010-04-08 08:15:17 UTC
I love the americans, no different to other country's,
2010-03-31 09:44:44 UTC
some people hv various accounts n maybe one n same thing. some hv political agenda (eg. those from china which i saw on youtube). one notices every american election, theres an agenda to go war in the middle-east. its no coincidence that their people hate america. generally, america is well-liked by many countries, including china.
2010-04-06 01:40:56 UTC
It because many Americans don't have a brain cell between them, they hate other countries (primarily the UK, Germany, France) because they're stuck in the past. This means the British, French and Germans get annoyed and hate Americans.

So it's because of the stupid minority of arsehats
Mariana Straits
2010-04-07 21:16:54 UTC
Me too after I was courted to join the bloody group in the first place. tsk tsk!

Consider it a badge of honor amiga.
2010-04-07 18:02:31 UTC
We have stopped following what George Washington had said, "don't interfere with foreign relations"

we always have our noses up in places where we shouldn't.

oh besides that, there is ton racism over here, also the majority of ppl don't know their history well.
2010-04-06 23:48:06 UTC
Because Americans cause a lot of negativity around the whole world.
2010-04-08 01:35:04 UTC
its the government. Basically the government represent america so when the government does something wrong or stupid then that makes us look wrong or stupid. and that's y ppl hate us cuz they hate our government.
2010-04-06 20:41:40 UTC
Because they are TOO loud and most of them suffer obesity from fast food, it seems that's all they can eat!

Even in the movies they claim about it!

Check In Brujes with Colin Farrell!
2010-04-07 08:32:06 UTC
Because of incidents involving the United states....

To name a few.....

Its one-dimensional and ideological view of the term freedom.

The chicago boys in Chili corrupt politicians testing their ideology.

IMF reforms in east asia influenced by America.

Its Capitalism dividing the world in producers and consumers.

Abu Ghraib prison
2010-03-31 09:44:01 UTC
americans have obviously earned this name over time rite?

its most likely because of the majority of Americas arrogant citizens.

they have no bother for us or anybody else for that matter.

not all americans are this way, some are fuking fabulous, but majority speaks for itself.
M. Knight ♥Sunnah Defender♥
2010-04-06 19:45:14 UTC
Because of the unjust American policy towards the rest of the world. No more no less.
2010-04-08 08:56:02 UTC
because as an american, and because of bush's fault, they think we all lazy,have a huge ego,and arrogant. by the way, not all of us are like that!!!
2010-04-06 19:25:47 UTC
Because ya'll are the only be on the planet who manage to get attacked by wild animals
2010-03-31 09:32:45 UTC
its not nessecarily that people hate specifically americans but that they hate anyone not of their own, every place's people find something to hate in another place its just how "people" function, not all people but as a majority that seems to be how it works.
2010-04-08 09:21:25 UTC
45+ ansewrs GOOD LORD!
2010-03-31 09:41:52 UTC
Well I am from the UK and I do not dislike americans, but there are quite a few things that I do dislike about you guys.

First thing: you country is filled with religious nutcases, we have our fair share here but nothing compared to you guys, and your religious creationist nutcases have started bringing their nonsense over here

second thing: you are very nationalistic, in other words "your way" is the best way, when it isn't.

third thing: you don't even know the difference between Britain and England. That annoys me a bit.

fourth thing: a lot of you don't even know your own history. "we saved your asses from the Germans"... no you didn't. or "we kicked your asses to get our independence"... no you didn't, british generals surrended because supplies ran out, not because they were defeated in battle (infact we won most of the battles).

fifth thing: a lot of the american films and television programs we get are terrible and very cheesy.

sixth thing: you gave us "highschool musical"....
2010-04-06 09:59:15 UTC
it's the culture and foreign wars

just say you're native american
2010-04-08 09:15:39 UTC
i don't hate the states
B. Voerschet
2010-04-08 09:07:19 UTC
Who cares?

Love it or leave it.
2010-04-08 07:04:28 UTC
Because America is run by the enemy (whites).
2010-04-07 19:09:29 UTC
its the people in America, the have and have not
Elke from Germany
2010-04-07 00:02:28 UTC
Okay, I'm from germany and yes, i dislike the U.S.A.

It's not like i dislike everyone in it. I have just had some very bad experiences with people from there. I think the majority is racist and you always go on about black and white people and their differences, its like, DUDE STFU WE ARE ALL EQUAL.

^^that probably sounds weird coming from someone whos decedents tried to kill a whole race but it is like 2010, why can't we accept each other?

Oh and another reason I dislike america is your accents. i am sorry but they drive me freaking NUTZ!

"haii ya'll wanna buy meh a french freiii?"
Michael Corleone
2010-03-31 09:35:00 UTC
lol zach. i found this out actually in the navy talking to people in their countries like hong kong, isreal, singapore, thailand.

They said they think we are bully's and stick our nose in businesses.
2010-04-08 07:24:14 UTC
No they love us!
2010-03-31 09:34:34 UTC
Because we act like we own the place. We act like every single country should bow down to us. No wonder people hate us.
2010-03-31 09:31:24 UTC
Because our country as a whole act like we're the Sh@t.
get out my face dang
2010-03-31 09:35:00 UTC
As a American i hate Americans to. they act like their better then the rest of the world and its allot to hate them for. You see everybody else hates Americans now its Americans hating Americans.
2010-04-07 17:54:03 UTC
Because of obama. He is an a$$hole
Dr. Hardawn
2010-03-31 09:31:52 UTC
Because we are slowly eating the entire worlds food supply.
2010-04-06 10:06:29 UTC
because they are selfish, ignorant, arrogant pricks. why else?
2010-03-31 09:33:20 UTC
Their jealous, and wish they could be Americans. I would too if i didn't live in the United Stated.

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