You are forced to learn the white man's history because you are in the white man's country.
However, it's your country, too. Yes, you should learn about your people as well as about white people, and the white people should learn about you, too. However, it's currently set up so they don't have to. I'm sure, for example, that Bob Cratchit knew a lot more about Ebenezer Scrooge than Scrooge knew about Cratchit--that is, until the Ghost of Christmas Present showed Scrooge Cratchit's home and family. The subordinate person always has to know more about the dominant person.
Therefore, it would behoove you to learn the white man's history--not necessarily to be subservient to him, but to learn about the people that are influencing you, and to learn about our common humanity, and to know how to survive and thrive in this world that you're in. Also, knowing about the other person may help you to outsmart him/her.
It would also help to learn your own history, for self-knowledge and self-respect, for appreciation of your own kind, for the learning of common humanity once again, and to assert your history into the world you're in. Of course they should know about you!