I’m black. I Never dated a black guy. Nothing against my race but I just haven’t come into contact with a decent black guy. My friends tell me to live in a larger city to have more of a variety. But for the most part all the black guys that I come into contact with aren’t doing anything with their lives. I not saying this about every black guy it’s just the ones I come into contact with. I find more white guys who went to college, don’t have kids all over the country, etc. I know it can be harder for a person of color to go to school, but I did it….
Most guys I’ve dated where white or Hispanic. I did run into some racial conversation with previous guys I dated. I could see where racial tension would arouse with some situation which I didn’t always like.
I do hope that who ever I marry will understand racial situations that will come up in our marriage. For example if I married a white guy and we had kids,… One of our kids comes home crying because some one called them a ****** at school. I wonder if a white guy would actually understand the pain of hearing that.
Again, not starting any arguments, not racist towards anyone, just voicing my opinion!
Next topic by the way Monti!
Preference,…. Some one that is intelligent, has goals, Christian,….. Not sure what that race would be….