The whole situation was handled wrong. Michael Richards should learn how to handle hecklers. Of course the guys shouldn't have been heckling him, but he's supposed to be a standup comic and hecklers come with the territory. (I'm not saying they weren't wrong) Real standup comics know how to deal with stuff like that in a way that's funny and not insulting. I believe some black people over reacted. I was listening to the radio and somebody said, "...they're bringing back slavery". I'm like "what the heck!?! This chick's crazy!" I know there are low-key forms of slavery going on (that I wish I knew how to combat cause no one deserves to go through that) but it will never be like it was way back when. I watched the clip a few times and I didn't get the Borat joke cause I've never seen Borat. (yeah I know, where have I been! lol) Richards saying this showed that he had some surpressed anger. Whether it was because some black kids teased him when he was younger or if he had a bad experience with ONE or A FEW black people doesn't excuse him for doing what he did.
Not everything in a comedy club will be politicly correct. However that ONLY refers to the jokes. This was not a joke. He said what he said to be hurtful. I don't watch Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, and them. I usually watch ppl who can be funny without it being racially fueled (black, white, and inbetween). Also, there is this white comedian (whos name escapes me) whos whole routine is racially fueled, but she won't say ******. (or I haven't heard her say it.) I saw her show once at 1am and I didn't take offence to it cause they did warn ppl of what was to come, but I'm not sure if I'd see it again for the simple fact that there wasn't a mix of types of jokes...but I digress
One thing I noticed is when ppl say c****** white ppl seem to take it, yet complain about the fact that it's being said. If you feel that strongly about it then say something. Not to the crazy extent some people take it when they are called outside their name, but ppl will do what works until it doesn't work anymore. And right now, for some comedians, saying c****** works. I'm not condoning it. I'm just saying when they see that it won't work anymore they can't say it. (BTW: most of the comedians I've seen in my life time say "white ppl" and not "c******". They don't even say it offensively. They usually use it to set up a joke that ends up cracking on black ppl or the are saying the difference btwn white ppl and black ppl)
One thing people kept bringing up is how black ppl can say ****** and white ppl can't. They were also saying how it's unfair and they don't get why they can't say it. First of all the word shouldn't be said at all by anyone. Second of all when white ppl say there is history behind it. As much as ppl say, "you didn't have anything to do with it" and "it's in the past" all that history still comes up with it. A black person calling another black person a ****** is like this. Lets say there were a group of ppl born w/o thumbs. They could go around saying, "hey no thumb!" But if someone with thumbs says, "hey no thumb" it comes off as offensive. Or you can look at it this way. Lets say me and the person above me were siblings. If we got into an argument and one of us said, "yo mama" that's their mom too. But if we get into an argument with someone who is not our bother or sister and they say "yo mama" then we're pissed cause you're talking about our mom.
I hope this made as much sence to you as it did to me when I was thinking it! LOL!