Are white people just mad that they don't have any culture?
2016-02-16 08:21:03 UTC
Not all white people but just the ones who complain about BET, black history month, hip hop, Kendrick Lamar's performance, Obama, etc. Are they just mad because they can't find their own style?
165 answers:
Alex Medusa
2016-02-17 00:46:20 UTC
"White" Is A Colour, So Is "Black" & "Brown" "Caramel" I'm Light Skinned But I'm Romani (Gypsy) Of Greek, German, English, Russian & Possibly Italian Heritage. People Assume Gypsies Are Dark, Dark Hair, Eyes, That's Not The Case.I Have Family That Don't Look Related To Me At All. We All Are Mixed With This Or That More. I Born, & Raised Into A Very Rich, Traditional, Culture. I Look Greek, Armenian Or Persian. Some Even Tell Me Italian. I Wear Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Dresses Usually Short. I Don't Look Or Talk As You Would Think From A Typical Traditional Gypsy Family. But I'm Very Traditional, Down To Earth Despite The Way I Look, Talk. Colours Are Not A People.
2016-02-17 09:00:59 UTC
We All Are Mixed With This Or That More. I Born, & Raised Into A Very Rich, Traditional, Culture. I Look Greek, Armenian Or Persian. Some Even Tell Me Italian. I Wear Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Dresses Usually Short. I Don't Look Or Talk As You Would Think From A Typical Traditional Gypsy Family. I'd take curry and a bindi (born into it naturally, of course) over a baseball hat and cheeseburger any day of the week. At least they mean something and look/taste good.
2016-02-16 20:21:56 UTC
We're far too globalized (today in the US) to say a large group of people like "whites" and "blacks" really have their own distinctive culture. I'd say most people have their own individual culture, like how they act around kids from their neighborhood compared to at their school/work. We might have a culture we're comfortable with, but most of us can change how we talk/interact and can do so differently from street to street. I'm sure most people follow a mainstream culture like music/social issues, but my point is anyone can have the exact cultural views because of where/how they grew up and the entertainment they enjoy. For that reason, I'd say black and white culture in the U.S. is pretty similar, they just try so hard to be different. A black person from Africa probably has a much different view of culture than a black person from Compton, or Chicago, or Harlem, so I don't know how people see cultural issues in the same country as black and white. 25-50 years ago, yes, today, no
2016-02-16 22:29:34 UTC
How can an individual speak of a culture when every aspect of their own is based on white culture, but just a slight twist or spin has been put on it so now it's now a groundbreaking event. Let me guess, you probably believe Ebonics originated from African culture. So how long has English been taught in schools vs Ebonics. The point is that segregation is obviously acceptable if it's self imposed. When a culture is constantly crying for preferential treatment and then they get held to the same standards as everyone else around them they feel as if they are being subjected to discrimination. So the answer to that will be lets start up our own culturally intolerant group , therefore feeding their need to segregate themselves and perpetuating further preferential treatment. Kinda self defeating if you are trying to truly be all you could be. Ask Jada Pinkette Smith about that. I also heard that she wanted to boycott the National Weather Service too because snow is to white.
2016-02-17 09:26:52 UTC
Speaking for myself, no. I'm not mad. You sound a little mad though.

My family tree originated in Italy, Ireland, and Germany. We have tons of traditions that have become the culture of virtually every family event.

Looking at the bigger picture, every country has its own unique culture. You can't just lump people together because they're white. That's as ridiculous as saying Tibetans have the same culture as the Japanese because they're all Asian. Or saying that Russians have the same culture as the British because they're white. You just have to be willing to look a little closer and keep an open mind.
2016-02-17 16:54:22 UTC
To assume all whites have no culture is pretty racist and ignorant. So Irish have no culture ? You're telling me Italians don't either ? I guess the Spanish from Spain don't either right ? Same with people from Iceland or Germany or France ? They all have a unique culture and language and to say not so is pretty dumb. Whites in America do have a culture too..ever heard of cowboy culture ? Or metal heads /rock ? And depending on where ever someone's ancestors came from much more. America is a melting pot of many cultures . Get over yourself.
2016-02-17 12:17:51 UTC
I have no idea where you came up with the fact that white people don't have culture. That is not true. There are a lot of white people with a huge amount of culture. Also, I have never seen white people be any more mad than any other coloured people. The question is actually rather racist. So, my answer is no, white people are not mad that they don't have any culture. They are probably just mad that the black people are starting to get racist towards them...
2016-02-16 20:56:01 UTC
I think white people are mad because they're blamed for everything. Yeah, there were white christian slave owners in America. Know who else moved very strongly to oppose slavery? White Christians. Yeah, white "christians" oppressed black people in the 60s. Know who volunteered to help them out? White Christians. Yeah, the Nazis claimed to be white christians, but know who played a large role in coming to the rescue? I rest my case.

Liberals think that everything was hunky dory before white people rose to power. That before White people and Christianity, everybody was in an enlightened state of bliss, everybody was either a tree hugging hippy or some cosmopolitan greek society were we ALL were blissfully having gay orgies with each other in the democratic city states or tribal communes, and there was NEVER any war, abuse of power, or misuse of religion. Nope, genocide, imperialism, tyranny, and slavery NEVER happened. Everything was just GREAT, and then Christianity came along, and it was the root cause of all evil.

That's how I sometimes think liberals see history. I get mad at white christians all the time, and I do get fed up with some of their culture and the sins of the past. But I also remember the Huns, not just the vikings. I also remember the crimes of the Roman Empire before it Christianity came into being. Libs have a hard time remembering that, and if Radical Islam did 20 x worse than the KKK, they would begrudgingly admit it was a problem, but be quick to put Christianity in it's place. I'm not an Islamaphobe. I've served with many muslims in the military and was nice to them. My heart goes out to the Syrians and Palestinians....but this unholy alliance with Radical Islam and 3rd wave feminist cultural marxist left is insane. Current feminists only care when a white guy plays video games or manspreads. Ignore the rape epidemic in Europe (btw, I don't blame that on Syrians. The people doing all the bs are from other countries. They aren't Syrians or war refugees.)
2016-02-18 17:55:43 UTC
This is a weird question. White people have plenty of culture. It's different than other cultures but it's still there. Celtic culture, Australian culture, German culture, Italian culture... even most of American popular culture could be counted as white culture.

BET is not exactly culture, it is a station dedicated to giving blacks a chance to write shows, direct shows, be leads in a show instead of being pushed into the background as they often are in white entertainment.
2016-02-16 22:47:29 UTC
No, and I'm mixed btw. BET in my opinion is pretty stupid. Why generalize to just "Black entertainment", pathetic, it sounds like someone was mad because blacks weren't getting enough attention or something. But anyway, I think black people are getting way to carried away with this whole #BlackLivesMatter & Black entertainment.

#1. You say #BlackLivesMatter but yet black on black crime rate is higher then any other.

#2. I might as well say #WhiteLivesMatter or #AsianLivesMatter, because those do too.

It's just really selfish of the African American race to think this way. I mean dang man, I live in VA & most of the African Americans here where Jordan's everyday, are unproductive, and just looking for trouble. Now of course you have some that are actually really hard working people and actually have a lot of talent. There's need to be more of that instead of the "dress cool with Jordan's and baggy pants" cause that gets you no where in life. I've seen it for myself.
2016-02-16 20:53:37 UTC
Lmao, as a white person, yes. I'd take curry and a bindi (born into it naturally, of course) over a baseball hat and cheeseburger any day of the week. At least they mean something and look/taste good.

We're being bitten in the *** for colonizing everyone, so of course the uneducated are going to be bitter about some PoC recognition. I myself find it kinda empowering, as a queer woman; it's showing that the road to equality is probably shorter than everyone thinks.

Wow, you really got a lot of **** for this question. I didn't think it was this bad still. I'm so sorry about that.
2016-02-17 13:01:34 UTC
Honestly, I don't know if we're mad about it, more like defensive because we've had years of thinking we are superior and now think everything is about us/an attack on us.

And so when people say things like "black lives matter" we take that to mean "white lives don't" when in reality it doesn't.

It just means that black lives are sometimes seen as unimportant and they are seemingly under attack by a percentage of white people which is not okay.

We need to take a minute and understand that supporting black people/lives doesn't mean we are abandoning/turning against white people, it means we are standing up for the many human beings who face injustices because of their skin colour in this day and age.
2016-02-16 21:09:24 UTC
- BET - basically showing remakes of old white sitcoms now starring black people

- black history month - in February, shortest month of the year, because there's just not that much worth talking about, is there? Whites will just have to get by with the other 11 months of history

- hip hop - used to be good, then went 'gangsta' and now promotes violence, misogyny, thuggery, etc.

- Kendrick Lamar's performance - didn't watch, don't care

- Obama - that's a president, not your personal culture, you clown

In short, I'm not seeing much 'culture' there to brag about, nor that anyone would want to adopt. Please hang up and dial again.
2016-02-19 16:17:01 UTC
Lol yes. You're so right. We don't have any culture and we're so jealous of yours. Get a life. It's people like you who cause problems in todays society. Get a life and an education before coming online to insult people.
2016-02-17 06:47:05 UTC
WOW, ignorant as can be, black culture really, they the blacks are forcing there culture onto the rest of the world through guilt of being ridiculed for not accepting them or there ways, black culture is a joke a race of people so confused of who they are that keeps reinventing themselves, I hear them say they are African Americans that in its self is stupid, unless you have dual citizenship. Just be you , its simple, white, yellow, green, what ever doesn't much matter anymore, time has changed not saying for the good but its fact

I think the whole rap hip hop, Black scene is full of idiots that are cashing in on the pity from the other races, I pray that they wake up and slap them down so they can actually grow as humans

SO yes Im mad but at all the races, maybe the black New Culture is smart for marketing the whole thing
2016-02-17 00:12:18 UTC
Probably so. I'm white btw. I think most people don't think about the fact that it could have a little something to do with when segregation was a thing so those "all black" networks slowly started to for over time as a result of that.
Donnie Doom
2016-02-17 09:41:02 UTC
I think the complete lack of a culture or style among whites (especially in America) is what makes them interesting. There is not much white culture. And even the culture that they do have, they are rejecting it. Christianity was an integral part of the history of the white race--but now white people are the most anti-Christian, anti-religious people in the world. This total lack of culture is a strength as well as a weakness. On one hand, it leaves them with no foundation--white people are the most likely group to end up on drugs, or depressed and suicidal. But on the other hand, it makes them less self-centered: you never hear white people complaining about racism. If you're racist to any other culture--African, Asian, European--they will instantly want to fight you. If you're racist towards a white person, they won't care one bit about it. You would never in a million years see a "White Lives Matter" campaign. White culture has no music, art, religion, or anything of its own. It's the "I don't care about anything" culture.
2016-02-17 07:12:56 UTC
That is very sad you say that. I love black people, I'm white Caucasian Greek. Do you know the rich culture the Greeks have? Do you know that Ethiopia and Greeks share the same religious Christian faith that is the Eastern Orthodox? Do you know that Bob Marley at the end of his life was baptized Ethiopian Orthodox? I feel sad that I do meet some black people that don't like me, I realize now because they don't like whites. I don't feel the same though I love blacks and I always treat them with kindness and respect. I don't mean to brag either, but why do so many black guys ask me out? Maybe I have something appealing they like in me!
2016-02-17 10:27:03 UTC
I'm a white girl and it's not true that white people have no culture. Black people have a lot of culture which no matter what, nobody can deny, but that's not to say other ethnicities do not have any culture. & Btw, I just saw a comment saying white people made rap or something along those line... And that black people made it trashy and worthless. Hmmm... Don't get it twisted. The only rapper that white people could credit for being great is eminem. Drake, tupac, kanye, jay-z.... The list could go on and on and on of black rappers that have revelutionised hip- hop music. So like, my fellow white people, don't get carried away. Lmao.
2016-02-19 17:32:58 UTC
White culture: KKK, and Nazis. That's about it.

Anything else they pretty much copied off other civilizations and took credit for it. The Greeks weren't the original democracy and the Iroquois confederacy was independent of Europe and yet the founding fathers copied that , the computer was taken off civilizations that had early blue prints for it like the Incan Quipu, the Arabs is who they get their math from every European language derives from Sanskrit, a language in India,m the original Caucasians were brown skinned Armenians who look Arab, the gunpowder was taken from Chinese fireworks , the banjo was an African instrument, Greeks and Romans copied Egyptians so...

Real white inventions: Acid rain, global warming, Crack, Aids, nuclear warheads, fracking, drones, meth, white supremacy, institutional racism, apartheid, segregation, modern Christianity (And that's not a good thing) prisons, gentrification
2016-02-18 04:21:48 UTC
My style is making fun of people's cultures and ideologies.


Sorry I just had a moment where I confused poverty with culture.

Hey, I'm kidding, screw those white people as well. Life's too short to spend time worrying about offending people, if it makes you laugh then say it.

Unless you're Japan, then you laugh about the Rape of Nanking but never say anything about it. Ever.

2016-02-19 15:36:05 UTC
We do have a culture, we come from Ireland, France, England, and tons of other places. Our family's came to America years ago. My grandpa is full blooded check, my grandma is Irish. 2 beautiful cultures. We've been in America for so many years we take the American culture since we created it
2016-02-16 20:10:13 UTC
Oh yeah because Ben Franklin was a black guy. And because of black people we enjoy electricity because of their avid kite flying skills.

Why don't you live without electricity for a few days and then tell me all about how much white culture is irrelevant. With your non fridgerated foods and no phone.

Man I am so jealous of black culture now. Cause technically they couldn't have even recorded the music without already using white culture.
2016-02-16 13:43:16 UTC
Ok here is a bit of reality check for you. Just exactly what in

the cultural arena has the Zulu contributed to. Shaka Zulu

was a slave trader of Africans. Is that a cultural event.

Now the only gift musically the Black community offered up

was their combined interest and ability to play Jazz music.

Bouncing a stupid Ball is not a cultural event. Either is running

or throwing a damn football. So until you can offer up a little

more then you have. Will let this rant of yours rest.
2016-02-19 15:21:45 UTC
Meanwhile all you do in your life is use white technology and other white inventions. Black culture is rapping, thugging and sports, 3 things that the world could easily do without. African American culture is completely based around using white things to crreate a so-called black culture which isn't even culture, it's "entertainment". Seriously braindead entertainment, I might add. Real Africans are ashamed of Afro American "culture".
2016-02-18 07:56:40 UTC
White people have a culture. You're just ignorant
2016-02-17 20:54:51 UTC
"Are white people just mad that they don't have any culture?"

I doubt it.

To be perfectly honest, I think most white people are fed up with the way our race keeps getting thrown in our faces, and the disconnect that so many race activists have with both their own privilege...and their own racism.

I mean lets be honest here: if white people really did have no culture...why is it that so many formerly white characters in established franchises are being recast as other races, specifically black? This doesn't seem to make any sense, does it? If there is no culture to appropriate, why is it that so many race activists want to see James Bond recast as a black man?

Note: when I say "race activists," I'm not specifically meaning black activists...race activists in this context can be of any race...including white people who advocate the erasure of main characters who happen to be primarily white and male.

"Not all white people but just the ones who complain about BET, black history month, hip hop, Kendrick Lamar's performance, Obama, etc."

Well I've never complained about BET, don't really have a problem with black history month, have no problem with hip hop, don't really know who Kendrick Lamar is, and I actually prefer Obama to Dubya.

I do however have a problem with the way "Black Lives Matter" activists have acted, and I don't believe that "people of color" should be given a pass when they engage in actions or make statements rooted in racism, and I reject the "sociological" definition of words like "racist" and "sexist."
2016-02-16 22:47:28 UTC
You can have all of the black themed events/shows that you want. It doesn't matter to me. And I don't complain about hip-hop, I just don't listen to it. I will say this, though, black folks (white folks, too) had much better music back in the sixties and seventies. I personally think that all of "American" culture has degraded over the years.

Now, as for Obama: I'm tired of people alluding to his race as the reason for my not supporting him. I don't support him because of his policies PERIOD Liberals are famous for placing false labels on those who don't ideologically swing their way. BTW, why is it that so many black people voted for Obama just because he IS black (and a Democrat)? Oh, and concerning your comment about our lack of culture; I found it quite amusing.
2016-02-16 19:01:56 UTC
Maybe I don't understand your question . But any kind of people that have been around for awhile have their own culture. There are tons of different "white" people so for sure each kind or nationality have there own. If you mean USA white people our culture is famous for accepting all cultures and we are a melting pot ..We had originally British "white" and first we took off from that and when they came to claim us back and rule over us again ...we kicked tail and let them know ...we started our own deal because we didn't like yours. No big deal just little scuffle to let them know they couldn't touch dis.
2016-02-16 19:09:26 UTC
I'm white and have little if no culture at all yet anything from being mad! So to answer your question... no
2016-02-18 06:35:17 UTC
You say not 'all white people' yet ALL white people have culture and it stems from different parts of the world just like black culture. your question is ridiculous. Black isn't a culture and either is white. African American is a culture. Irish is a culture. English is a culture. Russian is a culture. Australian, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, etc. Those are cultures.

Now if you want to refer to style, everyone has their own style regardless of color. My husband is biracial, he does not have "black" style as you say... He skateboards, surfs, and snowboards and wears volcom and was made fun of by his peers growing up because of it, because it was not considered "black style."

SMH Your question is very racist and ignorant.
2016-02-17 07:04:58 UTC
Their own style? You wear Western clothing 2 sizes too big and call it "black culture"... That's like me wearing a oversized bamboo hat and calling it Western culture. No, it's still East/SE Asian culture no matter how big that bamboo hat is.

So far all you've done is attempt to ride the coattails of Western cultures and change it in some way and try to claim it as your own. Blacks in Africa don't do that, they have their own culture so they don't feel a need to ride on our coattails or annoy us with ignorant questions like this.
2016-02-17 13:46:55 UTC
I hate to disillusion you but the word Black people only became a description in latter part of the 20th century, prior to that the Spanish word ***** was used . Just because you're Black doesn't mean that you have African culture. Blacks in Haiti have their own culture as do whites in Germany and other countries.
2016-02-18 17:20:26 UTC
Well, we do have a culture but it depends on where we live. White British people have a British culture, and Africans of all sorts have their own cultures. It's not about skin color it is more about where you live.
2016-02-16 23:26:34 UTC
All people groups have cultures. There is no such thing as a people without a culture. It's just a question of perception.
2016-02-17 09:21:45 UTC
All ethnicities have their share of madness. And all have a culture, just as everyone speaks with an accent. Just remember Molière's Monsieur Jourdain's delight at discovering he had been speaking prose all his life. Whether individual cultures (or accents) are "good" or "bad" is purely subjective. But we are all fond of our own, whatever its objective qualities. I am sure that Sir Walter Scott had "culture" in mind, rather than, say, scenery, when he asked "Lives there a man with soul so dead he never to himself hath said, 'This is my own, my native land'."
2016-02-17 03:59:26 UTC
Ugh! You are the biggest... Ugh

White people invented rapping and hip hop and black people copied us and made it trashy. White people have culture. What about England's obsession with tea and scones?

What about religion (that's a culture) and we made society together. Black people dill 'nill 'nothing zilch.

This is why society is here. White people. Take that you...
Rise of Iron
2016-02-16 08:31:33 UTC
Apparently, we traded in our "white culture" for "white privilege" which makes us entitled to anything we want at any time, so we can all have our own individual rich culture. I thought about giving up my mansion, jet, yacht and Bugatti's to get some white culture back, but my supermodel wife wouldn't let me.

Woe is me, I'm so jealous of you.
2016-02-17 10:31:22 UTC
Everyone has culture, a background, ancestors who lived in eras when life was very different from how it is now. No-one's ancestry is more important than another person's.
2016-02-18 22:33:25 UTC
Just like the Blacks. I've said this forever -- that neither Blacks nor Whites have cultures anymore ... aside from popculture. Perhaps someday that will change? I don't know ...
2016-02-16 10:25:51 UTC
About 3 people watch BET...check their ratings,no one really pays attention to black history month ,its overshadowed by Valentines day and Washington's birthday,hip hop is so passe,have no idea who Kendrick Lamar even is, we know Obama is half white. we don't like that half either. And why does Michelle wear wigs all the time if she embraces her black culture,??
2016-02-16 13:14:49 UTC
A truly racist and ignorant question.

White people that I know are generally happy, do not confine themselves to 'one culture', so this is truly an invalid and ridiculous question.
2016-02-16 22:58:22 UTC
You mean like bring in aids and Ebola, shoot someone over a pair of jordans, smoke all day knowing that section 8 and steak and lobster is paid for, spending your child support on yo weave&nails, using your *** to twerk, wanting a hand out not a hand up-- Or you talking about Christopher Columbus discovering the world, the first man on the moon, flying across the Atlantic, electricity,Internet, phone, computer,vaccine for pollio,discovering braile,or Google Irena sendler (she's jewish) of course the men who created the constitutional right of freedom of speech for you to ask such retarded ********* questions, don't forget Facebook & twitter (for you to hate the word ***** but advertise it in every Twitter post,rap song, or conversation daily, or your clothing that screams "I work for a reputable company" (sarcastically) no were proud- far from jealous. I can deal with 2 out of 300 channels on TV dedicated to you...afterall, you deserve it right? <3 you're the ones separating america!
2016-02-17 00:14:12 UTC
My skin color is white. My culture is a proud one. My slaves were worth less than any African slave ever was. Maybe I don't understand your question, but as someone whose ancestor's were brought to this country searching for the same America that most were, I find this not only highly offensive, but also very closed-minded & frankly very racist. I do not judge people based on the color of their skin, but more on what they do & how they make me feel. These bigoted, racist pigs you speak of are not only white-skinned people. They are your people, they are brown-skinned people; they are tan-skinned people; they are olive-skinned people. You cannot take a whole entire race and qualify them as racists. This question makes you look just as small minded as the people who you are speaking on.
2016-02-17 06:06:37 UTC
White people do have culture based on their nationality. German, Scottish, French, etc. I think they complain about those holidays because they feel that it is a double standard for black people to get holidays, yet if there is a white holiday, it's considered racist
Smokies Hiker
2016-02-17 08:56:07 UTC
Culture has nothing to do with the color of ones skin. Just as a black skinned person, a red skinned person, a brown skinned person or a yellow skinned person can come from a certain culture, so can a white skinned person. Many people of white color in our area came from the German and Irish cultures.
Donald Trump
2016-02-16 23:10:08 UTC
Yeah, most white people work, don't live off welfare, cry racism, don't riot and loot over cops shooting white thugs, and take responsibility for their actions. Only 14% of all white homicides are by others whites, while 97% of all black homicides are by other blacks.
2016-02-17 09:04:36 UTC
What a stupid statement. You clearly confuse 'culture' with what grows in an abandoned and forgotten cup of coffee.
2016-02-17 09:25:43 UTC
I am white and I am not mad, I have my culture and history but in general do not choose to make a massive thing out of it.

If black people still feel the need to remind us about their historical oppression then go for it if it makes you feel good.

Personally, I do not see colour I see people, but if drawing attention to the fact you are black and that society owes you something makes you feel better then who is anyone to stop you?
2016-02-21 07:54:29 UTC
Do u eat baked ziti, rice n beans lazagna , gyro those foods originally came from white, European decent how kilbaska or potatoes come on everyone has culture it means a way of life black, hispanic, Chinese white educate yourself before u make a fool of yourself stop the ignorance learn another language or religion u will feel better if u do
2016-02-17 02:22:13 UTC
Most of American culture was imported from Europe and Africa, and some from Asia, a little from the middle east.





Theatre Arts


a notable exception is American football, baseball, and basketball. Big American culture.
Brian B
2016-02-16 08:28:50 UTC
It drives me crazy when people think that races have a universal culture identified by their skin tone or continent of ethnic origin. My mother is British and my Father's side of the family comes from eastern European Jewish stock. I am by any reasonable definition of "white", as white as flour, or bleached chalk. As a whitey, I have little to nothing in common with people of French, Russian, Spanish, Italian or Scandinavian peoples, other than we all have trouble getting tan, and our ancestors liked winter.

If you want to celebrate your "culture" or your "heritage", then you should be celebrating the actual cultural events and history of your people, but there is no "culture" of whiteness.
2016-02-18 12:44:42 UTC
You are just ignorant. Do black people say that white people do not have a culture to make themselves feel better or even superior? go to Europe and see the difference types of architecture that is not found elsewhere in the world, the food, the people, the difference types of languages spoken, the food. you are speaking in English, guess what, that is part of English culture, and guess what they are white.
2016-02-17 09:20:12 UTC
Whites have their own culture and style. It's very varied and unique. Blacks have Bet, Black history month, etc... which are self esteem building items set up for them by whites. Rap and hip hop? Very specific types of music that is mostly generational.
2016-02-16 18:28:24 UTC
First of all, there is plenty of culture that white people have. Ancient greek, Roman Empire, And lots of old Europe, bla bla bla. Not all is positive, but theres A LOT. So we aint complaining because we dont have any.

Secondly i agree with Morgan Freeman who also is against black history month. It is because we dont want to talk about Black history 1 month out of the year, and everyone elses history the rest of the year. we wanna talk about HUMAN HISTORY (all collors races religions etc) all the time.
2016-02-18 11:20:12 UTC
Only thing I don`t understand is why do the blacks always use the racist card to get them out of trouble. Why do we have black music awards and not white (racism?) there is, today, a lot of racism towards white people, the ethnic "minority" is no longer the majority and most blacks I have attempted to speak to always seem to have a chip on their shoulders about slavery, when the truth is blacks used blacks as slaves from the offset yet they still use that lame excuse. Racism is stupid but alas not many people see OR white.
2016-02-17 03:27:15 UTC
White people have culture, just because our culture doesn't involve tribes or tribal dancing or poverty or slaves doesn't mean we have no culture. I think questions like this are quite rude.
2016-02-18 09:48:41 UTC
White people do have culture
2016-02-29 20:25:35 UTC
CMT, Saint Patty's day, Rock, Oscars, Bush
2016-02-17 02:18:03 UTC
White power
2016-02-16 16:11:49 UTC
White European culture influenced by people such as Beethoven, Leonardo DiVinci, Vincent Van Gogh, etc... wasn't manufactured by rich racist white Jewish gangsters in control of media who order around celebs with Prince Hall Freemasons or Boule frat memberships to promote destructive behavior in media such as being a criminal thug is normal or that all blacks should think alike politically as progressive liberals. Everyday should be black history, not 1 month and by the definition of racism it is outright racist to have tv shows and a month to pander for 1 ethnicity. It's also ridiculous to ridicule whites for segregation in the past, while BET promotes segregation now. Plus it isn't just white people who hate BET but smart people like Aaron McGruder who created the Boondocks cartoon that insinuated BET viewers act like morons from being brainwashed.
2016-02-17 11:12:51 UTC
I WOULD HAVE TO SAY YES!!! everything about white culture ( if there is one) is stealing from others.

I cant see why people would be upset about BET. (im black)I don't even really watch it but its for a certain demographic. why would I be upset about that? there is a gay and lesbian channel . I don't watch that nor would I be offended by anything on that channel that I don't watch. JUST WHINNY WHINNY CRY BABIES
2016-02-16 10:02:42 UTC
Europeans have a lot of culture. There are entire communities in the US made up of Irish, Polish, Ukrainian and Italians that have their own foods and traditions and language. You must be very sheltered or naive to not know they exist here in America.
2016-02-17 17:20:42 UTC
I'd rather have intelligence than culture or style.
2016-02-16 08:49:14 UTC
No, whites are just happy to be white. They don't need a white history month or do they necessarily need or want hip-hop.
2016-02-18 14:49:35 UTC
So Shakespeare, John Donne, John Milton, The Brontes, Jane Austen.......then there's all the scientific inventions.......the UK is well known to have invented virtually everything in the old world and we are white.

Mo Univ Lec
2016-02-17 13:31:14 UTC
Yes that is so true. Caucasians are smarter because we don't have a tribal mentality or celebrate superstitious nonsense. Can you name five black individuals who have contributed to the sciences and exploration in the 19th century?
2016-02-16 19:15:09 UTC
Really dumb question.. What some think of some Blacks, has nothing to do with white culture from Europe and here for thousands of years.
2016-02-17 06:41:00 UTC
And the consensus for you in these comments is this: Blacks are worth nothing to anyone even when they do something. So don't do anything if you are black. No one will notice no matter what. You won't even notice yourself because you are black.
2016-02-16 12:25:01 UTC
Everyone comes from a culture. I am talking about established rules that govern a specific area of the World.
2016-02-16 20:09:16 UTC
White people do have cultures and they divide on Catholic vs Protestant vs Lutheran vs Jewish vs aethiesm vs blue collar vs white collar vs accent being New Yorkish vs southern drawl

And among where people are Irish Italian English German Swedish Swiss Czech Russian polish Ukrainian and more
Johnny Bench
2016-02-17 03:09:17 UTC
i don't know what faroe or icelandic culture is for you but i think there are plenty of white people at these two locations and i think that their culture is extensive, same for french, spanish, german, english, polish, danish, swedish culture oh and dont forget american and canadian culture, both of which involve white people
2016-02-17 02:16:14 UTC
We have culture, we just can't celebrate it because apparently its racist for white people to be proud of their heritage.
2016-02-16 16:59:44 UTC
I'm white and yes we are
2016-02-16 17:04:50 UTC
Damn you hit a nerve! You could have got up on the dinner table during Thanksgiving and taken a dump and gotten less of a reaction. This is worse than my mostly white Facebook page after the superbowl.
2016-02-16 11:55:59 UTC
eing over the value of being a human being. this is what is so bad about being racist, and the values which people uphold to support their racism.

historically, democracy and equality have only existed in the america for about two-hundred years. it inspired other countries to develop a democracy for the common man, as well, and the democratic process spread around the world. before then everyone has had slaves. it is a well establish cultural phenomena.slavery in the middle east has existed for over 6000-years. the middle eastern muslem introduced slavery to the americas and to england
2016-02-18 00:55:52 UTC
I'm not mad about anything
2016-02-16 13:09:54 UTC
White people have plenty of culture.Beyonce shaking her **** at the superbowl dressed like a whore is not culture.In fact everytime an african american asks for more at the benefits office they are using white culture,the language of Shakespeare and Chaucer.
2016-02-16 21:19:50 UTC
Because I do not agree with Obama politically that means I have no culture? What the hell are you talking about? You are about 52 cards short of a full deck.
2016-02-16 08:53:36 UTC
White is a color, not a race. There is no such thing as the 'white' race. Color coding human beings is racist and will invalidate your argument.
Linda R
2016-02-17 05:50:57 UTC
Seriously? White people have MORE culture than any other race and we have our own style.

A better question is; why did blacks complain about the Oscars and whites NEVER complained about the BET awards?
2016-02-16 21:17:09 UTC
I think white people feel as though the black community is using the "im black" excuse to obtain more benifits than whites. Blacks have their own history month, their own schools, and their own scholarships and etc... when has it gone too far? I am all for celebrating any holiday or historical event. I would celebrate anything LOL I love celebrations!
Cedric Wallace
2016-02-19 23:09:26 UTC
IDK? If by culture you mean the genre of music known as Hip-Hop, or as it's known in the white community, a Sprite commercial... then no, you can keep all the culture. IF you are to ever to get Strep throat... you can have that culture too! Hey Charlie Sheen... Thanks for WINNING, ALL THE TIME! You are not pathetic. I insust upon that... not pathetic!
2016-02-16 19:40:28 UTC
Blacks are the ones that don't have culture.
2016-02-17 00:42:00 UTC
There is a difference between race and culture, hon.

The white race is made up of multiple cultures (Italian, Irish, Greek, American, etc.) just as the black race is made up of many cultures (Kenyan, Jamaican, Egyptian, American, etc.).
2016-02-17 12:29:29 UTC
No. They're mad because they think that they're race is dying out.
Aqaba International Dive Center
2016-02-17 04:15:27 UTC
In many areas culture is a kind of slaverychain .

Your culture is your own choice , to be a sivilized , savage or may be

dictated by others .
2016-02-17 04:12:06 UTC
Why are brain dead people like you allowed to ask such stupid question on Y/A?

America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Second, No people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the black community into the mainstream.

Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?

Blacks talk about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona, and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for "deserving' white kids"...?

Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for blacks are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the black community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Are you aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Are you aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

Sorry, blacks, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.
2016-02-16 11:27:17 UTC
Don't make sweeping generalizations about them. That will make you just as bad as they are.
2016-02-16 13:32:42 UTC
First of all, Obama isn't black. Second of all, I could care less about being white. Only liberal democrats CARE about race.

Oh and Beyonce is a fuking whore. She can shove a broom up her stupid, ******* black *** and pu$$y. **** God damn black history month and every other month.

Where the *** is my America European history month. You know, those God dmn white people that built this ***** country. YA WHITE PEOPLE YOU DUMBARSES. **** yourselves you ****** liberals and go to hell!! **** Bernie Sanders too!
2016-02-16 08:24:35 UTC
Lol North America is a combination of a bunch of different cultures. You have clearly never been to Europe either. "White people have no culture" lol yes they do, you're living in it. Dumbass.
2016-02-19 04:03:25 UTC
There is a white culture. Its just the default culture so its boring.
2016-02-17 02:41:25 UTC
Mad because shared wealth and wages. Look around not all people have houses. Not all people have and own a car. Think about that.
2016-02-17 13:05:58 UTC
Yes. They are angry because blacks don't want to integrate with their sh!tty culture.
Mao Bidden
2016-02-16 08:23:50 UTC

Every white culture has it's own style. LOL
2016-02-17 05:52:06 UTC
There is no such thing as "black culture". Black is a skin color belonging to a diverse range of cultures and ethnicities. Maybe there is a black-American culture which is completely distinct from Black Brazilian or Black Nigerian or black Sudanese or Black South African etc etc etc.
2016-02-17 07:50:24 UTC
Talk about cultural appropriation, the blacks take the cake. They dress in European clothing, they do their hair in European styles, etc., etc,. If they want to be true to their background, they should dress in African clothing and wear rings on their neck and plates in their lips. They are the biggest cultural appropriators out there.
2016-02-16 20:16:51 UTC
"White" people come from several different ethnicities just as "Black" people do. Some predominately white ethnicities might be, Irish, Scottish, English, French, Dutch, Swedish ETC. Black dthnicites might be, Somallian, Kenyan, South African, Ethiopian ETC.
2016-02-16 11:33:05 UTC
Why does it have to be white/black I think NONE of us are entitled..... We all bleed the same if you or your child need a vital organ to live are gonna refuse it BC of the skin color of the person who donates it? Some folks just need something to talk or complain about. It makes the rest of look bad.... Skin is just a color people we r all the same on the inside.
Orla C
2016-02-17 14:47:06 UTC
As a white woman from Ireland, I am in convulsions of laughter at this asinine and incredibly naive question.
2016-02-16 19:46:02 UTC
Culture is not good anyway. So why bother. Manners is better than culture, money is better than culture. Privilege, style, lifestyle and how hobbies are better than culture. Freedom is better than culture.
2016-02-18 07:46:35 UTC
2016-02-17 00:15:36 UTC
Doug Freyburger
2016-02-18 15:10:34 UTC
Have you ever heard of "western civilization" or "republics"? How about "equal treatment" or "great big empires taking over other parts of the world"? I'm not saying all of our culture is wonderful, but we have plenty of it.
2016-02-16 19:12:50 UTC
The white people who live in the southeast see black people more often than in other parts of the country, so naturally neither race gets along.
2016-02-16 19:30:23 UTC
Yeah, that is exactly why. Brilliant. Not having culture instills rage in races and cultures. lool
2016-02-21 09:05:23 UTC
Yep. They sure are! Im white but I think white people should stop complaining about stuff like that and not be racist.
2016-02-17 06:51:57 UTC
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-16 12:12:51 UTC
Oh, we have our own "style"; It just doesn't include looting, robbing, killing, etc..If it wasn't for MY ancestors, there wouldn't be any Blacks in this country !
2016-02-16 18:48:43 UTC
Every race has a culture or life would be broing
2016-02-17 17:11:08 UTC
I descend from Brazilian & English heritage (All my ancestors from brazil came from Spain & Portugal), and we have a lot of traditions to do with our culture.. so what are you talking about?
NewYork Prepper
2016-02-17 02:40:25 UTC
No we are mad because our culture involves the murdering of indigenous people, slavery and excessive tomfoolery.
2016-02-17 10:55:27 UTC
My Greek relatives would run you out of the Acropolis for that comment, the Italians would shout you down from the Colloseum, the Jews would argue that point from the Temple courtyard,
2016-02-16 11:32:38 UTC
slavery isn't a culture lol
2016-02-16 08:29:03 UTC
Every one has a culture, no matter what their race
2016-02-16 20:50:13 UTC
No, but black people are mad because they aren't attratcive
2016-02-16 19:43:27 UTC
Now the only gift musically the Black community offered up

was their combined interest and ability to play Jazz music.
2016-02-17 11:43:43 UTC
irish dancing is white culture well irish culture but most irsh people are white
2016-02-17 06:03:57 UTC
White people do have culture. this is a very niave question.
2016-02-17 11:02:14 UTC
If you live in the U.S. the entire environment you live in represents white culture. Who do you think created it, space aliens?
Jason X
2016-02-17 11:02:01 UTC
What is Black culture?

Are you insinuating a race is behind the culture?
2016-02-17 03:44:17 UTC
Lot of non whites listen to goth, punk and metal

whislt a lot of whites follow hip hop scene.

this question would make no sense to them lol
2016-02-16 17:06:20 UTC
They are mad because their culture is fading away.
2016-02-17 00:19:42 UTC
Honestly I look white but am not I am Native American but again u could be half black and look white or half white but look back
2016-02-17 19:07:24 UTC
Yes they do they just go in invade people of color countries and kill them and steal their culture.
2016-02-17 04:00:07 UTC
No, you see instead of running around the streets rioting like a bunch of monkeys, we are to civilized and have things called jobs dumb ****
2016-02-16 09:13:47 UTC
Whites used to have culture, but the Zionists said that it was racist, so they stopped.
2016-02-17 09:16:29 UTC
Yes, they are. All they have is losers like Beethoven and Shakespeare instead of rap music.
2016-02-16 10:34:02 UTC
the culturally ignorant person in your life,,the foremost & first one you see each morning,is who you see in the mirror,,you are lo info,liberally educated,skull filled with cow doodoo,ever heard of beethoven?

schuman?,,berlioz?,gershwin?,frederic chopin?,kathleen battle?

missa luba?,,misa criolla,argentine folk?,try something to peruse besides tmz,,read a book,any book would be a good start mr lo info
2016-02-17 09:00:57 UTC
yeah some of them are. if black and latino people can get special scholarships for college, then what about poor white males who basically get excluded? sounds a bit racist to me.
2016-02-18 16:09:27 UTC
No, they take everyone else's.
2016-02-16 09:00:40 UTC
2016-02-17 01:07:41 UTC
Congratulations, for posting the most inane and loaded question of the day you win a free picture!
Steven Ewing
2016-02-16 20:04:00 UTC
here's an example of black culture, why don't you go celebrate the clans of nigeria............
2016-02-17 15:20:19 UTC
Are you just mad TAYLOR SWIFT WON A GRAMMY!? #gotaylor

2016-02-17 21:33:45 UTC
Lmao, says the n!ggers whose culture is riding around in cars smoking and drinking shooting up his "fellow *******"
2016-02-17 17:32:58 UTC
aww, isnt that cute...another black racist animal in denial over the fact that western civilization itself and everything it white culture.

go on animal.... use MY language to express your "culture"
2016-02-17 12:03:12 UTC
2016-02-16 20:13:51 UTC
we created culture
2016-02-16 23:06:09 UTC
I have my own style and culture, thank you very much.
2016-02-17 04:44:29 UTC
2016-02-17 00:14:06 UTC
We are the dominant culture you fcuktard
Jeff D
2016-02-16 08:24:41 UTC
You need to work harder on your trolling skills. They're atrocious.
2016-02-17 23:55:50 UTC
European culture
2016-02-16 19:36:41 UTC
Education is the key for the uninformed
Police Cop
2016-02-17 04:03:31 UTC
no. we are mad that you STOLE our culture.
2016-02-18 19:02:23 UTC
I know they have NOOO culturec
2016-02-17 07:28:49 UTC
Nope. Could care less. lol how gay
2016-02-16 13:43:04 UTC
2016-02-18 16:27:23 UTC
2016-02-16 16:06:24 UTC
I'll give blacks one month and whites will take the other eleven....................
2016-02-17 12:42:29 UTC
? do you like my style
2016-02-17 00:41:50 UTC
Found the sjw
2016-02-17 03:47:59 UTC
2016-02-17 06:50:08 UTC
I do not know
2016-02-17 05:55:43 UTC
2016-02-17 02:14:31 UTC
2016-02-16 19:14:35 UTC
2016-02-16 08:24:36 UTC
Yes they are and it is so hilarious.
2016-02-17 00:16:09 UTC
2016-02-16 09:37:53 UTC
Troller!!!!!!!!!!!!. We do have culture jackass
2016-02-17 07:14:22 UTC
all are equal
2016-02-17 20:49:16 UTC
not all
2016-02-17 07:49:55 UTC
not sure.
2016-02-19 06:42:04 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.