Why do Blacks directly from Africa Hate African Americans within the U.S?
2007-06-03 18:37:23 UTC
I commonly hear Blacks from Nigeria and Parts of African who enter the U.S. talk bad about African Americans within the U.S. They feel that they make blacks look bad and cause problems. Also 1st generation Blacks from these counteries never seem to be plaqued with all the problems of the black community.
Thirteen answers:
2007-06-06 20:03:15 UTC

Fact #1)

There is *no such thing* as a singular, homogenous

black "community” –but rather -- there are many

different varieties of “communities” which are

labeled as being “black (and there are a

great deal of diversity of opinions and

types of people live within them).

Fact #2)

The 'African-American' (AA) 'Ethnic' group is *not* the

same group as the ’Black American' (BA) 'Race' group --

that the two (2) terms are *not* synonymous and that the

two (2) terms should *not* be used inter-changeably.

We are *not* speaking of ‘semantics’ here – but rather

– the BAs & AAs are two different groups of people.

The AAs are the (largely Mixed-Race) ETHNIC group.

The BAs are the (Mono-Raced) RACE group.

As confusing as it seems -- the U.S. government

[due to racism & wanting to stigmatize the part

of their lineage that was from Africa which, by

the way, is only one part of their lineage] ---

has labeled those individuals who are the known

"descendents of the survivors" of the system of

chattel-slavery found in the USA as being AAs

(the hyphen is used in reference to acknowledging

the fact that most of them are Mixed-Race,

with African & non-African blood lines)


has labeled those people who are "volitional immigrants"

who are directly from places such as the continent of

African, the West Indies, etc. -- as being BAs

(with the word 'Black' used in reference to acknowledging

the fact that they are of a Mono-racial full-Black lineage).

In addition, it should also be remembered that – although

some AAs adhere to a socio-political ‘identity’ that is

often described by the slang term of “black”—the AAs

are actually *not* a "Race" group at all -- but rather

they *are* a largely Mixed-Race 'Ethnic' group

(and the socio-political ‘identity’ that a person chooses

*does not* change their racially-mixed ancestral lineage).

Most (+70%) of the people born to two (2) parents who

are of the AA ‘Ethnic’ group are are of a Multi-Racially

‘Mixed’ (MGM) lineage – while the people to two (2)

parents who are of the BA ‘Racial’ group – on the

other hand – are of a Mono-Racially ‘Black’ lineage.

There is a big difference between a largely Multi-racial

'Ethnic' group and between a Mono-racial 'Race group.

In addition, there is also a big difference between

one's socio-political 'identity' (ex. "black") and

one's ancestral racial 'lineage' (ex. 'Mixed').

Just because a person adheres to a given

socio-political 'identity' does *not* change

the composition of their ancestral 'lineage'.

Also -- the 'One-Drop' Rule (the false teaching that

'any amount' of Black ancestral lineage make a

person "full black") is nothing more than pure-racism.

The racist 'One-Drop Rule' (used only by the United

States government, by the way) was created during

the antebellum, chattel-slavery era by White racial

supremacist in order to get people to believe the false

racist myth that the so-called White "race" was "pure"

and to falsely view the Black "racial" admixture

(even the slightest amount) within someone's

ancestral lineage as being "tainted".

To embrace the 'One-Drop Rule' is the equivalent of BOTH

embracing "racism" and embracing the false teaching

that a Mixed-Race person's Black lineage is "tainted".

My advice is that a non-Racist should *not* embrace

the concept of the 'One-Drop Rule' -- as "Black blood"

is *not* "tainted" -- and should never be perceived

or embraced as being so (not even in the

name of so-called "pride" and "unity").

In addition, legally-speaking, attempted forcible

application of the racist 'One-Drop Rule' -- against

any individual or group -- was made illegal and ruled

as unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court

in 1967 via the case of 'Loving vs. The State of Virginia'.

Through the 'Loving vs. Virginia' case, the U.S.

Supreme Court, ruled against both all of the laws

banning Interracial marriage -- and -- also ruled

that any so-called law which forcibly applied the

'One Drop Rule' -- was racist, discriminatory,

illegal, unconstitutional, and non-enforcible.

Related Links:

------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------

--- Dr. Luigi Caveli-Sforza, who is the Executive

Director of the Human Genome Project and the

world's foremost authority on human genetics

has both tested and proven that more that 70%

of all AAs have a full ancestral lineage which

consists of +20-30% White / European and

more than +25% Amerindian bloodlines.

--- That means that the 'average' (+70%) person

born to two (2) parents who are both members

of the AA Ethnic group actually has slightly

less than 50% Black / African blood lineage

found in his or her full-ancestral lineage.

For more information -- see supporting links listed below:

--------------------------- ADDED NOTE ---------------------

It should also be noted that -- contrary to popular belief and

myth spread among many groups who are not educated or

informed on the whole topic -- it was not the group that is

currently being referred to as being the African-Americans

(AAs) -- who chose this term for them -- but rather --

like so many of the other terms used to describe

them -- this term was also implemented by

the United States federal government

(starting with the 1990 United

States 'Census Bureau' Forms).

If a person insists on spreading the 'myth' that it was the

AAs who chose this term for themselves -- it is clearly

indicative of the fact that they have never even once

actually studied the entire topic and are simply basing

their comments on assumption-based ignorance --

rather than objective facts and empirical evidence.

2007-06-04 05:22:51 UTC
Its ironic really because African Americans are ashamed of Africans for failed condition of Africa and Africans are supposeably ashamed of us for not taking advantage of opportunities in America. Little do they know we are all Americans now.

We should also realize when we compare the 2 groups that Nigerians selected to come to the U.S. tend to be the best and brightest from that continent. Immigrants in general tends to out perform the natives of the country regardless of race. Just as a smart African American would likely out perform much of the general population in Nigeria. So it goes both ways.
2007-06-04 04:08:20 UTC
Well, in my experience that's not the case. Most of the Africans I know have formed their own little community within the "black community". Also, foreigners in general tend to hate Americans, period, they don't care what race we are.
2007-06-04 07:20:28 UTC
I am Nigerian and I dont find myself hating African Americans or any ethnicities for that matter, well except those stupid racists. TO IMPACT: I THINK IT IS VERY VERY STUPID AND RIDICULOUS to say a smart african american would outperform the general population in nigeria. LETS NOT GO THERE.
2007-06-04 14:15:21 UTC
Why do you only ask questions about black people? You ever thought of how American blacks are portrayed in the media. since anyone form another county would only get there information about America from the TV
2007-06-04 01:46:47 UTC
Blacks in the US are similar to other minority racial groups in the US and other countries - with racism, colonisation, discrimination and slavery in their history - and today are worse-off than the dominant ethnic groups (higher criminality rates, harsher sentences, poorer health, lower income, higher poverty rates).

Blacks in Africa don't have this comparison-with-whites thing. They are who they are, they are prime ministers/presidents of their countries, they are the majority. So comparing themselves with Blacks in the US makes them seem better. Maybe they blame US Blacks for all the negative things associated with African Americans.

Beyond all that - should we expect African's to understand African American's, and their lives? Both cultures are hugely different, and African American's are very 'white' in their values, religion, language etc compared to Africans.

EDIT - some of you have said that African's are ashamed of African Americans' lack of knowledge about Africa - they are not 'real' Africans, they couldn't survive in Africa. Do African American's want to find their 'roots' and get involved with learning about Africa and African values/traditions, and get involved in helping Africa? Many don't, I think - and maybe Africans see this and they view African Americans not as black or African, but as 'white'ish in ideals etc.
2007-06-04 01:45:57 UTC
A friend of mine, Chiti, from Kenya, said I do not like the term "african-american". Many could not survive in africa. They should be happy as they are, not as they feel they need to be.

He is currently in charge of marketing in a major corp.
2007-06-04 02:23:04 UTC
Suga shut up! Im african and im not jealous of u! Your grandma told u that light skin makes us jealous? i thought old ppl were wise! I dont hate african americans.
i tell it how it is!
2007-06-04 02:16:12 UTC
im black

from africa

and i don't hate african americans within the U.S.!
2007-06-04 01:44:07 UTC
I have also heard about this. I believe that they are disappointed at the lack of knowledge that some African Americans have about Africa and their roots.
2007-06-04 01:59:05 UTC
because they are exposed to the same images on TV that everybody else is. Of course is doesn't take them long to figure out that when a white person sees them, they see us.
2007-06-04 06:25:05 UTC
that's that old lie to seperate us. you can do better than this cant you?
Raven's Shadow
2007-06-04 02:00:08 UTC

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