Is ignorance the source of all racism?
2008-05-23 08:07:54 UTC
In the 2 years I've been in this section I have seen the various people post racist rants and I've seen answers generally accuse the poster of being "ignorant". As such I've come to really despise the use of that word, since it is as overused and misused as "racism" is. Never mind that, my real qualm is...

... do you think the reason for all racism is because the person is ignorant of that race they dislike? At least 70% of posters on here have accused racists of being ignorant.

By that logic (that ignorance = racism), the way I see it, if someone knows about a certain race (culture, etc) and has experience in regular dealings with people of that race, they cannot be racist or hold negative views to that race because they are NOT ignorant of that race... is this correct?
24 answers:
2008-05-23 08:11:31 UTC
What I think people mean when they say that a racist is ignorant is that racists are ignorant or oblivious to the fact that there are good and bad people in every race.

I don't think that racists are necessarily ignorant, because I find it hard to believe that anyone could really believe that every single person of a particular race is a bad person. I think racists choose to hate or discriminate against an entire race because of a certain person or group of people they knew.

Here's an example: The neighbor is Asian and she is the most cheating, conniving, selfish person I know. When I worked retail, I caught a lot of Asian "ticket-switching", where they switch the price tag on clothing. But does that mean that I just assume that all Asians are thieves and just hate all Asians before I get to know them? No, I am sure there are plenty of wonderful Asians out there, even if the neighbor isn't one of them.

And I also think they way you were brought up has something to do with it when you are very young, but once you're old enough to become a free thinker, you decide on your own.
2008-05-23 15:14:50 UTC
Ignorance is the source of lots of racism. I am 15 and a lot of people at my school are racist for no reason so I think it's probably from their parents, rather than their own opinion.

I see what your saying in your last paragraph, and in that case I thinks its not so much a case of ignorance as the naievety to generalise ; they can not of had a bad experience with every member of the race in question.
David S
2008-05-23 15:14:03 UTC
Ignorance certainly plays a part, but it's not the entire story. I believe that racism is a natural human behavior based on our survival instincts. It's what keeps people together in a unified group...this identification with others that are like you. However, in the modern world, racism is much less important for actual survivial and has become detrimental to further human development. It takes an enlightened person to completely ignore race, even today. But it can be accomplished and we should all work to eliminate racism.
SugrNspyce4 :)
2008-05-23 21:52:17 UTC
A person can still be ignorant of certain groups of people even if they have "regular dealings" with them. Unless someone personally meets every single person in that particular group, it's pretty much impossible to say they "know" them, and even if they could, it's still possible to be ignorant. Even though it may seem like someone interacts with a lot of a certain kind of person, that's still just a relative few in the grand scheme of things. And just because one is familiar with certain groups of people doesn't necessarily mean he or she fully understands them.

So with that said, I think the main cause of racism is fear (more specifically, the fear of those different than ourselves), which a lot of the time is, in fact, caused by ignorance. When you think about it, it makes sense.

As Master Yoda put it, "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
2008-05-23 15:17:32 UTC
Here is my PERSONAL OPINION. Racism is also learned. they have been taught as children to hate. Or it's situational. I've met several white folks that wasn't racist until hurricane Katrina. It's because they've seen small population of black folks do some negative things. I won't explain what. But it's also the lack of knowledge of the group of a particular race.
2008-05-23 15:14:44 UTC
There's an old saying that goes, "Everyone brightens a room; some by entering, some by exiting." This means to me that people are individuals, not necessarily members of any particular race. But, it is easy to categorize when many of the same ethnic group act the same way each and every time. This has nothing to do with ignorance.
2008-05-23 16:26:22 UTC
No! Greed and Egomania is the source of all forms of bigotry.

It is a demonstration of ignorance to suggest that a person is racist simply because he/she points out some obvious facts about human nature and behaviors. There is absolutely nothing racist about classifying people according to their attitude and actions. If this is racist, then the educational system can be considered to be bigoted because it separates people according to their various levels of educational achievements. People are also separated because of their values and beliefs.

Bigotry has always been used as a social and psychological weapon against individuals/groups who are perceived as adversaries for the same economic prize. It is power that gives one group superiority over another group, the power of intelligence, artillery, technology and money. There are people who use their power/authority as weapons of manipulation, terrorizing weak/inferior individuals into submissiveness and annihilating anyone who tries to resist. This power/authority could come from numerous sources e.g. a Badge, Religion, Race, Age, Gender, Class, Group, Business, Occupation, Politics and Cartels etc.

Racism continues to exist as a competitive part of many societies. Many people who are leaders in various communities continue to promote racism, so that they can divide and control gullible supporters.

Bigotry is the wanton abuse of privileges, power and authority as weapons of oppression and persecution against Political, Religious, Financial, Ethnic, Intellectual and Social Opponents.

An ABSOLUTE BIGOT is a person who believes that his/her rights are superior or greater than the rights of another person.
2008-05-23 15:31:15 UTC
Ignorance is basically the source of virtually ALL evils there are, period and not just intolerance. Racism is understandable, yes, but pardonable, no. Nobody is born a racist, so it must be brainwashed into you by persons themselves brainwashed by others.

A person might suggest intolerance more than ignorance causes racism, because they are not the same thing, but the two are usually found together like stupidity and conservative values.

The educated usually are tolerant because their minds are open and broad. There are exceptions, but the general rule applies. Naturally, an educated person like myself cannot stand to be around close-minded individuals....

But how is ignorance the supreme sine qua non of virtually all evils commited by Homo sapiens metrosexualis var. "Stupidus Maximus"?


When you are an ignoramus you cannot understand or forsee the consequences of your actions like a wise person like myself can do, therefore you do evil, you are intolerant, and racist. So that intolerant Jehovah's Witness did not forsee that if he pestered me, I'd have to plant him in my garden to fertilize my much more valuable trees.

I'm not a racist or intolerant, not one bit! It's true.

I only hate the intolerant and the Dutch and Maoris from New Zealand who stole my wallet last time I visited....
2008-05-23 15:21:45 UTC
As you pointed out, some people no of and even date within whatever race, so how can this person be ignorant?

The word " racism" is over used and used wrong as the word "ignorant" is over used and misused.

How can someone be ignorant when they have first hand knowledge?
2008-05-23 15:12:12 UTC
You answered your own question..."if someone knows about a certain race (culture, etc) and has experience in regular dealings with people of that race, they cannot be racist or hold negative views to that race"... SO yes, racists are ignorant people.
2008-05-23 15:22:08 UTC
Does it make sense to think that women who wear blue dresses are devils? I can't think of a reason that a blue dress would cause this, but if I have a lot of bad experiences with women who are wearing a blue dress, then I'm likely to be wary of any woman in a blue dress. If I have a shop and I find that most of the shop lifting is done by women wearing a blue dress, then I'm likely to watch more closely women in blue dresses. Blacks dominate big time, the most negative of statistics. Is it smart to ignore that? I would not assume that any black person is a shoplifter, but I would not close my mind to the increased risk either. You bet, I would watch them more closely.

If I have said something unreasonable, then please post what it is. A thumbs down without reason is ignorance.
2008-05-23 15:25:43 UTC
yes, there seems to be a correlation between being dumb and being racist. You can test out this hypothesis, just look for racist people , i guarantee 9/10 times their ignorant about other stuff as well
2008-05-23 15:37:23 UTC
Ignorance is part of the problem. In today's world racism is pretty much ignorance but in the past it was caused by a lack of resources.
2008-05-23 15:26:09 UTC
Fear AND Ignorance= racism


Ignorance= closed minded/un-educated

Mix all together and you have a batter for racism
Lady Jexie
2008-05-23 15:13:10 UTC
I think most racism is learned in childhood or is the result of a significant emotional event.

The ignorance would come in when people don't become enlightened enough to overcome it.
2008-05-23 15:26:58 UTC
Those people who call racism ignorant are the ones that are more ignorant simply because they lack knowledge on what racism is.
2008-05-23 15:16:18 UTC
Igornace means not knowing! Yes,people relate to life by their world. Each of us are like a pebble of sand on a beach. Unfortunately,many believe that they are the beach.
2008-05-24 09:37:35 UTC
is ignorance the source of all racism? that, and a misunderstanding of another person or culture
2008-05-23 15:39:07 UTC
Usually it is, and the racist will never admit this, it's also due to a sense of feeling superior to others. sometimes it's what we picked up from our parents, our enviroment and unfortunate events.
2008-05-23 15:12:43 UTC
When one is a racist they ARE ignorant, how else would you explain such stupidity.
2008-05-23 15:10:57 UTC
I think fear is a big source of racism.
Susan H
2008-05-23 15:12:08 UTC
Racism can also come from indoctrination.
2008-05-23 15:13:02 UTC
Race has nothing to do with it.If we hate ,lets say,Chinese than we hate ourselves since we are all humans.But whites and others believe that they are not human and superior to everyone.The problem is thepower complex.
Patrick H
2008-05-23 15:20:10 UTC
any racism that exists in me is due to life experiences.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.