So American Lovers are seen as too rough? Is this true?!?
2009-10-01 12:55:42 UTC

According to this, not only are Germans really smelly, and English very lazy (which i think is probably accurate lol), but they seem to put us Americans as too rough at love making.

I don't know but i have the impression that women who rate the Spaniards and Brazilians so high do so because they most often than others will go down on girls, and they'll be more about the exotic love-making, while us Americans want to get to the point eventually and even if we do go down on girls we don't stay there the whole night.

What do you ladies from across the globe think? What do you Am. girls think? Is it true that us American men are "too rough"? What does that even mean to you?
Seven answers:
2009-10-01 13:10:26 UTC
First of all, YUCK to Training Day

Some women like it a little bit rough, but not all the time. I've heard things about men in other countries being better in bed, but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that they're different, and "foreign"..

And you know what, honey, I know that I don't necessarily want a guy to be "down there the whole night" but a little bit of SOMETHING before you just "get to the point" is something to think about...

Sounds to me that the actual point is that men from other countries probably want to PLEASE the women they're with... not just get to the point :)
2016-11-05 04:58:41 UTC
i'm a retired Air tension Pilot, so i could properly be impartial whilst it comprises your assertion. you're crammed with it. for the time of the Vietnam war the Marines might do something and each little thing to help a downed pilot, no be counted what service that pilot grow to be in. they might proceed this project as long because it took, whether instructed to call it off. The are the opt for few who get to stay with the sand fleas at LaJune.they're the few people I knew on an identical time as on energetic accountability that i could desire to stroll as much as and say could desire to you babysit my 2 daughters for a week on an identical time as my spouse and that i pass on a visit. I did this and in an prolonged time I did this for him and his spouse. they're the toughest working, toughest enjoying, nicest people I ever met. they're expected to be the 1st one in, which they do with satisfaction and with excellence. Rant all you like approximately devil and M16s. The Marines deserve my salute, recent, previous, and destiny Marines. via how the right thank you to end a assertion appropriate to the Marines is Semper Fi. And boy are they.
2009-10-01 13:14:09 UTC
where the **** do you get that from??? in brazilian culture going down on a girl is still considered taboo. the reason they rate them up high is because exotic fetishism and its stereotypes have warped their minds. thats all it is.
Superior IQ
2009-10-01 12:59:56 UTC
The minority and some white couples are known as rough.
2009-10-01 13:06:32 UTC
I think I need to move to Spain or Brazil.
2009-10-01 13:01:39 UTC
american women like it rough. what do you expect ? american women like to be saddled and ridden off into the sunset. they loveeeeee it they lovee ittttttttt JUNGLE FEVER
2009-10-01 13:09:11 UTC

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