2012-07-16 11:59:24 UTC
i don't got hate towards arabs. and i love jews. not just because morocco has a large Jewish population but i got no hate toward other religions or race.
now you might be thinking that i'm over reacting.but i did the research morocco was conquered by arabs in the 8th century and. the arabs returned to their county Saudi Arabia because they reached their goal of spreading Islam and they reached the end of the continent Africa and they even got a large part of Portugal and Spain.so now the arabs have returned to their home country Saudi Arabia.
now morocco is being conquered by Portugal. after Portugal now its roman empire. and after the roman empire its the German tribes. after that its France and Spain and the Greeks .lets not forgot all the Jews that are in morocco. and so i guess what im saying is that is the Moroccan DNA is way closer to south european people then the Arabs. its been said that Moroccans have about 10-20& Arabic DNA maybe even 5% or less. hard to say.
and don't you hate that america considers morocco to be the middle east when its ******* Africa not Asia. but people of their opinions.
so my question is what do think of when you hear the word morocco. and what do think bout Moroccan people do you think they look Arabic. and why do you think that people think of morocco to be an Arabian country. and plus who don't even speak the real Arabic our Arabic has France Spain Portuguese italic and English in it.
i'm personaly half black and half white my parents are both 100% Moroccan