in high schools around America, do you think there is more physical Racism white-on-black, or black-on-white?
2007-07-19 08:54:28 UTC
First off, I will not even read any racist remarks, so please don't do them.

I'm wondering, in high schools around America, do you think there is more physical Racism white-on-black, or black-on-white?

I'm just wondering because in my school there is more black-on-white (I guess it's just city kids picking on the suburban kids knowing most of them won't do anything back) and I wan't to know what it is like elsewere.

Please only answer this if you have an idea to contribute, I don't want people to start making racist remarks and turn this into a battleground
31 answers:
2007-07-19 09:36:29 UTC
This is an interesting question. When I went to High school back in the stone age,the kids in my school segregated from other races. I think that the type of expresions that we see today is more of a learned trait. The reason kids bully one another has little to do with race. Observe what type of kids are being physically attacked and you'll see that is always the school dweeb. The reason why black on white expression is more prominent nowadays is due to the fact that the school population has a ratio of 3.1. Therefore the bullies will pick on the less likely to retaliate like you commented. You'll never see the popular kids being picked on(that's another issue). It is sad that in this day and age we are still hung up on these issues. I am spanish. When I went to school,i was not popular. Everyone picked on me. The black kids though were the only ones to use racial slurs and pick fights with me. Racism is a learned trait and it cannot be stopped beacuse it starts at home,not at school.
BeLiZe Gyal
2007-07-19 15:59:12 UTC
When you say physical I think of hitting and kicking. No, there is neither where I am from. I am no longer in high school, but there was racism. Verbal things were said to each other- white to black and black to white. I am from the city as well. In the south east if that helps.
Lief Tanner
2007-07-19 16:01:11 UTC
Personally, I don't think the real racism is physical - it merely ends that way. Racism to me starts as a simple thought, voice and opinion, before someone somewhere decided to take offence at it, which turns it into the racism seen every day.

For example, you are thinking that racism is more black-on-white in your school, because you see it every day, or it what you want to see, because of your own views on the subject.

I could be a lot more philosophical, but I think a short reply is better understood.
Terry L
2007-07-19 16:02:38 UTC
Overall, I would say it's about equal. Of course, there's ALL types of racism. Black, white, latino, asian, etc. But you asked only about whites and blacks. From what I've seen and experienced, I would say it's about the same across the entire US. However, it does depend on where you live. On the upper east coast (New York for example), I know that almost all whites show little to no racism at all. On the other hand, down south and perhaps in the Ozarks, I've seen a lot more white on black racism. And of course, on the west coast (say California), I've seen more black on white racism. So I'd say across the entire US, it's about the same.
2007-07-19 15:58:26 UTC
Surprisingly enough, in my highschool there is hardly any white on black racism or vice versa. The most physical violence actually comes from hispanic on hispanic. It's weird and it's probably not like that everywhere, but thats how it is at my highschool. Blacks and whites are just like, chill with each other and skin color doesn't matter. Blacks probably make fun of each other more. And white's call each other like "hey pale one" or "whats up cracka". It's kind of funny.
Jypcee 5000
2007-07-19 16:03:27 UTC
I think it goes both ways...usually the majority will middle school it was about even...but I was taking advanced courses...sometimes I was the only Black student in the was hard...especially when I had to sit directly in the middle..(alphabetical order seating)...There were some White kids that picked on the Asians and vice versa...I sometimes got into disagreements with other Black students for not acting Black enough...WTH??? ...So I would say every race has it's battles.
Emily A
2007-07-19 15:58:55 UTC
I honestly don't know, but I go to a private school and there doens't seem to be much at all, but what there is of it, is white-on-black There isn't a lot of it though, because we're a christian school, and most (if not all) of the black people are accepted as who they are, not a skin color.

I think that it depends on which is the majority in the school. A mostly white school would most likely be white-on-black but a predominantly black school would most likely be black-on-white.
2007-07-19 15:58:44 UTC
personally, I don't think that there is as much racism in schools as most people think. my school has never had that sort of problem. there are very few colored people in our school, and everyone gets along with them fine. when it comes down to it, I would think it's more white on black, because its been my experience that black people are better at keeping those sorts of thoughts out of the way.
2007-07-19 16:03:22 UTC
It really depends on where you live.

For me that's California and to be honest I don't see anyone being physically racist. Typically I see more black on white though. However its never "physical". More like rude remarks. But even that happens like once in a blue moon.

BTW;; The majority in my school are whites.
Ms. Lady
2007-07-19 15:58:21 UTC
well..i went to an all white school. but there was really no racism. but i would say that there were a lot of close minded people. i hated the fact that people were very ignorant to different cultures but as a minority..we are FORCED to learn about white America. everything from the history books to how to wash hair. i just wish that people were more open minded to other cultures except their own.
2007-07-19 15:57:33 UTC
When I was in highschool alot of the black guys would call us crackers and whitey. If I would have said blacky I would have been kicked out. I guess it works both ways although some people think whites are the only racist ones!
2007-07-19 15:59:39 UTC
What I have seen is more Black on White. It seems they try to provoke incidents, and then scream that it is racial bias against them.

At my kids' high school, it is not an issue. There are only about 4 black kids in a school of 300, and they are all friends. It is a private, Christian school, and no -- we do not discriminate. Anyone is welcome, as long as they keep their grades and behavior in line.
Molly M
2007-07-19 15:59:39 UTC
Okay, i don't want to offend anyone but i think there is more black on white. I think that it use to be the other way around but most people have changed and i think blacks think that whites still hate them and use the card "you just don't like blacks" everytime a white points them out on something. I really don't think it is very fair.
2007-07-19 16:02:19 UTC
Racism draws no boundaries..meaning that I have seen hispanics against hispanics,black against blacks ,whites against whites all according to what part of the country they are from. And I have seen blacks against hispanics and hispanics against blacks and both against whites as you say.

They live in America and still fly their flags of their country before the American flag. Yet it is forced on whites to be more tolerant of all these races and their culture... yet I am not really seeing it tolerated amongst any of the other ethnic groups. Why is that ?

All in all it is a waste of quality time and energy.

I wish we could all put our differences behind us and focus more on God and His Work in our lives and less culture and color.
2007-07-19 15:58:07 UTC
Im in high school and i have seen everything black on white white and black and Hispanics with asians . but i have never quiet seen physical racism
2007-07-19 15:58:45 UTC
I really think racism has been surpassed by drug abuse as a problem that creates alot of violence and death and it is black killing black and white killing white. Racism still needs to be addressed but I think drug abuse should be a higher priority right now
Naomi T
2007-07-19 15:59:06 UTC
Even though I am white, I think it would probably be white on black. It's just that the white newspapers focus more on bad stuff about blacks. Really unfair!
2007-07-19 16:04:30 UTC
i went to a small town to visit my aunt an a ran into a problem. their was a group of white girls (i'm also white) but they came up to me and started to pick on me. for no reason i didn't even know them. the supriseing thing was their was a group of colored across the street(that ithought i would have trouble with) but they saw what was happening and came to my rescue. i wish i could have thanked them. i was scared out of my mine.
2007-07-19 19:31:56 UTC
there are more black-on-black and black-on-white. most of the white kids i know wouldn't dare cross a black person, becasue they are scared of what they might do
Jason J
2007-07-19 15:57:00 UTC
I really believe it depends on where you live. In my area it would be more white on black but I would say it would just depend on what the majority is. Whatever the majority is typically tries and dominates the minority.
miss Kapitan
2007-07-19 15:58:04 UTC
Well, from what i've seen/heard of here in my high school..

in los angeles

I guess, it's more like latino-on-black

.since there is only like one white person in the whole
Nam D.
2007-07-19 15:58:55 UTC
i mostly seen on mine class black girl don't get along with white girl, i think it not racist but some kind of girl stuff.
2007-07-19 15:58:29 UTC
it is mostly white on black around the good schools
Marie Jane
2007-07-19 15:57:47 UTC
I think it started out being white on black, but it's steadily becoming more black on white.
2007-07-19 15:58:19 UTC
in my school there's not much racism at all, but in my brothers old school it was about even both ways.
2007-07-19 15:59:52 UTC
go to The Colour of Crime Report, and you will get your answer.
2007-07-19 16:03:04 UTC
racism is not born it taught, so environment create racism wheat er you are black or white or any ethnic
2007-07-19 15:56:41 UTC
I really think that from what I've seen and heard, there's more black-on-black
2007-07-19 15:59:47 UTC
I think it's both.
2007-07-19 15:58:11 UTC
between students or from the administration?
2007-07-19 08:59:04 UTC
where i'm at it's it not big or nothin, but lil lil things

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