2009-08-17 01:37:49 UTC
For example spelling corrections, like someone spelling " colour " and then an American comes along and goes " *Color. "
And I answered this question about the colonisation of Europeans in Australia and the conflict between them and the Aboriginals, and the other answerers started talking about the colonisation of America.
They always assume you're talking about something American. I've asked two questions recently about the size and shapes of coins here, without specifying what country, to see what people assume.
They said "No the 50 cent coin is round..." (it's not in my country)
"All American coins are round."
And once I asked in a chat "How much is an ounce?" and they all were like "Are you dumb? lmao"
Well we don't learn the imperial system here. Only metric.
And people thinking that the USA started the English language.
Etc and all this other stuff. It's like people presuming it's the Northern Hemisphere and saying it's Summer, when it's winter in the Southern Hemisphere.
It just annoys me sometimes.