I really don't understand why some of the responders have been getting so ''worked up'' over your question. Sure, you could have worded it much better- such as, "Why are white women such a novelty to ME?"- but I understand, from the rest of what you've said above, that this is actually what you are asking.
The answer is quite obvious.... White women are a new experience for you. After all, that's one definition for novelty (newness). There's no reason for you to question this. If you are enjoying the "newness" of white women then, by all means, continue to do so. I'm sure that some women will "cyber-spit" on me for saying so, but whatever.... If you are both consenting adults, and you are being honest about your intensions, I see no reason to tell you otherwise.
I don't know if you're "addicted". If you are simply enjoying white women because they are still "new" to you, I certainly wouldn't call that an addiction. You're just "stuck on" something that is, like I said, new. Remember being a child and constantly playing with your Christmas presents, for example, until they sort of "wore off"? You didn't stop liking them. Right? But, eventually, you didn't want to play with them nearly as much. Correct? Well, apply that logic to what you are feeling with regards to white women. It's the same thing to an extent.
"How long before the novelty wears off?" ----No one can answer this question.... Not even YOU. You won't know until it happens. You will either suddenly lose all interest, you won't be as interested, or you will be no more interested in white women than any other woman. Either way, it's nothing to be concerned about. Just be who you are and do what you want. It's no cause for concern, and I don't understand why people are so offended. They must be racist since they are so "touchy".
"...and the way the tried so hard to throw it back, but off rhythm (some have rythm some dont)." ----Thanks for specifying "some" rather than giving into stereotypes. I know where you're coming from though... (This is ONE reason why SOME white women "go crazy" over SOME black men.)
I hope I've been a little helpful.
And, $0.02, just ignore these morons and keep asking your questions.