Is it racist and wrong to dislike multiculturalism?
2009-12-30 09:20:02 UTC
I don't like it.I like people but would like to live in England...olde England that is.
Is it wrong to hate (c)rap 'music' that encourages disrespect of women and encourages bad language and guns & knives?
Tony Blair once said these views of England are unwelcome,and so I take it I'm unwelcome here by the new thinking.
Is it wrong to want an England fit for heroes & proper Brits who love their country and are builders of peace and trade?
When debating this I do expect views and abuse from some rather uncivilised/hate filled types but please try and at least answer the question fully in your answer.
21 answers:
2009-12-30 16:45:58 UTC
Depends how you're going about it mate. Everybody has the right to dislike something, it is called racial tolerance because you tolerate it! There are advantages and disadvantages. People who vote for the BNP for example, are not thinking about the boundless advantages that a multicultural society can bring them, e.g. who is going to drive them home when they themselves are too drunk to drive? Who will be the doctor who saves their life? Who will sell them fags and milk down the local corner shop?

You mentioned the disadvantages, which I happen to agree with in many respects. Music is just down to personal taste, but what you mentioned about olde England really struck a chord with me. I am from Coventry, and there is one street in particular here where back in the day, in pictures, you can see post offices, blacksmiths, wool shops, olde ale houses and pubs. The sort of thing I like. Staples of British culture if you will.

On that same street now, you have kebab houses, halal meat shops, polish supermarkets and one pub. This brings me to the major disadvantage of multiculturalism, if the change is too abrupt, people may begin to resent these immigrants who come here, in most part to make an honest living, live by our laws, and respect our place here. But they do bring a large part of their culture here too, in doing so, there is obviously going to be some friction.

What we need is a balance. Not the BNPs vitriolic, violent and amateurist 'get them out' attitude, and certainly not New Labours 'let everyone in to p i s s off middle England' policy, but something has to be done. So to answer your question, is it racist and wrong to dislike multiculturalism? Not really, what can anyone do? Force you to like it?

I will probably get a trillion and a half thumbs down for not immediately and unequivocally declaring racism in all its forms completely wrong (which it is), but think about it, all I am saying is multiculturalism has good points and bad points, and I don't think it is racist to say that this country has so many people in it, soon it may cease to function.
2016-10-06 04:12:50 UTC
this is not any longer racist, clannish or xenophobic. some sanctimonious, largehearted people will anticipate people to be tolerant of alternative cultures and invite them to mixture into their close by lifestyle. you notice, the concern is with the 'mixing' phenomenon. It in no way happens. Take the example of U.ok. If one ventures into Bethnal green, Birmingham, Leicester, Southall and such neighbourhoods, one will see a diverse view of a mutated uk. There are no longer any further white British populations, church homes and the folk do no longer seem, act or behave in a quintessentially British way. those immigrant populations have colonised uk, formed ghettos and have not observed close by regulations, customs and practices. as a substitute, they get their very own customs and traditions and anticipate the locals to make room for them - working occasion - Sharia regulation. It fragments the cultural fabrics and reasons tensions. people don't experience homogenous and the experience of patriotism declines subsequently, multi-culturalism is high quality as long with the aid of fact the immigrants are waiting to mixture into the British way of life. Else, it basically fragments the rustic.
2016-12-18 07:40:44 UTC
Cairo is the capital of Egypt and one of many greatest cities in Africa and the Middle East and a great place to see; discover more with hotelbye . On the Nile lake, Cairo is well-known for its record, maintained in the fantastic medieval Islamic city and Coptic web sites in Old Cairo. The Egyptian Museum in the heart of city is a must see, with its numerous Old Egyptian artefacts since no trip to Cairo could be total without a trip to the Giza Pyramids, and to the nearby Saqqara Pyramid Complex. In Cairo you will see: The Pyramid of Cheops (also called the Great Pyramid or Pyramid of Khufu), the biggest chart of the Giza class, and its interior of slim articles can be investigated, though there is not significantly to see, except an ordinary tomb step with an empty sarcophagus. Straight behind the Great Pyramid could be the Solar Vessel Museum, which features one of many ceremonial solar barques uncovered in the region that has been carefully restored to their original glory. More south on the plateau could be the Pyramid of Chephren (also referred to as the Pyramid of Khefre), that has an internal tunnel place that may be entered.
2009-12-30 09:39:10 UTC
It is not necessarily racist, though it is a view that is held by some racists. It is not necessarily wrong, but it is a view held by some who wish to subjugate those of other cultures. You have plenty of company from other decent people, for example:

Personally, I don't see any reason why we should accept as proper " ... (c)rap 'music' that encourages disrespect of women and encourages bad language and guns & knives...", or allow within our borders practices that make women less than first-class citizens. We do, though, and views such as yours are not "PC". I say, who cares what is "PC" and what isn't?

But surely we should accept and treat those of other cultures with the same decency and respect that we give to those of our own culture, until and unless they violate that acceptance by their misbehaviour.
2009-12-30 09:33:05 UTC
Multiculturalism is great, as a global ideal. But multiculturalism in a single country? I mean, should the Australian aborigines have to have McDonalds all over the outback b/c they have to respect American culture? Sort of like how American towns are now all the same. There's no flavor to any town that isn't exactly like every other town. As for 'racist', no b/c a culture is not a race. As for multiculturalism as practiced today, it's a veil for Islamonaziism, the eradication of all other religions and cultures except Islam. Modern 'liberals' are often just Nazis pretending to be hippies. I am a liberal. I know how we think and I see this tumor growing inside us. I support gay rights. I am a fan of everyone getting along. But Islam, and if I'm not mistaken, Islam is the problem that plagues England, is not multiculturalism but MONOculturalism. Best of luck with England.
2009-12-30 09:32:30 UTC
I also dislike the idea of multiculturalism because it only creates division and alienation but for you to believe other cultures are all just gangsta rap and violent crime is nonsense open your eyes.

In my area English culture still exists the language may not be heard much in public but we still have pubs, football, fish and chip shops, black cabs etc. The multiculturalism in my area is mostly made up of Afro Caribbean, Turkish, Kurdish, West African, Eastern Europeans, Orthodox Jews and South Asian influences. You see it in the shops, clothing, religion and languages etc and it is not imposed on anyone. I do come from a notoriously crime ridden area too it always has been prior to multiculturalism its the east end. Today many youths are simply looking for something to relate to and many here think they can relate to that whole ghetto lifestyle which they see on TV from America. That has nothing to do with multiculturalism.
2009-12-30 13:03:18 UTC
The newly invented word "Multiculturalism" was a trick by immigration fanatics to import Africa and Islam into our country and make us feel guilty if we object.

Of course it is NOT "racist" "to dislike multiculturalism it is traditional real British patriotism." Racist" is another word used by the same immigration fanatics to steal our nationality. I have news for the immigration fanatics, I and millions of other real British are anti immigration fanatics, we do not want it, we never needed it, it was done in secret, nobody voted for it, and enough immigrants will make our old country like the loser countries they escaped from

Immigration has brought black magic,greatly increased crime, suicide bombers, forced marriages, racial tension, killers such as the killers of Kriss Donald, threats to "behead us" for cartoons which are a normal part of our freedom of expression, higher property prices, it has made London look like a Cairo-African style city and the BBC's non European staff amaze foreign visitors.
2009-12-30 12:26:47 UTC
NO it is not! I would prefer Britain as it was in the 1950's early 60's. No knife crime no racial issues, no Islamic much more genteel!!(if that's a word). The multi culture that has been imposed on us does not work. Like with like works best. Not that I have anything against other colours,cultures etc.. but in their own countries. When I went abroad I would adhere to their ways but now in our own country we must comply with everyone else for fear of offending.
2009-12-30 12:19:31 UTC
Not at all.

It seems that only the west is expected to be multicultural. You don't see "EnglandTowns" in other countries like you do with the Chinese. You don't see a sizeable white presence in countries like Pakistan, India, etc, demanding Christian Law (like the muslims over here wanting Sharia), and running around showing signs saying "Death to those who insult Christianity".

Funny old world eh, yet we let them get away with murder here.
2009-12-30 14:48:48 UTC
dude,multiculturalism is a liberal creation to weaken the foundation of a nation so they can jam a new program down your matter where you live ,stick to your roots and the concepts that made your country great.the progressives(worldwide,UN) are in the process of creating a one world government ruled by them for immigration is good,however,the new immigrants must assimilate into the culture they special privileges,no bullshit,assimilate or do not come here !the uk is almost gone,your gov. is lying !
2009-12-30 09:28:26 UTC
I tend to agree with you and find the vast majority of older persons who knew the olde worlde England feel the same , like you I get lots of thumbs down if criricising the current state of affairs i
2009-12-30 09:39:52 UTC
It is not racist to dislike multi race culture

And you are totally right to want to live in your own country, surrounded by your own people.

Tony blair is an arsehole who only hoped to get more votes by those immigrants. All politicians do.

More votes equal stay in power, equal more tax income, equal more money in their pockets.

I am also completely against some inter racial unions.
2009-12-30 09:30:14 UTC
You have the choice to not listen to that music and to associate with the people you chose. I do think that picking a style of music and assuming all people of one culture have that attitude you describe. I also know that disrespect of woman has been in existence for a much longer time that rap music has been in England. Guns and knives were also invented long before rap music and were in the old England that you desperately want. What many fail to realize is that multiculturalism is not the problem, it is class. Sure, the wealthy commit crimes, but it is more prominent in poor areas. Also, as the population increases, but jobs, housing are less available, the olden days grow farther away.
2009-12-30 09:26:48 UTC
No, but people would like to have you think it was, feel proud to be White British,
2009-12-30 09:27:50 UTC
No - you can stick to what you like

But you can't avoid the fact that the world is not all one race or culture. So might as well get used to it instead of pretending you can just shut it out
Harvey Pooka
2009-12-30 09:27:03 UTC
Multiculturalism and diversity is wrong. Look a China. It is a homogeneous nation that rapidly gaining power. While nation like ours, UK and US, are failing. We need to make some real change.
2009-12-30 09:39:08 UTC
Yes, it is racist because the idea behind the opposition to multiculturism is to harm the rights of non-white minorities. If you think multiculturism is bad, what are your forces doing in Iraq and Afghanistan? There not your regions to plunder. If multiculturism is bad, shouldn't people of european descent in North America, south africa and australia return to europe? These regions never belonged to europe in the first place.

As a briton of pakistani descent I am happy that the anglo saxon race will genetically disintegrate with the infusion of 'racial integrating mad' afro-carribean men.
2009-12-30 09:26:45 UTC
I don't care what it is. I dislike multiculturalism.
2009-12-30 09:36:55 UTC
kkk meeting in 10 mins
2009-12-30 09:28:27 UTC
No racist but why wouldn't you want multiculturalism?
12 lead ekg
2009-12-30 09:24:54 UTC
says the giro welfare collecting football hooligan looking pink man

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