Why did these people just randomly say "Look, an Asian!" to me?
2008-10-04 15:05:41 UTC
Well, I will tell the story first...

So Friday, I was minding my own business, getting out of the restroom and washing my hands, and going back to my lunch table. Then all of a sudden, a group of like 5 or 6 people come up and walk past me, and they say "Look an Asian!" So I am like, okay? Then I go to my lunch table [I'm in High School btw] and talk about what happened, then my cousin said those guys came up to him one time and showed him some Yu-gi-oh card, they said "Hey look, check out my Yu-gi-oh card!" then he got pissed and threw it on the ground, he was gonna rip it but decided not too, then his older sister, she said that those guys are losers, because they asked her what her favorite pokemon was, so yeah, then my brother told me [at home] that they threw a bunch of Pokemon cards in his friends locker, and his friend [who's also Asian] got pissed and started yelling at them. Well, I have noticed that they go up to Asians and start showing us Anime or Asian stuff like that, why are these idiots doing this? do they really have no life?

We are also not Japanese, I live in a location where mostly Hmongs are, and those people who came up to us was Caucasian.

So why do people do this to Asians or w/e?
IDK <_<
High School these days, shiz talkers.. *Sigh*

Have any other Asians experienced this?
25 answers:
angelica marie
2008-10-04 15:36:22 UTC
that hasnt happened to me yet, well maybe in a joke it has.

these "caucasians" are mindless drones, that don't have a life,

dont let them offend you.

the whole yu-gi-oh and anime, pokemon stuff are just things they've seen sterotypical asians do, you know youtube- these days.

not all asians, like yu-gi-oh and pokemon!

there are white people that do too.

buut idk,

im asian- not japense, or hmong. but where I live there aren't that many asians, and because of that you always get noticed (black hair, asian features, ye know?)

so bottom line, don't let these white people get to you..

everyone has a little asian in them..



they have "asian" in there, hahah..

(yeah corny I know)

weeeeell, thats all i have to say,

this didnt really answer your question- buut whatever! (:

asiaan pride, man.
2008-10-05 02:30:48 UTC
Lotta caucasian people are affected by stereotypes from tv since they are small young naive dumb etc. and they either grow out of it or become racist's or idiots. These guys fall into the idiot almost racist category. I say that either ignore them or sue for harassment if this keeps happening.

Ps. ppl would call me caucasian, I am and I'm European and I demand that people notice that, and those who have to stop treating me like frigging Hitler or the plague or something, do they not understand that if it wasn't for Europe that Columbus would not have come this way discoverd America and many of them would not be born. Jeez

Sorry for the rant they're just idiots pay no mind unless it happens more than 3-4 times to you then suue for harrasment it could probably work.
2008-10-05 02:34:56 UTC
Classic amongst the classic dear friend, actually you are new to them and the best way to get your attention as you seem to not care about them is to do this since they are unable to become friends with you, what will their friends say, he is being with an Asian?! In fact they wanna speak with you do more stuff bu instead of being normal humans they are what you call Jealous!

The best way is to just ignore them in time they will think they are lame and stop it but if not try reporting them to the proper persons as some n00bs are a bit too n00bish!
2008-10-04 22:15:10 UTC
Hmm sounds like a bunch of ignorance to me. Believe me...I'm not asian but people have asked me if I have worn lederhosen before b/c of my german heritage. People, overall, are just dumb and like to hurt others so just ignore them. They're obviously idiots. I highly doubt it's the fact they have never seen an asian before....

Personally I'd ignore but if it continues I'd talk to a teacher for harassment. Because if you point and go "Om Em Gee a honky!" You'd probably get in more trouble than they would. X3

Goodluck with this annoying problem. x_x
♥ Smileygal =) ♥
2008-10-04 22:41:21 UTC
people do stuff like that because there frinkin *** holes.

i'm white but im Jewish and when i do into the town over who is manly a Catholic town (i live in mainly jewish town) they would say something like look a cheap jew or one time i was at the mall with my friend from the catholic town, she had her school friends with her and they said lets throw down this 20 dollar bill and see whose Jewish.

hey if anyone saw 20 dollars they would take it.

then later i saw a heads up penny on the ground and i'm like ow look a penny (its good luck) and there like yep shes defiantly jewish.

and at there school they trow there change at the jewish kids.

Oh n btw my friend (who is asian) picks on another asian. they all pick on each other for being asian lol but as a joke of course.
Mr. Smiley
2008-10-05 15:08:28 UTC
At my school there is very few asians, so everyone makes fun of us, a lot of people always tell me I'll never please a woman because I'm small or they tell me to go pick rice and make them some rice, one time I got rocks thrown at me just for being asian.....I don't really care if they harass as me just as long as it's not my friends
2008-10-05 00:14:33 UTC
wow those people are retards

i've never really seen any one hate on asians for no reason, people use to say stupid things to me and my friends for liking anime but never anything like that.

keep in mind that these jerk offs think their being cool when in reality they're a bunch of insecure douche bags who need to grow up. ignore them and if they keep messing with you go tell a counselor or something
黒い狼 (black wolf)
2008-10-05 01:53:51 UTC
You have two homes? You should give me one! :D

Btw, I'm gonna start calling you a cheese head b/c of the wisconson thing XD jk

but anyway, it's b/c they are stereotyping you, because they are ignorant. If I was you I would report it to the principal as a 'hate crime' or something of that nature and get them suspended, or at least teach them a lesson. People like that really make me unproud to be white.
Tri - Edge
2008-10-05 01:30:50 UTC
It can be shocking for people to see Asians... *walks towards a mirror*

*looks* O_O

O M G!!! an Asian!!! *throws pokeball at mirror* *mirror breaks* T_T that's 7 years of bad luck...

anyway just ignore them man, i don't wanna sound conceited but Asians are known for their talent and smarts and as much as others would like to deny it, they're jealous. there are those who can't help but be jealous of Asians.
2008-10-04 22:22:44 UTC
yeah they do

they go like "eat some rice to me"

they were mexican though - so something aint right

think about it- dont mexicans eat rice too?

and yeah you should had said

hey look "a hill billy"

if they are white

MExican- that guy i saw home depot

black- didnt i saw u cooking some fried chicken?

or you can band togheter with your asian friends and fight back just like they did back in the 1980s
2008-10-04 22:15:28 UTC
where do you live at ?? people do say "look an asian" randomly in a joking way [at least i hope so] but they never did that cruel things. just ignore them or give them a taste of their own medicine.

edit: oh, i live in california, but there's racism there too. not much in high school though. more in elementary and middle school
2008-10-05 04:36:32 UTC
well..I am Asian but I grew up with a lot of different cultures..

when other girls say something rude, gossip, or wear derogatory clothing, no one cares

but if I wear tight jeans or say something rude people are shocked.

This one girl told me when I said something rude about a guy that, "whoa you're Asian, people think Asians are friendly you can't do that"
2008-10-05 01:08:18 UTC
ok, for the record, not all of us caucasions are like that, i am not.

maybe those people just hold a grudge or never grown up.

they act stupid and immature around their friends giving you a hard time, it's not only asians, it's because you are different.

they should try and grow up then
2008-10-05 22:46:32 UTC
people point them out cuz they look/act differently than the way the people of their environment act/look. i hate people who do that, and im not even Asian -_- .

but just a hint of advice: try to just ignore it, but if it goes out of control and happens more and more, just tell them to shut up and say whats the difference between me and you(cuz in my opinion, there IS no difference).
Black Winged Assassin
2008-10-05 01:44:24 UTC
This is harassment, and they're teasing you about being Asians who love anime. I think they have no life whatsoever. They just want to do something, and they're bored.

People like those who teased you and your family are just miserable and they have no life whatsoever.
2008-10-04 22:56:09 UTC
interesting. at least high school will be over soon and you can leave those idiots behind. (sigh) its these kind of things that make me scared of starting high school next year. i mean, im white and im an anime freak too. :p
Yamanka™ [StraightTalk Express]
2008-10-05 02:40:38 UTC
Wisconson has the best band in college football!


And they probably said it because they're weird.
2008-10-04 22:15:29 UTC
There shallow, confused, racist people everywhere, I'm sorry you experienced that. See it as a way to make you a stronger person.
2008-10-05 04:13:55 UTC
Because they're insensitive, unintelligent, startlingly ignorant and simply don't have any lives. Just ignore them.

sorry that happened to you! :(
2008-10-04 22:33:09 UTC
thats just plain rude >_<

they're just trying to make u mad,if i were u just ignore them.they're just being immature

yeah they dont have lives,either that or they're jealous of u.
shadow™ is also coming back
2008-10-04 22:07:49 UTC
i'm with sipi!

*throws rice ball at chu*

real answer: yeah yeah that's happened before >.>

at least when u guys got mad they didn't start mocking scaredness & went "oooh she's gonna karate chop me now" blah blah blah

assholes >.>

people do that cuz they're idiots
2008-10-04 22:06:30 UTC
look asian!

let's throw rice at him!

me first!

thumbs up!

ps i'm asian so i'd be thankful that people are giving me free rice! =.{D

ps my fave pokemon is totodile for the record
2008-10-05 09:17:02 UTC

read that and be glad you're not an asian guy...

this world is fcked
Jade Lupin
2008-10-04 22:11:39 UTC
ahh, dear friend, the world really is full of idiots, isn't it?
2008-10-04 22:14:44 UTC
they are so stupid...tsk tsk tsk...

take my word for it...when those people finish highschool...they wont be doign so well...

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