I love Indian culture. But I also think it’s too restrictive in today’s times. How can we strike a balance?
Dashing Diwana
2007-08-09 10:10:41 UTC
I love Indian culture. But I also think it’s too restrictive in today’s times. How can we strike a balance?
66 answers:
2007-08-23 21:11:16 UTC
Get to know a few indians. Learn the reasoning behind the restrictions. If you do this, maybe you'll understand why these restrictions have to be.
Mathew C
2007-08-26 11:01:53 UTC
We have to study the Indian culture and it's metamorphis to why we are like this. Centuries back English traders came to India at the behest of the Monarchs there because our poor were suffering under the Kings here. They made the Kings fight against each other and took control of the country. They supplied us with cheap products under credit and took our expensive products and sold abroad. Our aritsans got paid who were poor you see. Thus our poor were imanicipated for sometime and had work in full. Then came the great and honorable leaders drove out these missionaries and started pouring mud into the stomachs of the poor here and it is still going on under one pretext or the other. The media creates the culture and they give misleading ideas about the country and other countries and we all dance together. We say we are unified under diversity and that is because we fear our lives not because of anything else. Those who cannot cometoether in good times how can they come together in calamity, it's for the fear of ones life and nothing else. Of course we are a simple and gentle nation and we get easily misled. We don't read history or educate properly to be out of the box thinkers. We all learn by heart, we don't have division of labor here we do different things becase we learn by heart we don't acquire skills. Theoretical physicists become management gurus, literature majors become stock experts, engineers work as telephone operators and bus conductors, even doctors sometimes work in bpos. So much about liberal arts education and culture along with our basic ones. We probably still do good in real arts or music, drama let alone anyone can enjoy it now. So it goes on a country forsaken by the leadership where self help is the best help and faith and hope and salvation don't have any place, just chaos, road blocks, bad infrastructure, malnutrition, high infant mortality rates, child labor, we don't like proselitising but we don't mind seeing our poor beg. We don't like any thing that can change this but we do fear our career however or whichever way built it. So our culuter goes, recently it is trying to drive out the god sent gift through the nuclear deal which we are trying to throw out and conitinue with the chaos we create. So that is just a birds eyeview of our culture. To go deep we don't have to this summarises it all. We have revered leaders and we have poor people and if that makes sense then I have said it all.
2007-08-17 21:35:54 UTC
Get an education in Indian culture and how it evolved. Whether formal (which could lead to a job) or personal (which could lead to understanding), you need to understand the roots of it and not just compare it to the way of life you know. Take it on as a project. Make a file (with many sub-folders) of your research. You may wind up as a university professor ready to publish! If that's not your thing, at least you will have a documentation that tells what you've observed. Maybe do a double major in Political Science and get a job with the United Nations. Aim high, honey, because your goals are astronomical. And please do it soon....our planet depends on you and your generation.
2007-08-19 10:34:55 UTC
Which Indians are you talking about? Native Americans? Or Indians from India? Anyway, you can strike a balance by taking an interest in their (our) culture. Ask questions, attend events, invite people from that culture to yours. I'm sure you'll have a blast in your journey!
2007-08-24 12:42:22 UTC
Too restrictive? Basically the nature of Indian culture is that its really adaptive and thats how they say it survived for two thousand years. We adapted the best from everyone we met with, the Arabs, chinese, Greeks, Romans, later the invaders from Afghanistan and even the Europeans. We made parts of their cultures our own..

Lets continue the process. Feel free to accept anything that's good in another culture.. Be good to yourself and to others. Thats the basic principle behind any culture. In that manner, we'll better our culture.
2007-08-19 08:48:37 UTC
I don't think indian culture is restrictive, and I don't even live in India. Compared to the western culture, yes, ours IS restrictive. But that's why we are called Hindus. This is our way of living; its how we are. We shouldn't try to adjust it to fit within the boundaries of other cultures.

Our culture is the way it is, and it shouldnt change. It has changed a lot already, and that's not good.
2007-08-28 02:45:35 UTC
Indian culture is like a lotus, which is blooming in the pellucid water of a lake of spiritual philosophy of ancient saint and sages. Restrictions against instinctive minds alone differentiate human being from other creatures of the world. Such, restrictions or regulations given to the mankind of all times by our seers , which we may consider as "DHARMA". And "Dharma" ( conducts and behaviour) alone may separate a person from animals and enable him to achieve the glory of a highly evolved creature of Unknown.

As such, all the restrictions in Indian culture, found in our religious scripture, namely "Bhgawad Geeta" are considered as the rules given by Lord 'Krishna", which cannot be modified or amended as long as man lives under the sun, whether it was a time of yore or modern time.
Spirit Dancer
2007-08-24 16:14:40 UTC
I think you are talking about the East Indian Culture and I feel that it is wrong to try and change someones way of life even if we don't agree. That is the same thing that happened to Native American Indians after 1492, and it's wrong and it's still happening today and it's wrong.
Panchal J
2007-08-22 00:56:02 UTC
I have serious doubts as to what you understand by Indian culture. I assume you to be American. You seem to believe in complete freedom in all walks of life. You also do not believe in anything which can not be expressed in figure. So you have to come out of your American model of understanding and culture.

Restricted river by dams produce electricity, controls flood and irrigates land.

Restricted hoarse is useful for riding.

Restricted explosion produce motion and electricity. Unrestricted explosion is havok.

Restricted sex produce family.

You can prepare a long list of such useful restrictions. So restrictions are not bad per say.

I am sure in light of above enlightenment you would love Indian culture more. Thanks.
2007-08-18 16:14:02 UTC
Since you love Indian culture, accept it's ways. The fact that it's too restrictive for you: means that you don't really love it; you like parts of it. It's only according to your beliefs and your acceptance what you think of it.
2007-08-20 06:36:03 UTC
Our indian culture never says that be at home, dont enjoy etc.,

it only says b cultural, respected in all.

But i dont think being respected is felt restrictive.

I am a teenager of just 16 which is the age of fashion & style,

but i never felt our culture is restrictive b'coz following fashion is not wrong but trying expose yourself & naming it todays fashion trend is absolutely wrong.

So b fashionable but b respectful & the day we achive our goal we r the most successful one.

So to love our culture heartedly not as a duty is the only way.
2007-08-22 19:02:10 UTC
Well im Indian American -- And yes, Indian traditions can be a bit restrictive in today's society, but that's why tradition rules over there. im not saying that you can't be connected to yor culture (dacning, speaking in anothe language, eating and preparing spicy ethnic food) and still be modern, but it's hard...... you have to keep it even on both sides

But jus sum things about India --> Bollywood (i watch em, more than hollywood movies actually )

Wear salwaar-kameeze (look it up online) its a traditional dress in India
Indian wizard
2007-08-09 10:19:57 UTC
You can strike a balance. Even before you striking the balance, the balance is out of order. Please set right the balance. All over India even the balance is imperfect. Already people have hit the balance your goodself striking the balance will damage further.

SOLUTION: Come with open mind. Indian people are good. Come with lots of money give all the people Rs.1000 on all days to all the people all over India. All the people will welcome you.

You can never strike a balance in India.
2007-08-15 07:01:54 UTC
What do u mean by too restrictive? I think its not related with Culture. Its one's perspective or commitment towards an action whether u need to do it or not and in a very good way or not.
2007-08-18 04:03:53 UTC
We can strike a balance by contolling ourselves.We should tell others not to do any bad work.Its our responsibility to make our Indian culture famous in the world.
2007-08-09 17:22:08 UTC
hello dashing diwana,

ys of course indian culture is lovable ,most of the restriction's r man made , as human being became a devaloped animal during the process,after the experiences of elders and wise men's women's ,they found some rules . regulations they made for the betterment of human that it survives strongly .and thus these restriction's occur .some of them we find r of no use according to the time present , such as "sati"and then it vanishes .

its time wut decides wuts good and bad [at that time ]now widows are married after death of their husband,it can be called as a miracle of time .once they were being tortured .

some restriction's r really good as human being left its animal ism and became a man/human he started marrying to have a single life partner , and due to it' law of jungle' cam e to end .and most of the problem s of emotion startead !

a law of the jungle was the strongest to survive .but human being started taking care of their weak coexist-ants humans also.

don't go blindly about obeying the rituals ,according to time and ur own conscious make a path ow ur own so let have a good examples for others to follow it
2007-08-26 12:14:36 UTC
Try Adapting Indian culture to modern standards.

Take for example the Japanese. They modernized their culture now all the teen and kid gooo bags are obssesed with Japanese. I know indian culture is far more substantial than Japanese you could do it. Its only a matter of time.
2007-08-26 18:47:25 UTC
as you said it's a culture.. we can change the law if the high court approved it. but we dont have a culture court to approved any changes in culture..

culture is developed so it shows that you couldn't whatsoever strikes it. it has to be mould slowly.. but in a huge country with an ultra huge population, i think it will be almost impossible, but i won't say it won't work. Gandhi tried and he was a succesful man..
neela m
2007-08-17 00:13:06 UTC
These are not restrictions but regulations and these help us to remain healthy by body and mind as well.

Balance can be achieved in steps. 1. Start taking care of people around you. 2. Forget your own worries as a consequence.3 Now relax your brain twice daily before food. Your brain itself will guide you in the direction that you can think big and positive. 4.At least start listening to great indian classical music like sitar, sarod, santoor, flute, tabla, pakhawaj etc. 5.You are naturally inclined to learn at least one instrument and enjoy the bliss of life.
miili b
2007-08-14 03:47:01 UTC
first ask yourself do you really like Indian culture and then think for the reasons why u think its restrictive and at last compare Indian cultUre with western culture here we celebrate all the festivals whereas if u are in U.S u cant celebrate.likewise if you will compare u will find answer to ur question?
2007-08-23 03:10:47 UTC
yes I love my Indian culture, It's a traditional. I like that.
Dietmar R
2007-08-24 07:18:33 UTC
my very personal opinion is that if anyone try to change something, automatically this one stop being indian culture,

so if you think that there is something wrong with the believes or politics etc and you want to change it you will destroy that culture, that is the esence of a culture the positive and negative things.
2007-08-24 19:56:49 UTC
why do yu not like restrictions? restrictions at some age are must to make a child civilized and cultured
2007-08-22 14:04:41 UTC
Change takes time,education,and patience.Over in India living conditions in some parts of the country are still being lived in the old world way.
2007-08-18 18:58:14 UTC
Allowing The Women To Marry More Than One Man

And Requiring These Men To Wear Veils......
2007-08-22 14:47:10 UTC
I am a Indian and I wear whatever I want with alittle of todays stuff
2007-08-19 12:06:27 UTC
Ankitmi is right: it depends... you cannot generalize, and it depends on what you mean for forward ans rear...

Racism is rear, consumism is rear, for me, libertinism is very rear; it is true that restrictive laws and opinions when is too much is really repressive, but Indian culture is based on religion and feeling, and that is very FORWARD!
2007-08-22 22:07:06 UTC
The old way. First, find a likely prince.

North America can utilize BIA records.

Petty bourgeois do better S. of Nepal.
2007-08-24 08:41:01 UTC
You can't just decide how you want a culture to be, especially if your not even Indian. If you want to help Indians buy them all a driver, they can't drive for crap.
2007-08-18 03:27:14 UTC
Culture did not tell to do some that things it is depend on you what you believe.If you are Hindu,Muslim,Sikh or Christian,it does not matter.God did not say you that do that things.If you want to respect your culture.Worshipping,with pure mind.You have to believe in GOD.
2007-08-26 18:06:09 UTC
Asian Indian or Native American Indian?
2007-08-27 02:49:15 UTC
Watch the TV, Movies and girls and see how they are liberated. Where is the restriction?
2007-08-27 10:02:47 UTC
Pull from the culture what you think is good and apply those things to your life...
2007-08-26 20:15:23 UTC
go outside when the moon is full and do a balance dance!! hey my Indian friend just told me!! seriously!! his name is Lee Ivan Greenleaf Whitefeather!!
2007-08-20 08:53:16 UTC
we do not have a right leader to lead your country.and also for your backward culture took survive on todays live.that bcause we are not balance .if we
2007-08-24 09:52:45 UTC
i also thiink it is too strict..esp the indian kids in american who are the first generation born in the usa..there parents want to bring them up like our family in india but that is not possible.we arent indianswe are americans..we are coconuts. brown on the outside and white on the inside...
2007-08-26 10:22:13 UTC
depends on who is trying to change it, the Indian or the non-Indian.
2007-08-22 23:18:14 UTC
indian culture has always shown flexibility!
2007-08-09 23:07:59 UTC
In my opinion we must learn and adapt the good things that are there in Western culture.
2007-08-21 22:14:13 UTC
by education :)

we can educating them.. it might take years.. but.. without effort, nothing will change

education can make a difference mate!

ps: I love indian food.. lol
2007-08-14 14:35:12 UTC
Eastern? Use the good let the bad go.
2007-08-09 10:14:12 UTC
you see u gotta know which part of india ur talking about, only the people from villages are restrictive, people from metropotian areas are just as modern as the most modern americans. also so many western poeple are also backwards cause there are many racist people in america. i consider racist people backward
laquan s
2007-08-28 10:58:05 UTC
do u mean america indian or people form india?
2007-08-20 04:24:00 UTC
westerners r keen to adopt our culture coz it is rich n ancient.
2007-08-17 12:33:31 UTC
If you love it why do you want to change it in any way
2007-08-22 18:30:39 UTC
I don't stick my nose into other people's business especially when it does NOT concern me. THEY need to work it out.
Joshua M
2007-08-21 22:40:04 UTC
check out Bollywood google it i think u will be amazed
2007-08-17 12:34:14 UTC
Why is it restrictive and what should we change?
smart j
2007-08-16 13:08:09 UTC
beacause i m indian
2007-08-22 03:36:59 UTC
;-{} Did you mean Indians that had been plenty in the U.S.A. !?! that had many tribes !?! INDIANS as in Jamaicans? or indians as in those in INDIA? ... G/M !! lol...
samy n
2007-08-28 16:11:33 UTC
dont take it atall choose wahat is useful for you and others as stories
preethi shreeya
2007-08-09 10:37:23 UTC
As u love INDIAN CULTURE,u know how to live ur life. Dont u?Decide how to live it.U should be able to defferentiate between wat is right and wat is wrong.Thats it.U dont bother about any restrictions.Carry on with ur work........All the best.
Coyote Hunter
2007-08-22 14:43:54 UTC
by putting it on a scale
2007-08-17 19:34:24 UTC
Fight the power!
2007-08-15 00:29:35 UTC
In what ways?
2007-08-16 08:00:48 UTC
if u love india so dont ask quis ok
2007-08-25 21:54:15 UTC
You've contradicted yourself here.
karthick p
2007-08-20 02:56:31 UTC
do something for india and stop questioning
2007-08-19 00:26:06 UTC
2007-08-16 11:01:26 UTC
Isn't that why were at war ?
2007-08-17 12:55:26 UTC
brainwashing them.
2007-08-28 01:27:46 UTC
you are grade & your thinks is very fine i bleafe you are strong &bharve

2007-08-25 16:03:08 UTC
why not
2007-08-09 10:14:08 UTC
you can just keep trying...
ur mama
2007-08-27 10:24:59 UTC
blow them up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-08-24 13:58:09 UTC


bet you didn't know all this=====>

The culture of India had history, all the while absorbing customs, traditions, and ideas from both invaders and immigrants. Many cultural practices, languages, customs, and monuments are examples of this co-mingling over centuries.

In modern India there is cultural and religious diversity, and the many regions of India have distinct identities. Almost every state has even carved out its own cultural niche. In spite of this unique cultural diversity, the whole country is bound as a civilization due to its common history, thereby preserving the national identity.

India was the birth place of religious systems such as Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, each of which have had a strong influence not only over India but also over the rest of the world. Following the Islamic invasions and the subsequent foreign domination from the tenth century onwards, the culture of India was heavily influenced by Persian, Arabic and Turkic cultures. In turn, the various religions and the multi-hued traditions of India have influenced South East Asia and other parts of the world.

Contents [hide]

1 Overview

1.1 Regions

1.2 Language

1.3 Cultural Policy

2 Literature

2.1 History

2.2 Poetry

2.3 Epics

3 Performing arts

3.1 Music

3.2 Dance

3.3 Drama and theatre

4 Visual arts

4.1 Painting

4.2 Sculpture

4.3 Architecture

5 Recreation and sports

5.1 Clothing

6 Cuisine

7 Popular media

7.1 Cinema

7.2 Television

7.3 Radio

8 Religion and philosophy

8.1 Philosophy

8.2 Religion

9 See also

10 References

11 External links

[edit] Overview

[edit] Regions

Main article: List of regions in India

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Cultural regions of India.Indian culture can be classified into many varied form which are existent in their totality throughout India. The culture of India has been influenced by various religions and customs of the world, which has resulted in the mingling of religious values, folk idioms, and art forms. While the religious influence is quite evident in the "classical" Indian culture mostly found in smaller towns and villages, the urban India is now widely influenced by globalization.

[edit] Language

Main article: Languages of India

As well as regional diversity, languages have created diverse traditions of culture in India. There are a large number of languages in India, 216 of each of which are spoken by a group of 10,000 people or more, although there are others that are spoken in India by fewer than 10,000 people. If these languages are included, there are 415 living languages in India.[1] The two major families of languages are those of the Indo-Aryan languages and those of the Dravidian languages, the former being largely confined to North India and the latter to South India. The Constitution of India has stipulated the usage of Hindi and English to be the two official languages of communication for union government. There is another language family in India which is spoken by about 3% of the people. These languages falls in the language family of Tibeto-Burman languages, which is a subgroup of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. Besides this, many other languages in India can be divided into 10 other families of languages.

A further twenty-two languages are scheduled for official use, mainly by state governments.

[edit] Cultural Policy

The cultural policy of the Government of India has three major objectives. One is to preserve the cultural heritage of India; two to inculcate Indian art consciousness amongst countrymen; and three to promote high standards in creative and performing arts fields. [citation needed]

[edit] Literature

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Rabindranath Tagore became Asia's first Nobel laureate when he won the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature

[edit] History

Main article: Indian literature

The earliest literary traditions were mostly oral and passed down through descendants by citizens. Later, though, they were transcribed. Most of these spring from Hindu tradition and are represented by sacred works such as the Vedas, the epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Tamil Sangam literature represents some of India's oldest secular traditions.[citation needed] Many Buddhist and Jain works are in Prakrit languages like Pali. The classical works of playwright Kalidasa even today exert an important influence on Indian litterateurs. The Tamil Ramayana (translated from the original Valmiki Ramayana) by Kamban is considered to be a classical masterpiece.[citation needed] Kamban[citation needed] and Kalidasa have been rightly given the title of "Kavi Chakravarthi" (King among Poets).

Upon the arrival of Mughal dynasty, Islamic culture also influenced the medieval Indian literature. This was due to the spreading influence of Persian and the rise of famous poets such as Amir Khusro. Colonial rule prepared the stage for modern literature exemplified by the works of Rabindranath Tagore, Subhramanya Bharati,Kuvempu, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Munshi Premchand, Devaki Nandan Khatri, among many others. Indian writers in modern times, like R. K. Narayan, Poornachandra Tejaswi, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer,Mahasweta Devi, Amrita Pritam, Arundhati Roy, Vikram Seth, Khushwant Singh, Salman Rushdie, and Moncy Pothen, have been the cynosures of wide acclaim, both in Indian languages and English .

[edit] Poetry

Main article: Indian poetry

India has strong traditions of poetry, as well as prose writing. This is often closely related to musical traditions, and most poetry can be attributed to religious movements. Writers and philosophers were often also skilled poets. In modern times, poetry has served as an important non-violent tool of nationalism during the Indian freedom movement. A famous modern example of this tradition can be found in such figures as Rabindranath Tagore in modern times and poets such as Kabir in medieval times, as well as the epics of ancient times. Two examples of poetry from Tagore's Gitanjali serve as the national anthems of both India and Bangladesh.

[edit] Epics

Main article: Indian epic poetry

The Ramayana and Mahabharata are not only considered epics of India and Hinduism, but serve as the folk epics of other Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In this respect, they are considered by many to be the 'eastern' equivalents of the classical epics of Europe, namely Iliad and Odissi. Similarly there are five epics in the classical Tamil language -they being Silappadhikaram, Manimegalai, Jeevaga-chintamani, Valayaapathi, Kundalakesi.[citation needed] Other regional variations of these stories, and unrelated epics include such as the Tamil Kamba Ramayanam, Kannada Pampa Bharata, Karnata Bharata KathaManjari by Kumaravyasa, Hindi Ramacharitamanasa,Malayalam Adhyathmaramayanam.

[edit] Performing arts

[edit] Music

Main article: Music of India

The music of India includes multiples varieties of folk, popular, pop, and classical music. India's classical music tradition, including Carnatic and Hindustani music, noted for the use of several Raga, has a history spanning millennia and, developed over several eras, remains instrumental to the religious inspiration, cultural expression and pure entertainment. Alongside distinctly subcontinental forms there are major similarities with other types of oriental music . Indian genres/fusions like filmi and bhangra have become popular throughout the United Kingdom, South and East Asia, and around the world.[citation needed]

[edit] Dance

Main article: Indian dance

India offers a number of Classical Indian dance forms, each of which can be traced to different parts of the country. Each form represents the culture and ethos of a particular region or a group of people. The nine main styles are Garba, Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, Yakshagana, Kuchipudi, Mohiniattam, Bhangra, Manipuri and Kathakali.[citation needed] Besides, there are several forms of Indian folk dances, and special dances observed in regional festivals.

[edit] Drama and theatre

Main article: Theatre in India

Indian drama and theatre is perhaps as old as its music and dance. Kalidas' plays like Shakuntala and Meghadoot are some of the oldest plays from literary traditions. The tradition of folk theatre is alive in nearly all the linguistic regions of the country. [citation needed] In addition, there is a rich tradition of puppet theatre in rural India. Group Theatre is also thriving in the cities, initiated by the likes of Utpal Dutt, Khwaja Ahmad Abbas and still maintained by groups like Nandikar and Prithvi Theatre.

[edit] Visual arts

Main article: Indian art

[edit] Painting

Main article: Indian painting

an 18th century Rajput painting.The earliest Indian paintings were the rock paintings of pre-historic times, the petroglyphs as found in places like Bhimbetka, and some of them are older than 550 BC. Ancient texts outline theories of darragh and anecdotal accounts suggesting that it was common for households to paint their doorways or indoor rooms where guests resided.

Cave paintings from Ajanta, Bagh, Ellora and Sittanavasal and temple paintings testify to a love of naturalism and God. Most rock art in India is Hindu or Buddhist. A freshly made coloured flour design (Rangoli) is still a common sight outside the doorstep of many (mostly South Indian) Indian homes.

Madhubani painting, Rajput painting, Tanjore painting, Mughal painting are some notable Genres of Indian Art; while Raja Ravi Varma, Nandalal Bose, Geeta Vadhera,Jamini Roy are some modern painters. Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, has on display several good Indian paintings.

This short section requires expansion.

[edit] Sculpture

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Main article: Sculpture in India

Sculpture in KhajurahoThe first sculptures in India date back to the Indus Valley civilization, where stone and bronze carvings have been discovered. This is one of the earliest instances of sculpture in the world. Later, as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism developed further, India produced some of the most intricate bronzes in the world, as well as unrivalled temple carvings. Some huge shrines, such as the one at Ellora were not actually constructed using blocks, but instead carved out of solid rock, making them perhaps the largest and most intricate sculptures in the world.

The pink sandstone sculptures of Mathura evolved during the Gupta period (4th to 6th century) to reach a very high fineness of execution and delicaracy in the modeling. Newer sculptures in northwest, in stucco, schist, or clay, display very strong blending of Indian post-Gupta mannerism and Classical influence, Hellenistic or possibly even Greco-Roman. Meanwhile, elsewhere in India, less anatomically accurate styles of human representation evolved leading to the classical art that the world is now familiar with and contributing to Buddhist and Hindu sculpture throughout Asia.

This short section requires expansion.

[edit] Architecture

Main article: Indian architecture

The Ellora temples were not constructed, but in fact carved out of solid rockIndian architecture is that vast tapestry of production of the Indian Subcontinent that encompasses a multitude of expressions over space and time, transformed by the forces of history considered unique to the sub-continent, sometimes destroying, but most of the time absorbing new ideas. The result is an evolving range of architectural production that nonetheless retains a certain amount of continuity across history. The earliest production in the Indus Valley Civilization was characterised by well planned cities and houses where religion did not seem to play an active role, but which demonstrated world-famous city planning.

During the reign of the Gupta and Maurya empires, several Buddhist architectural examples like caves of Ajanta and Ellora and the monumental Sanchi Stupa were built. South India contains several Hindu temples like Brihadeeswara Temple, Thanjavur, the Sun Temple, Konark, Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple at Srirangam, and the Buddha stupa (Chinna Lanja dibba and Vikramarka kota dibba) at Bhattiprolu. Angkor Wat and other Buddhist and Hindu temples carry the evidence of Indian influence on South East Asian architecture, as they are built in styles almost identical to traditional Indian temple building.

With the advent of Islamic influence from the west, the erstwhile Indian architecture was slightly adapted to allow the traditions of the new religion. Fatehpur Sikri, Taj Mahal, Gol Gumbaz, Qutub Minar, Red Fort of Delhi are the creations of this era, and are often used as the stereotypical symbols of India, despite the greater antiquity and originality of traditional architecture. The colonial rule of the British Indian Empire saw the development of Indo-Saracenic style, and mixing of several other styles, such as European gothic. Victoria Memorial, Victoria Terminus are notable examples. Recent creations such as Lotus Temple, and the various modern urban developments of India, are also notable.

The traditional system of Vaastu Shastra serves as India's version of Feng Shui, influencing town planning, architecture, and ergonomics. It is unclear which system is older, but they contain many similarities. Although Feng Shui is more commonly used throughout the world.Though Vastu is conceptually similar to Feng Shui in that it also tries to harmonize the flow of energy, (also called life-force or Prana in Sanskrit and Chi/Ki in Chinese/Japanese), through the house, it differs in the details, such as the exact directions in which various objects, rooms, materials etc are to be placed.

Indian architecture has influence the world, especially eastern Asia, due to the spread of ideas with Buddhism. A number of Indian architectural features such as the temple mound or stupa, temple spire or sikhara, temple tower or pagoda and temple gate or torana, have become famous symbols of Asian culture, used extensively in East Asia and South East Asia. The central spire is also sometimes called a vimanam. The variant southern temple gate, or gopuram is noted for its intricacy and majesty. The arch, a cornerstone of world architecture, was first developed by the Indus Valley civilization and would later be a staple of Indian architecture.

[edit] Recreation and sports

Main article: Sports in India

In the area of recreation and sports India had evolved a number of games. The modern eastern martial arts originated as ancient games and martial arts in India and it was from here that these games were transmitted to foreign countries, where they were further modernized. Additionally, a few games introduced during the British Raj have grown quite popular in India, field hockey, football (soccer) and especially cricket.

Although field hockey is India's official national sport, cricket is by far the most popular sport not only in India, but the entire subcontinent, thriving recreationally and professionally. Cricket has even been used recently as a forum for diplomatic relations between India and long-standing rival, Pakistan. The two nations' cricket teams face off annually and such contests are quite impassioned on both sides. Traditional indigenous sports include kabaddi and gilli-danda, which are played in most parts of the country. Indoor and outdoor games like Chess, Snakes and Ladders, Playing cards, Polo, Carrom, Badminton are popular.

[edit] Clothing

Indian Sarees/Saris For men it consists of Dhoti and Lungi

[edit] Cuisine

Main article: Cuisine of India

Tandoori chicken, a popular Indian dishThe cuisine of Modern India has great variety and each region has its own distinctive flavours. The staple cereals are rice and wheat. North Indian staple meals consist of chapatis or rotis, wheat based and rice as staples, eaten with a wide variety of side dishes like dals, curries, yogurt, chutney and achars. South India staple dishes consist of rice, sambhar, rasam, yoghurt and curries being important side dishes.

[edit] Popular media

[edit] Cinema

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Main article: Cinema of India

Bollywood is the informal name given to the popular Mumbai-based film industry in India. Bollywood and the other major cinematic hubs (Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu) constitute the broader Indian film industry, whose output is considered to be the largest in the world in terms of number of films produced and number of tickets sold.

Bollywood films are usually musicals, though not in the Western sense of the word. Indian movies have a regular plot, with songs and dances interspersed to add to the entertainment value of the movie. Few movies are made without at least one song-and-dance number. Indian audiences expect full value for their money; they want songs and dances, romance, comedy and dare-devil thrills, all mixed up in a three hour long extravaganza with intermission. Such movies are called masala movies, after the Indian spice mixture masala. Like masala, these movies are a mixture of many things. Plots tend to be melodramatic. They frequently employ formulaic ingredients such as star-crossed lovers and angry parents, corrupt politicians, kidnappers, conniving villains, courtesans with hearts of gold, long-lost relatives and siblings separated by fate, dramatic reversals of fortune, and convenient coincidences, and even movies with tri polar changes that can turn a movie and its plot upside down.Bollywood is becoming increasingly popular in other countries including several places in Europe and the U.S. Some Bollywood actors have adapted to more Hollywood-type films in movies like Bend It Like Beckham and Bride and Prejudice. Bollywood's fame is increasing internationally as more and more people across the globe are exposed to its style.

Besides the regular masala film, India has also produced many critically acclaimed cinema-makers like Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak, Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Girish Kasaravalli, Ram Gopal Varma, Mani Ratnam, G. Aravindan etc. (See Indian film directors). In fact, with the opening up of the economy in the recent years & consequent exposure to world cinema, audience tastes have been changing. Indian commercial movies have also started following authentic, real world themes with a lower amount of melodrama & some do not even contain songs. In addition, multiplexes have mushroomed in most cities, changing the revenue patterns & allowing film makers greater liberty & scope for executing bold & innovative ideas which would not have been possible even a decade ago.

[edit] Television

Main article: Television in India

Indian television started off in 1959 in New Delhi with tests for educational telecasts.[2] Indian small screen programming started off in the early 1980s. At that time there was only one national channel Doordarshan, which was government owned. The Ramayana and Mahabharat were some among the popular television series produced. By the late 1980s more and more people started to own television sets. Though there was a single channel, television programming had reached saturation. Hence the government opened up another channel which had part national programming and part regional. This channel was known as DD 2 later DD Metro. Both channels were broadcasted terrestrially.

In 1994, the government liberated its markets, opening them up to cable television. Since then, there has been a spurt in the number of channels available. Today, Indian silver screen is a huge industry by itself, and has thousands of programmes in all the states of India. The small screen has produced numerous celebrities of their own kind some even attaining national fame. TV soaps are extremely popular with housewives as well as working women, and even men of all kinds. Some small time actors have made it big in Bollywood. Indian TV has evolved to be similar to Western TV, including stations such as Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and MTV India.

See also: List of Indian television stations

[edit] Radio

Radio broadcasting began in India in 1927, with two privately owned transmitters at Mumbai and Calcutta. These were nationalised in 1930 and operated under the name "Indian Broadcasting Service" until 1936, when it was renamed All India Radio (AIR). Although officially renamed again to Akashwani in 1957, it is still popularly known as All India Radio. All India Radio is a division of Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India), an autonomous corporation of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. It is the sister service of Prasar Bharati's Doordarshan, the national television broadcaster.indian women are effected by daily serials.Since the turn of the 20th century, radio frequencies in India have been aggressively opened up to broadcasters on the FM and AM bands, although such service has been mostly limited to the metropolitan areas. Cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, and many others have many private FM channels to broadcast popular hindi and english music, although they are still not allowed to broadcast news like Akashwani does. Recently World Space launched the country's first sattelite radio service.

See also: All India Radio

[edit] Religion and philosophy

[edit] Philosophy

Main article: Indian philosophy

Hindu philosopher Adi Shankara with the Four DisciplesIndian philosophy throughout the ages has had a tremendous impact on world thought, especially in the east. Various theistic schools of philosophy, such as the many schools of Buddhism and Hinduism, have had huge influences, but also, India produced some of the longest and most influential secular traditions of logic, rationalism, science, mathematics, materialism, atheism, agnosticism, etc, which are often overlooked due to popular conception that India is a 'mystical' country.

Many of the complex scientific and mathematical concepts such as the idea of zero, found their way to Europe via Arab intermediaries. The most famous school of Indian atheism, is Carvaka, considered by some to be the oldest materialistic school of thought in the world, composed around the same time as the Hindu Upanishads, as well as the philosophy of Buddhism and Jainism. This period around 600-400 BCE marked a huge leap in both Indian philosophy and world philosophy in general, with contemporary Greek schools emerging simultaneously. Some philosophical concepts from India were introduced to the Greeks, especially during the campaigns of Alexander the Great, and vis a vis, leading some schools of classical Greek philosophy to be almost identical to prior Indian schools.

In addition to the unbroken high emphasis placed on philosophy in India, which has existed since ancient times, modern India has produced some of the world's most influential philosophers of modern times, who have written both in their native languages, and often English. During the British occupation of India, various thinkers, both secular and religious, achieved a new level of recognition across the world as both ancient Indian texts, and the work of contemporary Indian philosophers was translated into English, German and other languages. Swami Vivekananda travelled to America and participated in the 1893 World Parliament of Religions, impressing delegates with a groundbreaking speech that for the first time gave access to eastern, Indian, Hindu and dharmic philosophy to western intellectuals.

As well as various religious thinkers Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore and other members of the Indian freedom movement, generated political philosophy, and formed the basis of modern Indian democracy, secularism and liberalism. Today, economists such as Amartya Sen, who won Asia's first Nobel Prize in economics, continue to give India a reputation as an important contributor to world thought.

[edit] Religion

Main article: Religion in India

The Dharmic religions, one of the two main families of world religion (the other being the Abrahamic), originated in India. Every dharmic religion originated in India, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism and other schools of language. Today, Hinduism and Buddhism are the world's third and fourth largest religions respectively, with a collective 1.4 billion followers, despite being free of any evangelistic traditions. Unlike the sectarianism that has often marked differences among the Abrahamic schools, the philosophical-like treatment of these religions has generally made the idea of rivalry and conversion alien, leading to extremely close relationships between these faiths.

India is one of the most religiously diverse nations in the world, with one of the most deeply religious societies and cultures. Religion plays a central and definitive role in the life of the country and most of its people. The religion of more than 80.4% of the people is Hinduism, considered the world's oldest religious and philosophical system.

Islam is practiced by around 13.4% of all Indians.[3] Sikhism,Buddhism and Jainism are systems that are strong and influential not only in India but across the world. Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith are also influential but their numbers are smaller. Despite the strong role of religion in Indian life, atheism and agnostics are also visible influences

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.